in alphabetical order
Copyright © 2003-2004 Dr. Klaus Dierks
Gaerdes, Fritz
* 17.10.1892 at Vegesack, Germany
+ .1975 at Okahandja
First entry to Namibia: 1921
Fritz Gaerdes was born on 17.10.1892 at Vegesack near Bremen in Germany. He came to
Namibia in 1921 to visit his brother Jan at Okahandja, but stayed on until his death. As
from 1922, he taught at the German school in Okahandja. His particular achievements were,
however, found in his hobbies, in particular natural sciences. His profuse collecting
activities, in particular as an entomologist, earned him a name in scientific circles,
while his books and articles on popularised science subjects contributed to the education
of the public. He was also involved in the protection of monuments. In 1950 he was
nominated for the SWA Historical Monuments Commission, in which he served as a chairman
from 1961-1969, and also on the S.A. National Monuments Council. He was elected as
corresponding member of the SWA Scientific Society, and in 1952 the SWA Administrator
nominated him as member of the Hunting and Nature Conservation Council. His activities
also led to the establishment of a conservation area near Okahandja, which was
unfortunately later claimed as a military area by the South African Army. He also was
particularly active in the upgrading of the Okahandja Public Library, for which he served
as a secretary from 1954-1972 and which was named after him. In 1928 he married Anna Maria
Schlettwein. His daughter Annemarie, married Heywood, is a well-known university teacher
and historical writer. Gaerdes died in 1975 in Okahandja.
Gender: m
Field of activity: EDU NAT
Profession: Teacher
Married to: Anna Maria Gaerdes, née Schlettwein, married 1928
Children: Annemarie Gaerdes (married Heywood)
1). Basler Afrika Bibliographien: PA.1 * Findaid published
2). NAN: A.240 (Correspondence of Gaerdes with SWA Education Dept. 1921-1962; articles
written by Gaerdes)
3). National Museum of Namibia (Insect collection)
4). UNAM Library: Namibiana Collection (integrated)(Part of library)
Gaerdes, Jan
* 15.04.1889 at Vegesack, Germany
+ .1981 at Swakopmund
First entry to Namibia: 1913
Jan Gaerdes was born on 15.04.1889 in Vegesack near Bremen in Germany, in a family of
sailors and peasants, and was trained as a pharmacist. He came to Namibia in 1913, worked
as a farm assistant, and served as German soldier in Namibia in World War I. He worked in
many different odd jobs, building wells and dams, as a pharmacist, storekeeper, filming
assistant, etc; with firms such as Sam Cohen, CDM, OMEG, Northern Labour Organisation. He
farmed on Kalidona, which he leased in 1925 and finally bought in 1940. Gaerdes' love was
hunting and zoology, and he wrote a number of articles on the status of game in Namibia.
He died in 1981 at Swakopmund.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Pharmacist
1). Überseemuseum Bremen (Ethnographic collection)
2). NAN: A.440
Galton, Francis, Sir
* 16.02.1822 at Birmingham, England
+ 17.01.1911 at Haslemere, England
First entry to Namibia: 20.08.1850
Last departure from Namibia: 1852
Francis Galton was born on 16.02.1822 at Birmingham in the United Kingdom. He was a
British traveller and scientist from a wealthy family. His expedition, supported by the
Royal Geographic Society, reached Walvis Bay on 20 August 1850 and left in January 1852.
He was also the first European to visit what are now the copper mines at Tsumeb, and to
reach Ovamboland from the south. His published account of these travels came to be a key
source of information for his contemporaries, as well as for modern historians. He died on
17.01.1911 at Haslemere in England.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Scientist
RAW DATA: P. Reiner 1992:407; Lau 1985:V1255; Tabler 1973:42;
Gamble, S.A.
[Gamble, S.N.]
+ 02.1880
S.A. Gamble was a trader. He lived and traded at Nabauhauro on the Auob River from 1873,
and was shot by Gobabis Orlams ca. February 1880. He appears as a creditor to Moses
Witbooi and several Witboois in Hendrik Witbooi's "Debt Book", where the later
in 1889 took over old debts owed to Gamble from 1869.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Trader
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:43; Palgrave 1991;
Gaméb !Gaomab, Kai||khaun Captain (Red Nation)
+ .1814
Gaméb !Gaomab was the Captain of the Kai||khauan (Red Nation) from 1800 until 1814. He
was the seventh in the genealogy of the Kai||khaun. He was succeeded by Tsawúb Gamab
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Kai||khaun (Red Nation) - 1800-1814
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Gameb, Traugott
Teacher in Scheppmannsdorf, 1903.
Gender: m
Field of activity: EDU
RAW DATA: BRMG 1903:19;
Gamsu, Barnett
* 08.12.1900 in Russia
First entry to Namibia: 1921
Barnett Gamsu was born in Russia on 08.12.1900. He emigrated with his family to South
Africa in 1911. He came to Namibia in 1921 as representative for J.W. Jagger Co. He
founded his own wholesale business in 1939. He held the territorial chair of the
G.G.N.W.F. He was active in the Red Cross Society, the Windhoek Chamber of Commerce (which
he chaired) and a Member of the Windhoek Town Council. He also served as Deputy Mayor of
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Married to: Gertie Gamsu, née Isaacson, married 1929
Father: Joseph Gamsu
Children: David Gamsu (1935-)
Gamsu, David
* 29.06.1935 at Windhoek
David Gamsu was born on 29.06.1935 in Windhoek and educated in South Africa. He was a
businessman and Director of South West Wholesale.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Mother: Gertie Gamsu, née Isaacson
Father: Barnett Gamsu (1900-)
Namibia National Archives Database
Ganzkow, Joachim Roland
* 10.05.1929 at Stettin, Germany (now: Poland)
First entry to Namibia: 15.03.1962
Joachim Roland Ganzkow was born on 10.05.1929 at Stettin in Germany (now Poland) and
educated at the Wirtschaftshochschule in Hannover in Germany. He emigrated to South Africa
in 1952 and to Namibia in March 1962. He was director of various companies.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Father: Walter Ganzkow
!Gaob |Hanamab, Kai||khaun Captain (Red Nation)
+ .1800
The Nama Captain of the Kai||khaun (also called Red Nation), !Gaob
|Hanamab (1770-1800), was probably the sixth Chief on record of
this community. He was followed by Gaméb !Gaomab (1800-1814).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Captain - Kai||khaun (Red Nation) - 1770-1800
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:242; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
One of the Nama leaders who signed the Treaty of Hoachanas 1858.
