in alphabetical order

Copyright © 2003-2004 Dr. Klaus Dierks


Paasio, Kustaa Aadolf
* in Finland
Finnish missionary in Namibia.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary

Namibia National Archives Database

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Pabst, Heinrich
* 12.06.1847 at Sankt Goar, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1877
Heinrich Pabst was born on 12.06.1847 at Sankt Goar in Germany. He was a missionary of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. He came to Namibia in 1877. He was stationed in Keetmanshoop, later in Rietfontein (South).
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary

Namibia National Archives Database

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Pagels, Karl Werner
* 23.03.1925 at Rostock, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1953
Karl Werner Pagels was born on 23.03.1925 at Rostock in Germany. He was educated at Rostock. He served in German Army from 1943 to 1944. He came to Namibia in 1953. In 1953 he was a farm manager, 1954 employed in building dams in Ovamboland and in 1957 Technical Manager of SWA Concrete Products. He was the Managing Director of Precast Industries of SWA (Pty) Ltd.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS
Profession: Businessman

Married to: Cordelia Pagels, née Goericke, married 1958-
Father: Werner Pagels

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Pager, Harald
* in Germany
Rock art researcher (Brandberg).
Gender: m

Namibia National Archives Database

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Palgrave, William Coates
* 31.03.1833 at Windsor, England
+ 21.07.1897 at George, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1860
William Coates Palgrave was born on 31.03.1833 at Windsor in England. He came to South Africa in 1859 to cure tuberculosis. Having joined a travelling-party into the interior, he arrived in central Namibia in 1860. He was fitted out by Charles John Andersson and stayed in the country until 1869, leading a life of hunting and prospecting (which included an attempt to exploit the Ebony mine), but never succeeded in repaying Andersson. On 28.04.1866
Samuel Afrikaner was involved in a skirmish with the expedition of William Coates Palgrave at Namutoni. Palgrave was on his way to Ovamboland. On 05.07.1867 he obtained permission from the Paramount Ovaherero Chief Kamaharero Maharero to move freely in Hereroland. On 07.06.1868 European settlers in Otjimbingwe signed a petition addressed to the Cape Governor, Philip Wodehouse, requesting British protection against the Nama/Orlam communities’ efforts to gain independence, after Jan Jonker Afrikaner had urged that all Europeans should leave the country (letter to Hahn: May 1868). The petition was signed by Palgrave who had already visited Ovamboland in 1866 (before missionary Hahn’s visit). From 1869 until his retirement, he held several posts in the Civil Service of the Cape Colony. On 21.06.1874, in the presence of Frederick Green, Maharero, together with Chief Therawa from Omaruru and Chief Kambazembi wa Kangombe (Kangombe was Kambazembi’s father) from Otjozondjupa (Waterberg), requested Henry Barkly as British High Commissioner in the Cape Colony to prevent a group of Transvaal Boers (Hendrik van Zyl) from settling in Damaraland. This led the Cape authorities to find a Special Commissioner for Damaraland. On 16.03.1876 William Coates Palgrave was appointed Cape Special Commissioner for Namaland and Hereroland, to determine their possible annexation by Britain. The extensive documentary record of his five missions (1876-1877, 1877-1879, 1879, 1880 and 1884-1885) constitutes an important historical source. On 10.04.1876 Palgrave left Cape Town for Walvis Bay (arriving on 25.04.1876)(his first official journey to the territory). In June 1876 Palgrave visited Chief Kambazembi wa Kangombe. In July the Ovaherero chiefs and Palgrave held the Conference of Okahandja, with missionary Brincker as translator. On 07./10.07.1876 Palgrave negotiated with the Swartbooi leader Abraham Swartbooi at Ameib. From 04. to 09.09.1876 the Ovaherero chiefs and Palgrave held the Main Conference of Okahandja. Kambazembi did not attend. The letter to Cape Governor Barkly was signed by Maharero, Christian Wilhelm Zeraua from Omaruru, the Ovambanderu Chief, Salomo Aponda from Otjikango and Wilhelm Maharero, oldest son of Maharero. As witnesses the letter was also signed by missionaries Peter Heinrich Brincker, Carl Ludwig Hermann Hegner and Botolf Bernhard Björklund, and traders Heinrich Kleinschmidt, Robert Lewis and J.J. Christie. On 23.09.1876 negotiations between Palgrave and Jan Jonker Afrikaner yielded no results. Two weeks later, on 05.10.1876, negotiations between Palgrave, Hermanus van Wyk from Rehoboth and Abraham Swartbooi from Ameib took place at Rehoboth. Later Palgrave also visited the Dama community of Okombahe and reported that the Dama were economically independent due to their intensive agricultural activities there. On 27.11.1876 negotiations between Palgrave and Jakobus Isaak were held at Berseba, following Palgrave’s visit to Claas Swart in Grootfontein (in the south). On 22.12.1876 negotiations between Palgrave and Wilhelm Christian, Chief of the Bondelswarts (!Gami-#nun), took place at