Gender: m
Field of activity: TRA
RAW DATA: Lau: Andersson I;
Gariseb, Engelhardt
* .1945 at Otjimbingwe
+ 24.12.2002 in Namibia
Engelhardt Gariseb was born in 1945 at Otjimbingwe. He was a SWAPO activist in the
liberation struggle. He was the Mayor of Grootfontein from 199? to his death on
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
1). NAN: PRI 3/5 (Prison file)
RAW DATA: The Namibian 07.01.2003;
||Garoëb, Justus
[Traditional title Gaob Justus ||Garoëb]
* 16.12.1942 at Omaruru
Justus ||Garoëb was born at Omaruru on 16.12.1942. He is the fifth in the recorded
genealogy of the Damara kings. He matriculated at the Augustineum Training College,
Okahandja. He was forced to drop his medical studies at the University College of Zululand
(South Africa) for financial and family reasons. He was a Member of the Damara Advisory
Council since 1971, taking over chairmanship 1977 after the death of Chief David
||Goreseb. He was elected as Senior Headman for Khorixas in 1976. He refused to take part
in the Turnhalle Constitutional Conference (1975-77). He took the Damara Council into the
opposition party, the Namibia National Front (NNF) in 1977, becoming the NNF President. He
led the boycott of the 1977 election for the first Damara Representative Authority when
the Damara Council was abolished. He reconstituted the Damara Council as a political party
in 1980, as founding president. He was elected as Member of the Executive Committee for
Finance, Agriculture and Forestry of the Damara 2nd Tier Authority in 1982. He was
appointed as the Paramount Chief of the Damara Community (disputed until 1987) by the
Damara Council and the Executive Committee of the 2nd Tier Authority 1982. He joined the
Multi Party Conference (MPC) 1983 but withdrew in 1984, announcing the Damara Council's
support for SWAPO. He was the leader of the Damara Council delegation to the 1984 Lusaka
Conference on the side of the SWAPO delegation. He was also the leader of the Damara
Council delegation to the 1986 |Ai||gams Conference in Windhoek. He was the founding
President of the United Democratic Front (UDF) in 1989 and was elected into the
Constitutional Assembly 1989/90 for the UDF and the First and Second (until 1996 when he
returned as a traditional leader to Okombahe until 2000) National Assembly of the Republic
of Namibia. ||Garoëb returned to the Third National Assembly in 2000 (now for a coalition
between the DTA and the UDF).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Functions: President: UDF; President: Damara Council; Paramount Chief of the Damara;
Member of the National Assembly
Married to: Irmgard ||Garoës
1). Namibia Handbook and Political Who's Who, 1990 (Pütz, Von Egidy and Caplan)
2). Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks)
||Garoëb, Moses Makue
[Garoëb, Moses - alternative spelling]
* 04.1942 at |Arixas near Mariental
+ 19.08.1997 at Windhoek
Moses ||Garoëb was born in April 1942 at |Arixas near Mariental as the son of Samuel
Geingob and Rebecca Geingos. At the age of 17, he took an active part in the
demonstrations against the forced removal from Windhoek's Old Location to Katutura, and
witnessed the massacre of 12 December 1959. He went into exile in 1961 as a member of
SWANU, and joined SWAPO in the same year. He went to study in the United States and
appeared before the United Nations in the early 1960s. After graduating with a BA in
Political Science from the University of Rochester (NY), he returned from the U.S. to
Africa in 1966. In Tanzania, he became a broadcaster with "The Namibia Hour"
from Radio Tanzania, and then editor of SWAPO's newsletter "Namibia Today" and
Director of Information. At the SWAPO Consultative Congress in Tanga, 1969, he was
appointed a member of the Central Committee and Executive Committee (later Political
Bureau), positions which he held until his death, and SWAPO Administrative Secretary
(until 1989). He was elected into the Constitutional Assembly 1989/90, continued as a
member of the first National Assembly and was re-elected in 1994. From 1990-1995, he
served as SWAPO Secretary-General. From 1995 until his death, he was Minister of Labour
and Human Resources. He died on 19 September 1997 and was given a state funeral at the Old
Location Cemetery on 27 September 1997. Moses ||Garoëb was a SWAPO loyalist. Not having a
tribal power-base, his popularity within SWAPO was based on his outspokenness and his
accessibility as an Administrative Secretary, while outside SWAPO, his often
uncompromising and hard-hitting statements made him many enemies. His last years were
overshadowed by progressing ill-health (Diabetes). He died on 19.08.1997 at Windhoek and
was one of the first leaders of the independent Republic of Namibia who received a state
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Functions: Secretary-General - SWAPO - 1991-1997
Minister of Labour and Human Resources - Namibia - 1995-1997
Married to: Monica ||Garoës
Mother: Rebecca Geingos
Father: Samuel Geingob
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Trader whose presence in Namibia is documented for 1878.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:43;
Gassiott, Henry S.
* in England
First entry to Namibia: 1850
Last departure from Namibia: 1851
Henry S. Gassiott was a wealthy sportsman and tourist. He landed at Angra Pequeña in
November 1850 with the intention to travel inland to the Limpopo River, but did not get
further than Bethany, then trekked southwards via Sendelingsdrift to Cape Town.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:43-44;
Gaudeul, A.
* in France
A. Gaudeul was a Roman-Catholic missionary sent out from France to South Africa in the
early 1870s' together with Brother George. They established a Roman Catholic mission at
Pella (which had been vacated by the Rhenish Missionary Society in 1869) in 1875. In 1882,
their society decided to rationalise her activities, and they left the station on
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Namibia National Archives Database
Gauerke, Erno
* .1915 at Mecklenburg, Germany
Erno Gauerke was born in 1915 and grew up in Germany, where he was active in the youth
movement. He emigrated to Namibia in 1947. 1950 he left for South Africa and came back to
Namibia in 1971, where he first worked as Manager of the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule
(D.H.P.S.), then as a free-lance journalist. Since 1974 he was the Chairman of the South
West Africa cultural/political organisation of the Afrikaans-Duitse Kultuurunie (ADK),
board member of the Republican Party and of SWAPAC. He served as a high-profile
journalistic proponent of the various South-African-generated "interim
governments" and the bantustanisation of pre-independence Namibia, mainly through the
publications of the ADK and his book "SWA/Namibien: Eine schwierige Geburt"
(Windhoek 1986).
Gender: m
Field of activity: JOU
Profession: Journalist
RAW DATA: Wege und Wandlungen 2;
Gebhardt, Lisa
Lisa Gebhardt was the librarian of the Windhoek Public Library for decades. She
established many important features of the library, which were neglected after her
retirement: namely the Africana Collection, a book box service for customers outside
Windhoek, and local history research.
Gender: m
Field of activity: LIB
Profession: Librarian
Namibia National Archives Database
Gehlmann, Hermann
* 06.01.1881 at Dornstedt, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1909
Hermann Gehlmann was born on 06.01.1881 at Dornstedt in Germany. He was a missionary of
the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. He came to Namibia in 1909 and was stationed at
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
Married to: Helene Gehlmann, née Bernsmann, married 1913-
Namibia National Archives Database
Geibel, Lothar
* 02.08.1880
Schutztruppe officer.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:139, 223;
Geingob, Hage
* 03.08.1941 at Otjiwarongo
Hage Geingob was born on 03.08.1941 at Otjiwarongo. He worked as a teacher for the Rhenish
Mission School in Tsumeb. He went into exile, and was educated in New York (BA in
Political Science, Fordham University 1970, MA, New School for Social Research). He served
as SWAPO's Chief Representative in Kinshasa (Congo) and Botswana, then for the two
Americas and at the UN from 1964 to 1971. He was the Director of the UN Institute for
Namibia (UNIN) in Lusaka from 1975 until 1989. He became SWAPO Director of Election in
1989. He was the elected Chairman of the Constituent Assembly, 1989-1990 and thereafter
Member of the National Assembly from 1990 until August 2002. He was appointed as the Prime
Minister of the Republic of Namibia on 21.03.1990 and served in this position from 1990
until August 2002, when he was dismissed. Since 2003 he lives in Washington, USA. There he
became the administrator for the "Global Coalition for Africa", an
inter-governmental forum that aims to promote development in Africa.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Politician
Functions: Chief Representative in the Americas and the UN - SWAPO - 1964-1971
Member of Politburo - SWAPO - 1969-2002
Director - UN Institute for Namibia - 1975-1989
Director of Elections - SWAPO - 1989
Chairman - Constituent Assembly of Namibia - 1989-1990
Prime Minister and Member of the National Assembly - 1990-2002
Married to: Loini Geingos
Namibia National Archives Database
Geldenhuys, J.J.
[Geldenhuys, Jannie - colloquial name]
J.J. (Jannie) Geldenhuys was a South African Defence Force (SADF) commander in Namibia. He
was a Member of the South African Broederbond.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
Namibia National Archives Database
Gelshorn, Otto
* 30.10.1873
+ 07.05.1907
Otto Gelshorn was born on 30.10.1873. He was the Bezirksamtmann of Gibeon between 1906 and
1907. He was a Schutztruppe reserve officer. He died on 07.05.1907.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Civil servant
RAW DATA: Hubatsch; Fischer 1935:195;
George, Brother
* in France
Brother George was a Roman-Catholic mission helper sent out from France to South Africa in
the early 1870s' together with Father A. Gaudeul. They established a Roman Catholic
mission at Pella (which had been vacated by the Rhenish Missionary Society in 1869) in
1882, their society decided to rationalise her activities, and they left the station on
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Namibia National Archives Database
Gericke, Dawid, Dr.
Dawid Gericke joined the Windhoek Academy for Tertiary Education in 1982. He was the Dean
of the Faculty of Education from 1987 until the end of the 1980s.
Gender: m
Field of activity: EDU
Profession: University teacher
RAW DATA: On record 15-27.07.1987;
Germani, Hans
+ 08.1983 at Johannesburg, South Africa
Hans Germani, originally trained as a medical doctor, served as South African
correspondent of the Springer group of German newspapers since 1976 until his death. He
was a vocal defender of the South African policies on Namibia and otherwise; his book
"Rettet Südwest" is a virulently anti-SWAPO pamphlet in the Cold War tradition.
He died in August 1983 in Johannesburg.
Gender: m
Field of activity: JOU
Profession: Journalist
RAW DATA: Obituary FAZ 9.8.1983;
Gertenbach, Jacobus
* 01.03.1914 at Luckhoff, Orange Free State, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1945
Jacobus Gertenbach was born on 01.03.1914 at Luckhoff in the Orange Free State in South
Africa. He was educated at Philippolis and Luckhoff. He was a solicitor and attorney and
came to Namibia in 1945.
Gender: m
Field of activity: LAW
Profession: Lawyer
Married to: Gertrud Felicitas Gertenbach, née Trück, married 1946
Father: John Diedlof Gertenbach
Gertse, Petrus
Petrus Gertse was a foster-son or son of Piet Gertze and worked as an assistant for
missionaries in the 1840s. In the 1850s he worked independently at Otjimbingwe.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Gertse, Piet
* in South Africa
Piet Gertse originated from Komaggas in the Cape Colony in South Africa. He was one of
Schmelen's associates. He was an evangelist and teacher who worked in close association
with the Rhenish Mission Society in the 1840s. He worked for the Walvis Bay Mining Company
in the late 1850s. In 1861, he was stationed at Otjimbingwe by Jonker Afrikaner to inform
on European activities there. His wife's name was Lena (?) or Friederike (?).
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
RAW DATA: Lau 1989:300;
Gertse, Samuel
* .1805 at Kookfontein, South Africa
+ 16.10.1889 at Otjimbingwe
Samuel Gertse was born in 1805 at Kookfontein in South Africa. He married the first
baptised Otjiherero-speaker, Johanna (Urieta) in 1864, and worked for the Rhenish
Missionary Society for most of his life in various capacities, amongst other as
agricultural instructor for Ovaherero converts at Omaruru in the 1870s. He died on
16.10.1889 at Otjimbingwe.
Gender: m
Married to: Johanna Urieta Gertse, married 1864-1889
RAW DATA: Lau 1985:V1255;
Gertsson, F.
F. Gertsson was a trader who was based in Omaruru. His presence in Namibia is documented
for 1879.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:44;
Gertze, Karl
Teacher in Rehoboth, 1906.
Gender: m
Field of activity: EDU POL
Father: Matthäus Gertze
RAW DATA: JBRMG 1906:34;
Gertze, Matthäus
Teacher in Rehoboth, 1906.
Gender: m
Field of activity: EDU
Children: Karl Gertze
RAW DATA: JBRMG 1906:34;
Gessert, Ferdinand
* 12.07.1870 at Elberfeld, Germany
+ 05.05.1953 at Keetmanshoop
Ferdinand Gessert was born on 12.07.1870 and educated in Elberfeld in Germany. He studied
in Heidelberg and Berlin. He travelled in 1894 to Cape Town and from there to Namibia. He
became farmer on the farms Inachab (which he bought from Paul Frederiks in 1894) and
Sandverhaar. He undertook a study trip to Egypt to study irrigation methods. He did
extensive experiments in irrigation agriculture under the extreme conditions of southern
Namibia and was author of many articles on the subject. He was a Member of the Landesrat
before 1915. He died on 05.05.1953 at Keetmanshoop.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR
Profession: Farmer
RAW DATA: AHK 1972:31-38;
Getzen-Leinhos, Ada Maria Kaera
[Ida Kaera - alternative name]
* .1864
+ .1926 at Tsumeb
Ada (Ida) Maria Kaera Getzen Leinhos was the daughter of the Anglo-Canadian hunter and
trader Frederick Thomas Green (Kerina in the Otjiherero language) and Betsy Kahitjene
(Betsy was related to the Ovaherero Chief Oove ua Muhoko Kahitjene). Ada was born in 1864.
Her mother Betsy died when she was three years of age. She was raised by another relative,
Kaipukire Kahitjene. She was baptised at Otjimbingwe. Ada received her schooling in Cape
Town. In 1881 she married Frekkie Getzen (who died 1900 at Swakopmund) in Omaruru. Since
1902 Ada lived with her daughter Susanna and the German farmer Karl Besser, who married
Susanna in March 1904 at Karibib, on the farm Okatjiho near Okahandja. During 1903 Ada
tried to purchase the farm Okatjiho from her uncle, Samuel Maharero. This was not
successful because the farm was not surveyed yet. She also had a claim on grazing land
near Grootfontein (Okahua near Berg Aukas (Info: Mburumba Kerina)) because she was also
related to the Kambazembi family from the Waterberg. On 22.05.1904 Ada married the German
trader Kasper Friedrich Leinhos in Okahandja. Three years later Ada asked for a divorce.