Warmbad. In 1877 Rhenish Missionary Johann Albrecht Friedrich Böhm moved with the Swartbooi community to Zesfontein but was stopped by Palgrave because Zesfontein is "Herero territory". On 10.04.1877 Palgrave left the territory and returned to Cape Town (arrival: 24.04.1877). On 02.08.1877 Palgrave sent a letter to Maharero informing him that the Cape Government was considering establishing Hereroland as a protectorate. On 27.09.1877 Palgrave travelled from Cape Town to Walvis Bay (his second official journey to the territory) and in October he landed in Walvis Bay and travelled as Civil Commissioner to Okahandja. He implemented a prohibition of alcohol imports into the territory. In June 1878 he initiated the Conference of Hoachanas, but it was only attended by Jan Jonker Afrikaner from Windhoek, Chief Gôbeb #Goraxab (Petrus) from Hoachanas and Karl "Ses" Hendrik from the ||Hawoben. On 18.06.1878 Jakobus Isaak of Berseba and Moses Witbooi of Gibeon contacted Hermanus van Wyk of Rehoboth to establish a united front due to their distrust of Palgrave. One day later Isaak and Witbooi communicated this motion of no-confidence in Palgrave to Maharero. On 08.08.1878 Palgrave requested Jakobus Isaak to restore "peace and order in the north-east of Namaland". On 22.01.1879, after failing to "pacify" the Ovaherero and most of the Namaland communities, Palgrave travelled to the Cape Colony accompanied by Maharero’s sons Wilhelm and Samuel. On 24.09.1879 Palgrave travelled from Cape Town to Walvis Bay (his third official journey to the territory)(Trek-Boer Relief Expedition). The purpose of this journey was to assist a group of Dorsland Trekkers who planned to erect an independent republic at the west coast. Palgrave received orders to ensure British control over this group. But Palgrave’s interference and his offer of a permanent settlement in the Kaokoveld was rejected by the trekkers on the ground that they didn't want to live under British control. This led to the movement of the Dorsland Trekkers to Angola (with assistance of William Worthington Jordan). Jakobus Botha was the leader of the first deputation into Angola through Swartbooisdrift. The trekkers arrived on 04.01.1881 at Humpata in Angola. Further treks into Angola took place during 1893 and 1905. During the Angola period of the Dorsland-Trekkers (until 1928) most of the elephants in the Kaokoveld were massacred by the trekkers. One of the notorious hunters was Jan Harm Robberts. Robberts’ Boers moved through the Ombuku and Omuhonga Rivers to Okonguati and Otjiyandjasemo, where many elephants existed. After his unsuccessful encounters with the trekkers Palgrave returned to Cape Town on 09.11.1879. On 20.01.1880 Palgrave returned to Walvis Bay (leaving Cape Town on 10.10) as magistrate and Commissioner for Hereroland (his fourth official journey to the territory), after travelling extensively through the lands of the Nama and Ovaherero, and after the British Government had turned down Jan Jonker Afrikaner’s request for protection. In June 1880 Palgrave travelled to Gobabis to again attempt to "pacify" the Namaland communities. The Witbooi Paul Visser and Headman Frederik Vlermuis of Gobabis planned an uprising against Palgrave’s efforts. David Christian Frederiks of Bethany advised Palgrave to leave the territory. This was the outcome of Palgrave’s third effort to place the territory under Cape protection. After the outbreak of the war between the Ovaherero and various Nama communities on 23.08.1880 Palgrave left the territory on 04.09.1880. On 08.11.1884 Palgrave returned to SWA to persuade Maharero to accept British instead of German protection (his fifth official journey to the territory). On 03.02.1885 Palgrave was recalled by the Cape authorities. He died on 21.07.1897 at George in South Africa.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL BUS

RAW DATA: Esterhuyse 1968:12, 14-15,17-24, 29-30, 72, 75, 77-81, 83, 99. 236; Drechsler 1966:25-26, 296, 326; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);

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Palme, Olof
* 13.70.1922 in Sweden
+ 28.02.1986 at Stockholm, Sweden
Olof Palme was born on 30.01.1927 in Sweden as son of a middle class family. He studied law and became politically involved in the Swedish Social Democrat Party. He was elected to the Swedish Parliament in 1958, and became Minister of Communications in 1965. From 1968-1976 and 1982-1986, he served as Prime Minister of Sweden. Throughout his political career, he was a staunch supporter of the Third World, anticolonial and democratisation movements worldwide. He criticised the US role in Vietnam, Apartheid in South Africa and military regimes, and the international arms race. Under his leadership, Sweden gave much material and diplomatic support to Third World Liberation Movements, including SWAPO. He was an early supporter of the Namibian struggle, and a substantial transfer of humanitarian aid to Namibian refugees came from Sweden. On 28.02.1986, he was gunned down in Stockholm while walking home at night from a cinema. The identity of his murderer and his motif have never been established. - Olof Palme was honoured in independent Namibia by naming a street in Klein Windhoek after him.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL

Namibia National Archives Database

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Paradisgarten, Hymie Charles
* 25.12.1917 at Keetmanshoop
Hymie Charles Paradisgarten was born on 25.12.1917 at Keetmanshoop. He was educated at Keetmanshoop and Oudtshoorn Boys High School and the University of Cape Town in South Africa. He was a radiologist at the Windhoek State Hospital. He was the Honorary Secretary of the Medical Association of SA, SWA Branch from 1953 to 1958. He was the President of the Medical Association of SA, SWA Branch from 1958 to 1959. He served on numerous boards, including the SWA Scientific Society and the Museum Society. He was the President of the Windhoek Hebrew Congregation from 1960 to 1962. He served the Boy Scouts Organisation, the Road Safety Organisation, the Windhoek Public Library, the Hockey Association, and school boards. He was a Windhoek Town Councillor.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MED
Profession: Medical practitioner

Married to: Milly Paradisgarten, née Fivelowitz, married 1942-
Father: Abraham Paradisgarten

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Pardey, Heinrich
* 21.12.1880 at Schlüsselburg/Minden, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1908
Heinrich Pardey was born on 21.12.1880 at Schlüsselburg/Minden in Germany. He was a missionary of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. He came to Namibia in 1908. He was stationed at Grootfontein.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary

Married to: Ella Pardey, née Jacobs, married 1910

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Passarge, Siegfried, Prof. Dr.
* 26.02.1867 at Königsberg in East Prussia, Germany (Now: Russian Federation)
Siegfried Passarge was born 26.02.1867 at Königsberg in East Prussia in Germany (Now: Russian Federation). He studied medicine and sciences from 1886 until 1892. He travelled extensively, i.a. to Cameroon (1893/94), South Africa/Botswana/Namibia (1896/99), South America (1901/02) and Algeria (1906/07). In 1904/05 he was a lecturer in Geography at Berlin, from 1905 to 1908 he was Professor of Geology in Breslau and from 1908- in Hamburg.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Geographer

RAW DATA: Dt.Koloniallexikon;

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Paterson, Captain
Captain Paterson hailed from Hamburg in Germany. He was the Captain of the Danish ship Christine, on which the Hahns travelled to Europe in 1853. Later, he was apparently employed by De Pass, Spence & Co., and was the Captain of the Seabird.
Gender: m

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Paterson, William
* .1744
+ .1810
First entry to Namibia: 1779
W@illiam Paterson was the leader of an expedition to the Oranje River in 1779. It was Paterson who named the river after the Dutch Royal House of Oranje.
Gender: m


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Pechuel-Loesche, Eduard, Prof.
[Pechuel-Lösche - alternative spelling]
* 26.07.1840 at Zöschen, Germany
+ 29.05.1913 at München, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1884
Eduard Pechuel-Loesche was born on 26.07.1840 at Zöschen in Germany. He studied sciences and geography with a doctorate in Leipzig. He travelled in Africa from 1874 to 76 (Loango Expedition), from 1881 to 1883 (Congo). 1884 he visited Namibia for the "Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika", with a brief to buy mining concessions. He received his habilitation for geography in Jena 1886. From 1895 until 1912 he was a Professor of Geography at Erlangen. He died on 29.05.1913 at München.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI
Profession: Geographer

1). Geographisches Seminar Hamburg (400 aquarel paintings from his travels)* Not known if it contains Namibiana. Not established if still at the institute.
RAW DATA: Dt.Koloniallexikon; Esterhuyse 1968:68;

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Pekalski, Elisabeth Magdalena
[Ramin, Elisabeth Magdalena - birth name]
* at Mildenberg, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1949
Elisabeth Magdalena Pekalski was educated at Jena in Germany. She came to Namibia in 1949. She was the owner of the Hotel Sandberg in Mariental.
Gender: f
Field of activity: BUS

Married to: Marian Zygmunt Pekalski
Father: O. Ramin

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Pekelaar, Bernardus Hendrik
* 09.02.1924 at Cape Town, South Africa
Bernardus Hendrik Pekelaar was born on 09.02.1924 at Cape Town in South Africa. He was educated in Cape Town, at the University of Cape Town. He was the Dutch Honorary Consul for SWA in 1953 and Manager of Reinforced Concrete Engineering.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS

Married to: Sylvia Pekelaar, née Rodseth, married 1952-
Father: E.W. Pekelaar

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Peraa, Ovaherero Chief


In ca. 1820 Maharero (or Kamaharero) was born to Ua Tjirue Tjamuaha and his first wife Otjorozumo, daughter of Ndomo, daughter of Peraa, daughter of Mbondo, daughter of Mukuejuva of the eanda yomukueyuva (community or clan).
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Traditional leader
Functions: Chief - Ovaherero - before 1810

RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);

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* in Switzerland
Employee of Lüderitz, accompanied Vogelsang on his trip to Bethany 1884.
Gender: m

RAW DATA: Esterhuyse 19168:39;

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Peter, Wilhelm
* 22.08.1876 in Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1906
Wilhelm Peter was born on 22.08.1876 in Germany. He was a missionary of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. He came to Namibia in 1906 and was stationed in Bethany.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary

Married to: Olga Peter, née Haak, married 1908-

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Peters, Walter Hermann, Prof. Dr.
* 10.06.1948 at Durban, South Africa
Born on 10.6.1948 in Durban, South Africa. Schooling in Neu Hannover and Hermansburg, South Africa. Studied architecture in Durban, 1967 to 1972 (B.Arch. 1972), Edinburgh (M.Sc. 1974), Hannover, Germany (Dr.). Teaches architecture in Durban since 1975. The doctoral dissertation "Baukunst in Südwestafrika 1884 bis 1914" was published in Windhoek, 1981, and serves as the standard work on the subject. Numerous articles on colonial architecture in Namibia.
Gender: m
Profession: Architect

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Peters, Wilhelm Karl Hartwig
* 22.04.1815 at Koldenbüttel, Germany
+ 20.04.1883 at Berlin, Germany
Wilhelm Karl Hartwig Peters was born on 22.04.1815 at Koldenbüttel in Germany. He was a natural scientist and travelled extensively in Africa. He was an appointed professor of medicine in 1851, and in 1856 became professor of zoological collections in Berlin. The Hahns sent him specimens for his studies on African fauna and flora, for which they received payment. Peters died on 20.04.1883 at Berlin.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI

Namibia National Archives Database

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Pettinen, August
* in Finland
Finnish missionary in Namibia'
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary

Namibia National Archives Database

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Pfeifer, Eduard, Dr.
* 23.03.1900 at Vienna, Austria
+ 01.12.1977 at Swakopmund
First entry to Namibia: 11.1929
Eduard Pfeifer was born on 23.03.1900 at Vienna in Austria. He studied agriculture at Vienna, with a doctoral degree. He came to Namibia in November 1929 and was employed by the SWA Administration to head the karakul breeding programme at Neudamm and Omatjenne. He was interned at Andalusia during World War Two from 1941 to 1946, where he taught at the "camp university". He worked from 1946 until 1956 for the Karakul Breeders Association, and from 1956 to 1963 for the SWA Administration. He published about karakul breeding. He was also active in cultural affairs, being a founder member of the Arts Association, and from 1947 to 1966 Secretary of the SWA Scientific Society. After retirement, he lived at his farm Brack, and later until his death on 01.12.1977 in Swakopmund.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR SCI
Profession: Scientist
Functions: Secretary - SWA Scientific Society - 1947-1955

Married to: Editha Pfeifer, née Nappe
Father: Anton Pfeifer
RAW DATA: Mitteilungen Nam.Sci.Soc. 43:7-12(2002):37-38; WWSA 1959; Yearbook KBSSA 17(1975):35-36; Yearbook KBSSA 20(1978):12;

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Philip, Jane
* 21.07.1792
+ 22.10.1847
Wife of the London Missionary Society's superintendent in South Africa, John Philip, whom she married in 1809.
Gender: f

Married to: John Philip, married 1809-

Namibia National Archives Database

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Philip, John
* 14.04.1777 at Kirkcaldy, Scotland
+ 27.08.1851 at Hankey, Cape, South Africa
John Philip was born on 14.04.1777 at Kirkcaldy in Scotland. He was the Superintendent of the London Missionary Society in South Africa from 1819 to 1847. He came to South Africa in 1819. He became influential in South African politics, promoting the abolition of slavery in the 1820s and 1830s. Two doctor titles were bought for him by the London Missionary Society to enhance his status. He was married to Jane Ross in 1809. He died on 27.08.1851 at Hankey, Cape Colony in South Africa.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL

Married to: Jane Philip, née Ross (1792-1847), married 1809-1847

Namibia National Archives Database

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Philip, Thomas Peter
* 20.10.1923 at Belleville, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1962
Thomas Peter Philip was born on 20.10.1923 at Belleville in South Africa. He was educated at Lydenburg, Stellenbosch University in South Africa and the University Arizona in the United States. He was an engineer. He came to Namibia in 1962. He was the Superintendent of Smelters in Tsumeb from 1968 to 1971. He was an Asst. General Manager of the Tsumeb Corporation.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ENG
Profession: Engineer