This was rejected by the German authorities on 26.09.1907 because in the mean time the new
1907 legislation on Namibian natives had outlawed marriages with native women with
retrospective effect. Thus, she was legally never married with Leinhos. Ada Kaera never
accepted this ruling. She also defied the 1907 legislation that natives were not allowed
to possess land, cattle and to have no freedom of movement. She relentlessly fought
against this injustice and looked at the German courts as her last hope of attaining
fairness and justice. After the German Ovaherero War 1904-1908 she helped members of her
family, especially her mother Kaipukire, to survive and not be put into German
concentration camps. Four weeks after the August 1904 Ohamakari (Waterberg) battle she
approached the German courts in order to get her grazing land at Grootfontein returned to
her from the South West Africa Company. The court case went until 1914 and was at the end
unsuccessful (according to oral evidence from Mburumba Kerina Ada won the court case, but
the court ruling was never executed due to the outbreak of World War One. Kerina now wants
to lay a claim with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany to get the farm
Okahua back for the Getzen-Leinhos family). Ada Getzen-Leinhos also tried again, together
with her son-in-law, Karl Besser, to purchase the farm Okatjiho. This also was rejected by
the authorities, because she was classified as "non-white" and not entitled to
possess land and cattle. Ada Kaera died 1926 at Tsumeb. She was the great grandmother (or
grandmother according to Mburumba Kerina) of Mburumba Kerina who later played a role in
Namibian politics.
Gender: f
Oral Evidence to Author by Prof. Mburumba Kerina
Gevers, Rainer
* 22.05.1932 at Graaff-Reinet, South Africa
Rainer Gevers was born on 22.05.1932 at Graaff-Reinet in South Africa. He was educated at
the Piet Retief High School and the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, and the
University of Montana in Canada. He was a mining engineer and General Superintendent of
Mining at Tsumeb Corporation.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Geologist
Married to: Hildegard Beate Gevers, née Buchholz, married 1957-
Father: Gottfried Ernst Gevers
Gevers, Traugott W., Prof.
* .1900
Traugott W. Gevers studied geology in Cape Town in South Africa and München in Germany.
He worked as a geologist in Namibia. Later he became professor of geology at the
University of the Witwatersrand. He published numerous publications about Namibian
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Geologist
Functions: President - SWA Scientific Society
RAW DATA: Mitt.NWG 43,4-6;
Gibb, Mr.
In 1843, Carl Hugo Hahn met this trader, who was a trained pharmacist, in the Cape. Gibb
was in Namibia in 1846, but left the country during that year to establish a business at a
bay near Komaggas. During this trip, he took the son of Willem Swartbooi and two other
talented boys to Cape Town, where they were to be trained as teachers.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Trader
RAW DATA: Lau 1984:II334; Vedder 1985:243;
Gibbons, Cedric Hay
* 30.03.1935 at Cape Town, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1961
Cedric Hay Gibbons was born on 30.03.1935 at Cape Town in South Africa. He was educated at
Maitland High School and Cape Technical College. He came to Namibia in 1961. He was a
businessman in the building industry.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Denise Mary Gibbons, née Crawford, married 1959-
Father: John Andrew Gibbons
Gibson, H.C.W.
Director of the Kharaskhoma Syndicate.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:67, 97, 336, 342;
Gie, Francis William Reitz
* 28.06.1908 at Robertson, Cape Province, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1936
Francis William Reitz Gie was born on 28.06.1908 at Robertson in the Cape Province in
South Africa> He was educated at the Stellenbosch High School and the University of
Cape Town in South Africa. He was a farmer and attorney. He came to Namibia in 1936.
Gender: m
Field of activity: LAW
Profession: Lawyer
Married to: Shirley Gie, née Foord
Father: Jack Gie
Giess, Heinrich Johann Wilhelm (Willi)
* 21.02.1910 at Frankfurt/Main, Germany
+ 28.09.2000 at Swakopmund
First entry to Namibia: 1926
Heinrich Johann Wilhelm (Willie) Giess was born on 21.02.1910 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
He emigrated with his parents to Namibia in 1926. He studied at the Neudamm Agricultural
College (1928-1929) and at the Animal Breeding Institute of the University of Halle,
Germany (1931-1933), specialising on karakul breeding. Upon return to Namibia, he worked
as a manager on a karakul farm, and later on his own farm. He was interned at the
Andalusia Camp, South Africa, during World War II. He used the time to intensively study
his long-time interest, botany, at the "Camp University" under the botanist
Prof. Otto Volk. After the release, he started working at the University of Stellenbosch,
collecting plant specimens within the Cape Region, until returning to his farm. Giess
started the Namibian State Herbarium (then "SWA Herbarium") in 1953 on a
part-time basis. After four years, the herbarium was taken over by the Division of
Agriculture of the SWA Administration, and he was employed as a full-time curator. He held
the post of curator until his retirement in 1975, but continued to work at the herbarium
until 1980. Giess made an enormous contribution to the collection of herbarium material in
the SWA Herbarium (now the National Herbarium of Namibia). 18 570 specimens in the present
collection were collected by him personally. In honour of Prof. Dr. Kurt Dinter, Giess
published the first issue of Namibia's botanical journal "Dinteria" in 1968.
This journal was under his editorship until 1991, after which he continued in advisory
capacity. 45 publications originated from his pen, not counting contributions to other
publications, including the substantial "Bibliography of South West African
Botany" in 1989. Amongst his publications are several new taxonomy descriptions. His
contribution to Namibian botanical knowledge is immeasurable, and it should be noted that
this knowledge is of great practical value to farmers. He died on 28.09.2000 at
Gender: m
Field of activity: NAT
Profession: Botanist
Mother: Lilly Giess
Father: Wilhelm Giess
Namibia National Archives Database
Giesselmann, Justus
* 28.02.1877
+ 29.11.1904 at Lidfontein
Justus Giesselmann was born on 28.02.1877. He was a Schutztruppe officer. He died in
action on 29.11.1904 at Lidfontein during the German Namibian War of 1903 to 1908.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:196, 205;
|Gôbeb #Goraxab, Kai||khaun Captain (Red Nation)
[Petrus - alternative name]
+ 12.12.1880
|Gôbeb #Goraxab (Petrus)(1877-1880), the last of the ||Oaseb dynasty, succeeded #Goraxab
||Oasmab (Barnabas)(1867-1877) as Captain of the Kai||khaun (Red Nation) of Hoachanas. He
was the twelfth in the genealogy of the Kai||khaun. His leadership was contested by
!Noreseb Gamab (Manasse) (1880-1905), and when |Gôbeb died in a battle against the
Ovaherero on 12.12.1880 at Otjikango (probably killed on instruction of !Noreseb Manasse),
!Noreseb Gamab (Manasse)(1880-1905) succeeded him.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Functions: Captain - Kai¦khaun - 1877-1880
Father: #Goraxab ||Oasmab (Barnabas)(1867-1877)
RAW DATA: Lau 1995:235; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Goliath, Andries, |Hai-|khauan Captain (Berseba Nama)
[Tububeb |Garisemab - Nama name]
Andries Goliath was the Captain of the |Hai-|khauan (Berseba Nama) between 1925 and 1933.
His Nama name was Tububeb |Garisemab. He was the fourth in the recorded genealogy of the
|Hai-|khauan captains. He succeeded Captain Johannes Christian Goliath (|Nâixab |Aiomab).
His successor was Diederik Ruben Goliath (!Khorebeb |Garisemab)(1933-1938).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:255; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Goliath, David Christian, |Hai-|khauan Captain (Berseba Nama)
[|Gurob gaib #Khaxamab- Nama name]
+ .1976 at Berseba
After the death of Edward Isaak (Jnr.) in 1959, Diederik Isaak (#Ariseb
|Aiomab)(1959-1970s) was appointed as successor. He was the eighth in the recorded
genealogy of the |Hai-|khauan captains. Subsequently, the cleavage between the Goliath and
Isaak clans again rifted into the open. Consequently the South Africans appointed a second
|Hai-|khauan Captain, David Christian Goliath (|Gurob gaib #Khaxamab) (1959-1970s). The
whole issue became intertwined both with the struggles around the implementation of the
Odendaal Plan and with emerging party policies between the pro-South African Bantustan
development and pro-independence forces. The Isaak group supported the South African
Namaland dispensation with the later (1977) Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA) while the
Goliath group joined the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) in the 1970s.