Married to: Adriana Petronella Philip, née van Schalkwyk, married 1954-
Father: David Henderson Philip

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Pienaar, Peter
First entry to Namibia: 1793
Peter Pienaar joined an expedition on the ship Meermin to Walvis Bay in 1793, on behalf of Willem van Reenen, and travelled along the Swakop River. It is not clear whether this is the same Pienaar who was killed by Jonker Afrikaner.
Gender: m

RAW DATA: Esterhuyse 1968:7;

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Piennaar, Michael Johannes
* 23.05.1912 at Lichtenburg, South Africa
Michael Johannes Piennaar was born on 23.05.1912 at Lichtenburg in South Africa. He was educated in Zwartruggens, the Pretoria University, and in Germany. He came to Namibia in 1955. He was a Manager of Old Mutual SWA.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS

Married to: Käthe Pienaar, née Hartel, married 1940

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Piers, Charles
Cape Colony special commissioner to Namaland, 1868.
Gender: m

RAW DATA: Esterhuyze 1968:16;

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Pieters, Jan Hermanus
* .1873 in Netherlands
+ .1911
Jan Hermanus Pieters was born in 1873 in the Netherlands. He was of Dutch origin. He was employed by the Kaiserliche Eisenbahnkommando in SWA from 1901 until 1906 and the Otavi Minen und Eisenbahngesellschaft from 1906 to 1911 when he died.
Gender: m

1). NAN: A.11 (Personal papers)
RAW DATA: NAN List of Accessions;

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Pieters, Sid
Businessman, minerals collector and trader.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS

Namibia National Archives Database

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000249/001101 *Duplicate entry into Namibia National Archives Database
Piirainen,  Andreas (Antti)
* in Finland
+ 12.05.1910 at Omaruru

First entry to Namibia: 1868

Andreas (Antti) Piirainen was a Finnish mission assistant who landed at Walvis Bay together with six Finnish missionaries (inter alia Martti Rautanen and Botolf Bernhard Björklund) on 14.02.1869. He was a member of the party which left Otjimbingwe for Ovamboland on 27.05.1870. After a meeting with Ondonga King Shikongo sha Kalulu (1859-1874) at Omandongo on 10.07.1870, it was decided that Piirainen should leave for the Uukwambi area together with Rautanen, Weikkolin and Kurvinen, while the others remained behind in the Ondonga area. His bride arrived at Otjimbingwe on April or May 1871, and they were married at the station shortly afterwards. The main purpose of his coming to the territory was to teach handicraft, but as the local chiefs required the services of the mission assistants virtually for themselves, this objective could not be realised, and in 1872 he moved to Omaruru, where he erected his own property, but was killed in an accident while building his house on 12.05.1910. The Rev. August Kuhlmann of the Rhenish Missionary Society purchased and completed it, and it became known as the second mission house at Omaruru.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL BUS
Profession: Mission assistant

RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);

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Pilet, Ms
Ms Pilet was a farmer's wife from Frauenstein. It was alleged that she have been killed in the German Ovaherero War of 1904, an atrocity story which was later found untrue.
Gender: f

Married to: Charlotte Krenz, née Nickel, married 1928-
Mother: Mary Francis Krenz, née Talbot-Bowe
Father: Friedrich Krenz
RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:170;

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Pillay, Vella
Vella Pillay was an international economist. He was a Director of the Greater London Enterprise Board, and Vice-Chairman of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement. As such, he was also involved in solidarity for Namibia.
Gender: m

Namibia National Archives Database

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Pitter, Daniel
[Pitters, Daniel]
Also called Daniel Magistraat. An office-bearer under Hendrik Witbooi. His wife's name was Hanna.
Gender: m

Married to: Hanna Pitter

RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:96;

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Pitter, Jakob
[Zoardeb - Nama name]
* 15.11.1872 (?) at Gibeon
+ 10.1888 at near Zwartmodder
Jakob Pitter was born on 15.11.1872 (?) at Gibeon. He was a Witbooi who was killed by lightning near Zwartmodder in October 1888 while pursuing Manasse !Noreseb's war party. This is probably the same Jakob Pitter who is mentioned as messenger ("bode") in Hendrik Witbooi's list of officials of 23.09.1888; it is not clear whether he was the Jakob Pitter who according to the Gibeon church book was born on 15.11.1872.
Gender: m

RAW DATA: Lau 1995:245

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Pitter, Jakob
Jakob Pitter is mentioned as a "veldkornet" in Hendrik Witbooi's proclamation to the Hoornkrans community on 06.04.1893.
Gender: m