David Christian Goliath died in 1976 at Berseba and was followed by Stephanus Goliath
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Functions: Captain - |Hai-|khauan - 1959-1970s
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:255; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Goliath, Diederik, |Hai-|khauan Captain (Berseba Nama)
[|Gariseb |Aiomab - Nama name]
Diederik Goliath was the Captain of the |Hai-|khauan (Berseba Nama) between 1894 and ca.
1900. His Nama name |Gariseb |Aiomab. He succeeded the deputy captains Eduard Isaak and
Diederik Isaak (1893-94). His successor was Johannes Christian Goliath (||Nâixab
|Aiomab)(ca. 1900-1925).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Married to: <1>Tububes
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:255; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Goliath, Diederik Ruben, |Hai-|khauan Captain (Berseba Nama)
[!Khorebeb |Garisemab - Nama name]
+ 12.11.1946 at Hoachanas
Diederik Ruben Goliath was the Captain of the |Hai-|khauan (Berseba Nama) between 1933 and
1938. His Nama name was !Khorebeb|Garisemab. He was the fifth in the recorded genealogy of
the |Hai-|khauan captains. He was successful in the power struggle between the Goliath and
Isaak groups and won against his opposition candidate, Edward Isaak (Snr.). He opposed the
South African native reserve's policy and was consequently deposed in August 1938 and
banned to Hoachanas. The South Africans appointed two successors as Deputy Captains from
each clan (Edward Isaak (Snr.), however, declined the offer): Edward Isaak (Jnr.)(||Khaub
|Khurimab)(1938-1956) and David Vries (|Gurob Tsauramab) (1938-1956). Diederik Ruben
Goliath died on 12.11.1946 in exile at Hoachanas. After the independence of the Republic
of Namibia, his body was re-buried at Berseba on 02.06.1995.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Budack 1972:255; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks (Tomb stone at Hoachanas)
Goliath, Johannes Christian, |Hai-|khauan Captain (Berseba Nama)
[|Nâixab |Aiomab - Nama name]
+ ca. 1925
Johannes Christian Goliath was the Captain of the |Hai-|khauan (Berseba Nama) and
schoolmaster at Berseba from 1895-1925. His Nama name was |Nâixab |Aiomab. He succeeded
Diederik Goliath (|Gariseb |Aiomab)(1894-1895). He was the third in the recorded genealogy
of the |Hai-|khauan captains. He was one of those Namaland chiefs who supported the
Germans during the Nama-German War 1903 to 1908. Between 1921 and 1923 Goliath was forced
to sell one third of his communal ground (east of the railway line between Mariental and
Keetmanshoop) in order to cover his pressing debts. He died in 1925. His successor was
Andries Goliath (Tububeb |Garisemab)(1925-1933).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Baumann 1967:90; Budack 1972:255; Drechsler 1966:210, 220; Chronology of
Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Goliath, Paul, |Hai-|khauan Captain (Berseba Nama)
[#Hobexab - Nama name]
* ca.1790 at Doorn Rivier, Northern Cape, South Africa
+ 15.04.1869 at Berseba
Paul Goliath (#Hobexab) was born in ca. 1790 at Doorn Rivier in the Northern Cape in
South Africa. He was a wealthy interpreter and deputy Captain at Bethany. He was elected
leader of Gulbrandsdalen as from October 1850, an outpost of Bethany, and established
himself as independent leader of that community at !Autsawises (Berseba) with missionary
Samuel Hahn in 1850 (until 1852), and supported by Christoph Tibot. The community was
dependent on the Kai||khaun (Red Nation) of Hoachanas under Captain ||Oaseb. He was the
first in the recorded genealogy of the |Hai-|khauan captains. Goliath was praised by his
people as a peace-loving and skilled ruler. He ruled until 1869. He signed the Peace
Treaties of Hoachanas (January 1858) and of Gibeon (Orlam Peace of December 1867). He died
on 15.04.1869 at Berseba. His successor was Jakobus Isaak (1870-ca. end of 19th century).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Functions: Captain - Berseba - 1850-1869
Married to: |Aios
RAW DATA: Lau 1989:300; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Goliath, Stephanus, |Hai-|khauan Captain (Berseba Nama)
After the death of David Christian Goliath in 1976 at Berseba, he was followed by
Stephanus Goliath (1976-), a staunch supported of SWAPO in the south. He is the tenth in
the recorded genealogy of the |Hai-|khauan captains.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Golinelli, Dr.
Dr. Golinelli was the Distriktschef of Keetmanshoop from 1897 to 1901. He was later
heading the South West Africa office in the Kolonialabteilung des Auswärtigen Amtes in
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
RAW DATA: Hubatsch; Drechsler 1966:129-133, 168, 230, 329, 346-347, 352, 355, 361-362,
Manager of a copper mine, 1858.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:44;
Hunter and trader. From 1863-1864 he was in Ovamboland with Palgrave, Pereira and Hicks.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:44;
#Goraxab ||Oasmab, Kai||khaun Captain (Red Nation)
[Barnabas - alternative name]
+ 21.05.1877
||Oasmab #Goraxab was the successor and son of Captain ||Oaseb !Na-khomab
(Cornelius)(1840-1867) of the Kai||khaun (Red Nation) of Hoachanas. He ruled from 1867
until his death in 1877. He was the eleventh in the genealogy of the Kai||khaun. He was
allied to the Orlam Afrikaners under Jan Jonker. He was defeated by the "southern
alliance" of Berseba, Bethany and Gibeon in 1867 (Orlam Peace of December 1867).
#Goraxab died on 21.05.1877. His successor was |Gôbeb #Goraxab (Petrus) (1877-1880).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Functions: Captain - Kai||khaun - 1867-1877
Father: ||Oaseb !Na-khomab (1840-1867)
RAW DATA: Lau 1987:130; Budack 1970:242; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);
Gordon, Robert Jacob
First entry to Namibia: 08.1779
Robert Jacob Gordon was a British military officer in the rank of Colonel. He was one of
the earliest European travellers to Namibia. He entered Namibia at the mouth of the Oranje
River with W. Paterson in August 1779.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Married to:
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:44;
Gorelick, Samuel
* 03.04.1906 in Bjelarus
Samuel Gorelick was born on 03.04.1906 in Belarus. He came to Namibia in 1925. He was a
businessman, motor dealer and Director of Gorelick's Motors (Pty) Ltd. and Gorelick's
Cement Works.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Polly Gorelick, née Sherker, married 1949-
Father: Zvi Harry Gorelick
Gorelick, Solly Cholom
* 27.06.1910 in Bjelarus
Solly Cholom Gorelick was born on 27.06.1910 in Belarus. He came to Namibia in 1930. He
was a businessman and farmer. He was a Director of Gorelick's Motors (Pty) Ltd.,
Gorelick's Cement Works and Super Rocla Pipes SWA Ltd.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Dina Gorelick, née Leviton, married 1948
Father: Zvi Harry Gorelick
||Goreseb, Abraham
+ .1894 at Okombahe
Abraham ||Goreseb was a Damara Chief as from around 1860 until 1894. He was the first in
the recorded genealogy of the Damara kings.The Damara Community of the |Gowanin under the
leadership of ||Goreseb supported the Ovaherero against the Nama in 1864. Consequently the
|Gowanin were allowed to settle in Okombahe. Equally, the Damara Community of the !Omen
started to settle at Okombahe since the 1860s. ||Goreseb died in 1894 at Okombahe.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks)
||Goreseb, Cornelius
* .1844
+ .1910 at Okombahe
Cornelius ||Goreseb, a Damara Chief of the |Gowanin Community from 1894-1910, was born in
1844 and baptised at Otjimbingwe and attended the mission school there. He was the
second in the recorded genealogy of the Damara kings. He and his group left
Otjimbingwe for unknown reasons and eventually settled at Springbokfontein in the Erongo
Mountains, where a school was established. When ||Goreseb was about 40, he was visited by
representatives of the German government, who agreed to recognise him as the leader of the
community at Springbokfontein. After this, the authority of other Damara leaders began to
decline in favour of Goreseb's leadership. He developed a reputation as a very strict man.