RAW DATA: Lau 1995:245;

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Platje, Paulus
+ .1905 in Namibia
Paulus Platje was a teacher in Koës. He was accused of spying, and executed in 1905 by the Germans.
Gender: m
Field of activity: EDU

RAW DATA: JBRMG 1905:22;

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Plietz, Albert
* 06.04.1884 in Germany
Albert Plietz was born on 06.04.1884 in Germany. He was educated in Germany. He was a mechanical engineer. He came to Namibia (or South Africa?) in 1905.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ENG

Married to: Gertrude Plietz, née Rosner, married 1910
Father: Albert Plietz

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Plewzke, Lieutenant
Schutztruppe officer, "Etappenkommandant" in Omaruru.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL

RAW DATA: Drechsler 1966:357;

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Plichta, Oskar Valentine

[Plichta, Hampie]
*  05.11.1934 at Keetmanshoop

+  29.06.2001 at Windhoek
Oskar Valentina Plichta was born on 05.11.1934 at Keetmanshoop. He studied civil engineering at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. He joined the National Party of SWA in the 1950s. In 1978 he joined the Republican Party (DTA) and supported the DTA in various functions in Keetmanshoop. In 1992 he joined SWAPO. For many years he was the Mayor of Keetmanshoop. He was a founding member and chair person of the Southern Tourist Forum (STF). He always supported the economic and tourist interests of Namibia's south. In March 1995 he was appointed by President Sam Nujoma as Minister for Works, Transport and Communication and as a non-voting member of the National Assembly (Constitutional quota of six non-voting members of the National Assembly, appointed by the President of the Republic of Namibia). He retired on 20.03.2000 and returned to Keetmanshoop. He died on 29.06.2001 in Windhoek. 
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Civil Engineer

RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);

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Poech, Rudolf
Austrian ethnographer and physical anthropologist who did fieldwork in Namibia and Botswana.
Gender: m
Field of activity: SCI

* Possibly in the archives of Akademie der Wissenschaften or Institute of Ethnography, Vienna/Austria

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Pohamba, Hifikepunye Lucas
* 18.08.1935 at Okanghudi
Hifikepunye Lucas Pohamba was born at Okanghudi on 18.08.1935. He was educated at the Anglican Holy Cross mission school at Onamunama from 1947 to 1954. Later he worked at the Tsumeb copper mine. Pohamba joined SWAPO in April 1959. Pohamba returned home to Ovamboland at the end of his contract, becoming an organiser for SWAPO. He was arrested by the South African Native Commissioner and was handed over to the Tribal Authorities who chained him to a pole because there was no jail at Ondangwa and was flogged 24 strokes. He was told to leave Ovamboland under threat that his father, who was a headman, would have his area confiscated. He went into exile three times - first in 1961 when he left via Rundu pretending to be an Angolan looking for work in South Africa. He signed up hoping to escape but was kept in a compound in Botswana and taken to work on a gold mine near Johannesburg. Pohamba escaped from the mine compound and travelled to Dar-es-Salaam via Botswana and Northern Rhodesia (present-day Zambia) to arrive at the time of independence of Tanganyika (present-day Tanzania), meeting Sam Nujoma for the first time as well as Hidipo Hamutenya. After a meeting of the SWAPO exile group it was decided that he and others should go return to Namibia to mobilise the people back home. He was arrested in Rhodesia (present-day Zimbabwe) 1972 and spent a month in jail in Bulawayo. He was deported to Johannesburg in August 1962 where he was arrested but released and put in the Carlton Hotel for some days pending his return to Windhoek by train. He met other SWAPO members including Aaron Hamutenya, Hidipo Hamutenya's father. Pohamba was again arrested and tried for illegally leaving the country. He spent six months in jail before returning to Ovamboland and put under house arrest. At a large meeting between Ovamboland chiefs and the South African Minister for Bantu Affairs, De Wet Nel, SWAPO supporters under Simon Kaukungua asked provocative questions. When the chiefs in their embarrassment challenged the SWAPO supporters, they got up and left taking most of the people with them. When the chiefs later tried to threaten the SWAPO group with rifles the people opposed tem with knives and the chiefs were forced to withdraw. Kaukungua and Pohamba left into exile in 1964 with police hunting them. He opened the SWAPO offices in Lusaka in August 1964 where he met Mishake Muyongo from CANU and was involved in discussions concerning a merger between SWAPO and CANU. On 20 March 1966, he accompanied Sam Nujoma on his flight to Windhoek, challenging the South African claim that there was no ban on the movement of SWAPO leaders in and out of the country. They were detained and deported to Livingstone in Zambia on the next day. He moved to Dar-Es-Salaam and was appointed Deputy Administrative Secretary on the SWAPO Central Committee at the 1969 Tanga Consultative Congress. Pohamba moved to Lusaka and was transferred to Algeria 1971 as Chief Representative for northern Africa. He was appointed Secretary for Finance and Administration in the SWAPO Politburo at the enlarged meeting of the SWAPO Executive in Lusaka 1975 (until the date of independence on 21.03.1990). He became the SWAPO Chief of Operations in Lusaka/Zambia in 1979. Pohamba was transferred to the SWAPO Head Quarter in Luanda/Angola 1982. He studied in the USSR 1981/82. Pohamba was appointed Minister of Home Affairs at Independence (1990-1995), then Minister for Fisheries (1995-1997), later Minister without Portfolio (1997-2000), SWAPO Secretary-General (2000-2002) and Minister of Lands Resettlement and Rehabilitation (2002-). During the SWAPO Central Committee Meeting from 02.04.2004 to 03.04.2004 in Windhoek, Hifikepunye Lucas Pohamba (proposed by Sam Nujoma), Nahas Angula (proposed by Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo, seconded by Libertine Amathila) and Hidipo Hamutenya (proposed by Mosé Penaani Tjitendero, seconded by Hartmut Ruppel) were elected as the three SWAPO presidential candidates for the Presidential Election 2004 in order to succeed the President of the Republic of Namibia, Sam Nujoma.The sole SWAPO presidential candidate will be elected during an Extraordinary SWAPO Congress at the end of May 2004.

Gender: m
Field of activity: POL
Profession: Politician

Married to: Penny Pohamba, née Hasho, married 1983-
Father: Pohamba Hamukoto

Mother: Kaupumote Pohamba née Nghituwamata


1). Namibia Handbook and Political Who's Who, 1990 (Pütz, Von Egidy and Caplan)
2). Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks)
RAW DATA: Dickie/Rake 1973;

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Pohl, Dr.
* in Germany
Mining engineer, led an expedition to Namibia in the employ of Lüderitz, 1885.
Gender: m
Field of activity: ENG

RAW DATA: Esterhuyse 1968:89-90, 122;

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Pönnighaus, Friedrich
* .1885 in Germany
+ .1975
Friedrich Pönnighaus was born in 1885 in Germany. He was a missionary of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft. Pönnighaus was the leader of the Paulinum at Karibib, a college to train Namibian Evangelical-Lutheran theologists, during the 1950s. He was in contrast to the most Rhenish missionaries one of the few (together with Heinrich Rust) who did not support the Nazi ideology in SWA and later the South African Apartheid ideology.
Gender: m
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary

RAW DATA: Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks);

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Pönnighaus, Ursula
* 06.05.1924 at Swakopmund
+ 02.01.2004 at Wuppertal/Germany
Ursula Pönnighaus was the daughter of Rhenish Missionary Friedrich Pönnighaus and was born on 06.05.1924 at Swakopmund. She was a missionary herself and was in contrast to the most Rhenish missionaries one of the few who did not support the South African Apartheid ideology. She started to assist her father at the Paulinum in Karibib as from May 1953. From 1964 she took over the Rhenish missionary station of Okombahe. She also served on the Board of the Rhenish Missionary Society as from 1963. In the same year she started service at the missionary station of Omatjette and thereafter at Rehoboth. From 1968 to 1978 Pönnighaus was shifted again to Karibib in order to edit the church magazine "Immanuel". She also served the congregation of the "white" Deutsche Lutherische Evangelische Kirche (DELK) at Karibib. Due to her critical attitude towards the South Apartheid policy which was supported by the overwhelming majority of German speaking Namibians, she was forced to leave the DELK. From 1981 to 1983 she served the "black" Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELC) in Windhoek. She went on retirement in October 1983 and went back to Germany where she worked at the head quarter of the Rhenish Missionary Society in Wuppertal until 1986. There she died on 02.01.2004.  
Gender: f
Field of activity: REL
Profession: Missionary

Father: Friedrich Pönnighaus
Mother: Martha Pönnighaus

RAW DATA: Obituary: Allgemeine Zeitung: 22.01.2004;

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Poppe, C.
An agent of Lüderitz.
Gender: m

RAW DATA: Rohlfs 1884:13;

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Pöppl, Alfred
* 13.04.1879
Schutztruppe officer.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL
Profession: Military officer

RAW DATA: Fischer 1935:143;

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Power, Phillip Terry
* .1898 at County Cork, Ireland
First entry to Namibia: 1936
Phillip Terry Power was born in 1898 at County Cork in Ireland. He was educated at the St. Colman College in County Cork in Ireland. He was an accountant with the South African Railways & Harbours. He came to Namibia in 1936. He served  in the two world wars, from 1914 to 1918 and from 1939 to 1946.
Gender: m