Around 1900 he was widely recognised as chief of many of the Damara communities. At this
time he moved from Springbokfontein and settled at Okombahe. Damara groups from all over
the country began to gather and settle at Okombahe. Governor Leutwein, keen on getting
allies and dividing the indigenous people, "granted" the land around Okombahe to
the Damara under ||Goreseb's rule. He died in 1910 at Okombahe.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
RAW DATA: Kotze/Botha/van Staden; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks)
||Goreseb, David
* at Okombahe
+ .1977 at Okombahe
David ||Goreseb was a Damara Chief as from 1953 until 1977. He was the fourth in the
recorded genealogy of the Damara kings.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks)
||Goreseb, Judas
* at Okombahe
+ .1953 at Okombahe
Judas ||Goreseb was a Damara Chief from 1910 until 1953. He was the third in the recorded
genealogy of the Damara kings.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks)
Görgens, H.
H. Görgens was a land surveyor in the rank of Vermessungsdirektor. He was the
Bezirksamtmann for Omaruru from 1912 to 1914.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
RAW DATA: Hubatsch;
Gorges, Edmund Howard Lacam, Sir
* 11.20.1872
+ 18.11.1924
Edmund Howard Lacam Gorges was born on 11.20.1872. He was the Administrator of South West
Africa from 31.10.1915 until 30.09.1920 during the military occupation of the territory.
He died on 18.11.1924.
Gender: m
1). NAN: A.312
Göring, Ernst Heinrich, Dr.
* 31.10.1838 at Emmerich, Germany
+ 07.12.1913 at München, Germany
First entry to Namibia: August 1885
Last departure from Namibia: August 1890
Ernst Heinrich Göring was born on 31.10.1838 at Emmerich in Germany. He received a
doctorate in law. He was a combatant in the wars of 1866 and 1870/71. He joined the
colonial service as the first Imperial German official representative resident in Namibia
(title: Kaiserlicher Kommissar). He arrived at Angra Pequeña in August 1885, and
established an office in the mission school building at Otjimbingwe with a staff of two.
From there, he concluded various protection treaties, attempted to start controlling
mining rights, and the arms and liquor trade. He had to leave hurriedly after the
Ovaherero Chief Maharero had cancelled his treaty with the Germans. He took refuge at
Walvis Bay and left the country in August 1890 to become German consul in Haiti. He
retired in 1895. His son Hermann Göring gained notoriety as a top Nazi leader. He died on
07.12.1913 at München.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
Functions: Kaiserlicher Kommissar (Imperial Commissioner) - Deutsch-Südwestafrika -
Children: Hermann Göring (1893-1946)
1). NAN: A.407 (Biography and photograph)
(The surviving papers of his son Hermann apparently do not contain family papers from his
father (Mommsen, Nachlässe))
RAW DATA: Lau 1995:235; DSAB I:313; Esterhuyse 1968:98-145; Drechsler 1980:32-42;
Hubatsch; Dt. Koloniallexikon;
Gorth, Matthäus
* 08.05.1823 at Heppenheim, Germany
+ 05.01.1853 at #Goais
First entry to Namibia: 31.12.1851
Matthäus Gorth was born on 08.05.1823 at Heppenheim in Germany. He was a missionary of
the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. He arrived at Walvis Bay on 31.12.1851. He died from
fever only one year later (31.12.1851) at #Goais.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary
RAW DATA: Vedder Quellen 3;
Copyright of Photo Dr. Klaus Dierks (Grave at Bethany)
Gotthardt, Josef, Bishop
* 16.12.1880 at Thalheim, Germany
+ .1963
First entry to Namibia: 13.10.1907
Josef Gotthardt was born on 16.12.1880 at Thalheim in Germany. He was educated in Holland
and Germany. He came to Namibia as Catholic missionary 13.10.1907. He was the
Prefect Apostolic of Cimbebasia 1921, then Vicar Apostolic. He became Titular Bishop in
1926 and Titular Archbishop in 1952. He became an Assistant to the Papal Throne in 1951.
He died in 1963.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Clergy
Father: Jacob Gotthardt
Gottschalk, Ernst Artur
* 05.03.1880
Ernst Artur Gottschalk was born on 05.03.1880. He was a Schutztruppe veterinary officer.
He became widely known through the account in Uwe Timm's novel "Morenga", where
his name has been chosen for the main fictional narrator.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer Veterinarian
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:143;
Goudie, Andrew S., Prof. Dr.
* 21.08.1945
Andrew S. Goudie was born on 21.08.1945. He was a geographer. He was professor of
geography at the University of Oxford 1976-. He was the Deputy editor of "Journal of
arid environments". He researched on the geomorphology of the Namib Desert.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Geographer
Namibia National Archives Database
Grabau, Ludwig
* 14.02.1879
Schutztruppe officer.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:245, 247;
Last departure from Namibia: 22.07.1852
Gray was a mission schoolmaster of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. He and his
wife worked with Bailey at Warmbad in 1851, then with Tindall, and left for the Cape
Colony on 22 .07.1852.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:44;
Greef was a hunter and trader. He was a Boer from Swellendam in South Africa who travelled
on the eastern borders of Hereroland late in 1853.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:44;
Greef, Andries
First entry to Namibia: 1761
Last departure from Namibia: 1762
Participant of Hendrik Hop's expedition to Namibia, 1761/62.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Green, Catherine Agnes Ann
[Stewardson, Catherine Agnes Ann - birth name]
Catherine Agnes Ann Green, née Stewardson, was a daughter of the hunter and trader
Stewardson. She married Frederick Thomas Green on 07 March 1865 and always travelled with
him. She was the first white woman in Ovamboland, and their first child Mary was born on
04 November 1865 at Ondonga. She also raised Green's daughter Ada (Ada (Ida) Maria Kaera
Getzen Leinhos) from his first wife Betsy Kaipukire. They had seven children, of whom
three survived. After Green's death in 1876, she carried on his business.
Gender: f
Married to: Frederick Thomas Green (1829-1876)
Father: Stewardson
Children: Mary Green (1865-)
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:45-49; P.Reiner 1992:409;
Green, Charles Alexander
* in Canada
+ .1862 or 1863 at the Okavango River
First entry to Namibia: 1856
Charles Alexander Green was a hunter and trader. He was a younger brother of Frederick
Joseph Green who came with his father and brothers from Canada to South Africa during the
1840s. He traded in Bechuanaland, went to Australia from 1853 to 1856, and went to
Hereroland to travel and trade with J. Chapman, Edwards, and F. Green. He drowned by
accident in the Okavango River in 1862 or 1863.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Father: Robert Green
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:45;
Green, Frederick Thomas
[Green, Frederick Joseph - alternative name]
[Kerina - Otjiherero name]
* 04.04.1829 at Montreal, Canada
+ 04.05.1876 at Heigamchab
First entry to Namibia: 1856
Frederick Thomas Green was born on 04.04.1829 at Montreal in Canada. He was frequently
referred to as Frederick Joseph Green. He was a hunter, trader and adventurer. He was a
Canadian by birth and came to South Africa with his father and brothers in the 1840s. He
was a close partner and friend of Charles John Andersson. He became politically involved
in the 1860s for Andersson, helped organise the Ovaherero army against Namaland groups. He
had a reputation for ruthlessness as, for example, he did not scruple to kill women and
children of the Orlam Afrikaners. It was on his instigation that Carl Hugo Hahn went to
Ovamboland with a view to establish a mission station there. He travelled widely in and
beyond Namibia, i.a. with Wahlberg to Lake Ngami. After 1864, he made Ovamboland the
centre of his operations. He was the first European to travel the Okavango upstream to
Libebe (present-day Andara), and to reach the Kunene from the south. He died from an
abscess of liver at Heigamchab on 04.05.1876, while returning from a trip to Cape Town.
His first wife was Betsy Kaipukire; their daughter, Ada (Ada (Ida) Maria Kaera Getzen
Leinhos) was raised by Green and his second wife, Catherine Agnes Ann (Kate) Stewardson,
whom he married on 07.03.1865 and with whom he had seven children, of whom three survived.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Trader
Married to: Betsy Green, née Kaipukire
Catherine Agnes Ann Green, née Stewardson, married 1865-
Children: Ada Green
Mary Green (1865-)
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:45-49; P.Reiner 1992:409; Lau 1985:V1256; Lau 1989:300-301; Guedes;
Dt. Koloniallexikon; Research on the genealogy of the Green family is done by a
descendant, Ms Doreen Armstrong, Box 88, New Germany, South Africa (Lau 1987);
Green, Lawrence George
Lawrence George Green was a South African writer of popular travel and anecdote books with
a foible for the strange, mysterious and adventurous, many of which have Namibian
Gender: m
Field of activity: WRI
Profession: Writer
Namibia National Archives Database
Green, Mary
* 04.11.1865 at Ondonga
Mary Green was born on 04.11.1865 at Ondonga. She was a daughter of the hunter and trader
Frederick Thomas Green and his wife Catherine Agnes Ann. She was sent to school in Cape
Town in 1871.
Gender: f
Mother: Catherine Agnes Ann Green
Father: Frederick Thomas Green (1829-1876)
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:48;
Green, Reginald Herbold, Prof.
Reginald Herbold Green taught at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of
Sussex. He has been active in teaching and research consultancy in Africa since 1960, and
was acting as an economic advisor to SWAPO, SADCC, UNICEF, World Council of Churches, CIIR
and the International Centre for Law in Development. On Namibia, he has authored a variety
of published and unpublished studies on development issues, in particular in the context
of strategic planning for the independence of Namibia.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Economist
Namibia National Archives Database
|Kung San Chief.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Grendon, Joseph
[Kadyve - nickname given by Ovambo]
Joseph Grendon was an Irish trader in Charles John Andersson's employ. He was a trader's
assistant. In March 1865, Andersson sent J.J.L. Smuts to hunt elephants in Ovamboland
and Grendon to establish a trading post in Ondonga. Grendon was trading in Ondonga
for Andersson in 1866, and lent Palgrave and his party a house when they arrived there in
May that year. After spending some time in Europe, he returned to Otjimbingwe in late June
1872, and then settled at Okahandja. He was firstly married to a Ovaherero wife, with whom
he had three children, and he was apparently one of the few European traders who cared for
their offspring by Ovaherero wives. He was married again during his sojourn in Europe.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Trader
RAW DATA: Tabler 1972:49; Lau 1989:301;
Grendon, Robert
* in Namibia
Robert Grendon was one of Joseph Grendon's children from his first marriage. He and
Grendon's two other children were left in the care of the Carl Hugo Hahn family while
Grendon was in Europe during the early 1870's.
Gender: m
Father: Joseph Grendon
Namibia National Archives Database
Grey, George, Sir
George Grey was the Governor of the Cape Colony in South Africa. He showed much interest
in indigenous languages, and collected all relevant material he could get. His collection
is now at the ... He also supported the printing of the first Nama teaching materials.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Moritz 2000:66;
A leader of the Dorsland trekkers.
Gender: m
Namibia National Archives Database
Greyling, Dirk Jacobus
* 01.05.1915 at Bloemfontein, South Africa
Dirk Jacobus Greyling was born on 01.05.1915 at Bloemfontein in South Africa and was
educated at Bloemfontein and Windhoek. He was the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of
South West Africa in the 1950s.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
Married to: S. Greyling, née Smit
Father: S.G. Greyling
Gries, Prof.
* in Germany
Gries was the Direktor of the Deutsche Oberrealschule Windhoek, 1919-1924. He returned to
Gender: m
Field of activity: EDU
Profession: Teacher
1). DITSL Witzenhausen Library (Part of his library, including two scrapbooks)
Grimm, Hans
* .1875
+ .1959 at Lippoldsberg, Germany
Hans Grimm, who had travelled in South Africa and Namibia, became the best-known German
colonial writer. His novel "Volk ohne Raum" (People without space"; first
published 1926) reached a total print run of over half a million by 1944, and its title
became a programmatic Nazi slogan, although different from Grimm's intentions: Grimm meant
that Germany needed "space" in the colonies which it had lost through the
Versailles treaty. Hitler wanted to expand towards eastern Europe. Apart from "Volk
ohne Raum", Grimm wrote a number of short stories with a setting in Namibia and South
Africa. After the Nazi defeat, Grimm's house in the small village of Lippoldsberg on the
Weser became a focal point for right-wing writers and publishers with annual gatherings
("Lippoldsberger Dichtertage"), a tradition continued by his daughter, Dr. Holle
Gender: m
Field of activity: WRI
Profession: Writer
1). Dr. Holle Grimm, Lippoldsberg * Private papers, manuscripts
German trader who protested against the maltreatment of Africans and was therefore
subjected to administrative harassment.
Gender: m
Field of activity: TRA
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:156, 293;
Groll, F.J.
German figurehead of an English capitalist consortium (Groll-Syndikat).
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:63, 334;
Gründer, Horst, Prof. Dr.
Horst Gründer was a historian and professor at the University of Münster in Germany. He
was specialising in German colonial history and Christian missions.
Gender: m
Field of activity: HIS
Profession: Historian
Namibia National Archives Database
Grüner, Waldemar
* 09.01.1872
Schutztruppe officer.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer
RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:103, 139, 182-206, 211;
Grünke, Richard
* 27.08.1885 in Germany
+ .1919
First entry to Namibia: 1907
Last departure from Namibia: 1919
Richard Grünke was born on 27.08.1885 in Germany. He came to Namibia with the
Schutztruppe in 1907, in which he served until 1909. He was then a civil servant. He was
repatriated in 1919 and died in the same year.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ADM
1). NAN: A.390 (Personal papers)
Grunow, Walter
+ .1982 in Namibia
Preparator of the Swakopmund Museum.
Gender: m
RAW DATA: Mitteilungen SWAWG 23, No.4:12;
Gudewill was the Captain of SMS "Habicht", which brought the first
reinforcements for the Schutztruppe after the commencement of the German-Ovaherero War in
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:159, 168, 352;
Guiteb, Lazarus Carl
Lazarus Carl Guiteb was the Secretary of the Otjiwarongo SWAPO Branch. He was charged in
February 1977 with participating in terrorist activities, and remanded in custody. He was
tried in June 1977 at the Windhoek Supreme Court and sentenced to eight years imprisonment
on Robben Island.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Namibia National Archives Database
Gunning, F.W.
[Gunning, Bill - colloquial name]
F.W. Gunning was a trader. Walter Jordan and Gunning operated a store at Rehoboth in
partnership from 1870 to 1880.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:49;
Gunning, John
John Gunning was a trader. He was Eriksson's brother-in-law and in charge of Eriksson's
store in Walvis Bay in the 1870s, and travelled repeatedly with Eriksson to Ovamboland and
Angola in the 1980s. He traded in Walvis Bay in 1891.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
RAW DATA: Tabler 1973:50; Bülow 1896:36;
Gunther, Johann
* 25.07.1901 at Frankfurt/M, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1950
Johann Gunther was born on 25.07.1901 at Frankfurt/Main and educated at the Frankfurt and
Freiburg universities in Germany. He was a Diplomkaufmann. He emigrated to South Africa in
1937 and came to Namibia in 1950. He was director of a wide variety of companies.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman
Married to: Käthe Gunther, née Herzog, married 1929-
Father: Adam Gunther
Gürich, Georg, Prof.
* 25.09.1859 at Guttentag, Oberschlesien, Germany (now Poland)
+ 08.1938 at Berlin, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 188805
Last departure from Namibia: 188901
Georg Gürich was born on 25.09.1859 in Guttentag, Silesia, Germany, as son of a teacher.
He studied geology in Breslau (Ph.-D. in 1882). He travelled in western Sudan (1885). He
obtained his Habilitation in 1887. He travelled in Namibia from May 1888 to January 1889,
mostly along the western mountain land from Otjitambi to Rehoboth, to do geological
research on behalf of the "Südwestafrikanisches Goldsyndikat", and in
particular to check on alleged gold deposits (which could not be verified). His published
geographical account "Deutsch-Südwestafrika. Reisebilder aus den Jahren 1888 und
1889" contains substantial information on the current political and social conditions
in Namibia, including a visit to Hendrik Witbooi at Hoornkrans. In the following years, he
travelled widely in Europe, Australia, Alaska and Africa. In 1910 he became Director of
the Geological Institute at the Hamburg Colonial Institute (later University of Hamburg)
and continued paleontological research on Namibia, including another field research trip
in 1928, resulting in many scientific publications. He retired in 1934 and died in Berlin
during August 1938.
Gender: m
Field of activity: NAT
Profession: Geologist
Namibia National Archives Database
Gühring, Barbara
* .1941 at Kolberg (Pomerania), Germany (now: Poland)
Barbara Gühring was born in 1941 at Kolberg in Germany. She went to school in
Freiburg/Breisgau in Germany. She received training in Hospitality. She came to Namibia in
1963, married a karakul farmer (Serrer) in 1964 and moved to farm Maguams. After her
divorce, she worked as secretary for the Interessengemeinschaft Deutschsprachiger
Südwester (IG) since 1978 and the Lüderitzbucht Foundation. She bought and managed the
Lüderitzbuchter Buchhandlung until 1991. Since 1994 she was the Vice-President and since
1999 the President of the Namibia Scientific Society.
Gender: f
Functions: President - Namibia Scientific Society - 1999-
RAW DATA: Mitt.NWG 43,4-6;
Gurirab, Theo-Ben
* 23.01.1939 at Usakos
Theo-Ben Gurirab was born on 23.01.1939 and grew up in Usakos. He received his schooling
at the Augustineum, where he graduated as teacher in 1960. He went into exile 1962 via
Botswana, then was sent to the USA as Associate SWAPO Representative and to further his
education. In 1972 he was appointed SWAPO's Chief Representative to the UN. In 1986 he
became SWAPO Secretary for Foreign Affairs. He returned to Namibia in 1989. He was a
Member of the Constituent Assembly 1989 and a Member of the National Assembly (1990-).
From 1990 until 2000 he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs. From 1999 to 2000 he was the
elected President of the UN General Assembly. From 2000 until 2002 he was the Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Information and Broadcasting. In August 2002 Gurirab became the Prime
Minister of the Republic of Namibia.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Politician
Married to: Joan Guriras
Mother: Paulina (Peggie) Guriras
Father: Benjamin (Charlie) Gurirab
Children: Dantagob Gurirab
Hanganee Gurirab
RAW DATA: Supplement to The Namibian 23.01.2003;
Gusinde, Martin
* .1886 at Breslau, Germany (present-day Wroçlaw, Poland)
+ .1969
Martin Gusinde was born in 1886 in Breslau, Silesia, Germany (today Wroçlaw, Poland). He
studied at the Divine Word Mission (Societas Verbi Divini, SVD) seminary in Mödling near
Vienna, Austria. He was ordained in 1911 and was then sent by the SVD to Chile where he
stayed until 1924 and did, amongst other, fieldwork among the Tierra del Fuego Indians.
His Ph.-D. thesis (Univ. Vienna, 1926) was based on this work. He then worked on the staff
of the ethnological journal Anthropos and at the ethnological mission museum in Rome, as a
Professor at the Catholic University of America (1948-1957). Throughout his life, he
continued with worldwide ethnographic, linguistic, and anthropometric work, including
research trips to Namibia, where his special interest was in San peoples. He died in 1969.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SO
Profession: Missionary and anthropologist
Namibia National Archives Database
Gutsche, Clemens
* .1876 at King William's Town, South Africa
+ .1947 at Knysna, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1920
Clemens Gutsche was born in 1876 at King William's Town in South Africa. He received his
legal education in South Africa. He was appointed as Chief Justice at the (newly
established) High Court in Windhoek on 06.01.1920. He was a Member (and 1926-27 President)
of the SWA Scientific Society. He died in 1947 at Knysna in South Africa.
Gender: m
Field of activity: LAW
Profession: Judge
Functions: President - SWA Scientific Society - 1926-1927
RAW DATA: Mitt.NWG 43,4-6;
Gutteridge, William Frank, Prof.
* 21.09.1919 in United Kingdom
William Frank Gutteridge was born on 21.09.1919 in the United Kingdom. He was a political
scientist. He was educated at the University of Oxford (MA 1949). He lectured at Sandhurst
Military College from 1949 to 1963 and at Lancaster Polytechnic from 1963 to1971. He was a
Professor of international studies at the University of Aston from 1976 until 1982 and a
Consultant at the Institute for the Study of Conflict. He researched and published about
the South Africa/Namibia dispute.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Political Scientist
Namibia National Archives Database
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