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Preiss, Willy Max
* 30.04.1928 at Swakopmund
Willy Max Preiss was born on 30.04.1928 at Swakopmund. He was educated at Swakopmund and Vereeniging in South Africa. From 1950 to 1953 he was an electrician at the Swakopmund power station and from 1954 to 1962 installation inspector at the Windhoek Municipality. In 1963 he founded the "Rocks and Gems" lapidary shop.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS

Married to: Edith Beatrice Preiss, née Verster, married 1953
Father: Willy Max Preiss

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Prescher, Paul
Was in Namibia 1884 in the employ of Lüderitz to search for copper.
Gender: m

RAW DATA: Esterhuyse 1968:89;

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Pretorius, Jacobus Willem Francois (Kosie)
* 05.09.1935 at Swakopmund
Jacobus Willem Francois (Kosie) Pretorius was born on 05.09.1935 at Swakopmund. He was educated at Otjiwarongo. He received a B.A. and a M.A. (Pol.Sc.) from the University of the Orange Free State (O.F.S.).  He was the Organising Secretary of the Afrikaanse Studentebond from 1957 to 1958. He was a farmer since1959-. He was the First Chairman of the Junior Rapportryers in Windhoek from 1960 to 1981. He served as Chief Secretary of the National Party from 1961 until 1969. He was the Deputy Chairman of the SWA National Party from 1977 until 1981. He represented the Gobabis Constituency in the SWA "all-white" Legislative Assembly from 1962 to 1989. He served on the SWA Executive Committee from 1969 until 1988. He was the Chairman of the SWA Executive Committee of the  "Administration for Whites" from 1981 to 1988. He served as Minister of the Interim's Government for Water Affairs, Post and Telecommunications from 1988 to 1989. He was the Leader of the NPSWA from 1981 until 1991 (changed to an opinion forming pressure group "Monitor Action Group (MAG) in 1991)". He was elected to the Constituent Assembly for Namibia 1989-1990. He is a Member of the National Assembly for "MAG" from 1990-. He is the Chairman of the Monitor Action Group since 1991-.
Gender: m
Field of activity: POL AGR
Profession: Politician Farmer

Married to: Drix Pretorius, née Potgieter, married 1962-
Father: Pieter Jacobus Pretorius

Mother: Catherine Maria Dorothea Pretorius née Koch
RAW DATA: WWSA 1995-96;

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Pretorius, Marthinus Theunis
* 11.06.1920 at Klerksdorp, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 1946
Marthinus Theunis Pretorius was born on 11.06.1920 at Klerksdorp in South Africa. He was educated at the Paarl Boys High School and the University of Cape Town. He came to Namibia in 1946. He was a land surveyor, councillor and Deputy Mayor in Windhoek.
Gender: m

Married to: Pearl Charlotte Pretorius, née Meneke, married 1948-
Father: Andries Petrus Pretorius

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Pretorius, Pieter Jacobus
* 16.03.1901 at Cradock, South Africa
First entry to Namibia: 04.1929
Pieter Jacobus Pretorius was born on 16.03.1901 at Cradock in South Africa. He was educated at the Cradock Boys High School. He came to Namibia in 1929. He was a farmer at Okanjande, and politician. He was a Member of the Meat Control Board from 1946 until 1951. He was the Chairperson of the S.W.G.A.C. from 1949 to 1950. He was the Chairperson of the Otjiwarongo Show Society from 1948 to 1949. He was a Member of the SWA Legislative Assembly from 1950-. He was an elder of the Dutch Reformed Church (D.R.C.) from 1952 to 1956.
Gender: m
Field of activity: AGR
Profession: Farmer

Married to: Catharina Maria Dorothea Pretorius, née Koch, married 1933-
Father: Jacobus Willem Francois Pretorius

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Priflinger, Josef
* 13.12.1892 at Augsburg, Germany
First entry to Namibia: 1913
Josef Priflinger was born on 13.12.1892 at Augsburg in Germany. He was educated in Germany. He came to Namibia in 1913 and joined the Deutsche Afrika-Bank. He started his own business in 1932. He was a Registered Accountant of J. Priflinger and G. Roll in Windhoek.
Gender: m

Married to: Hildegard Priflinger, née Mueller, married 1924
Father: Johan Priflinger

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Prinsloo, Hendrik Frederik
* .1890
+ .1966
South African officer who tracked down the !Gami-#nun leader Abraham Morris in the 1922 Bondelswart War against the South Africans.
Gender: m
Field of activity: MIL


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Pupkewitz, Harold
* 14.07.1915 at Vilna, Poland (now: Lithuania)
First entry to Namibia: 1925
Harold Pupkewitz was born on 14.07.1915 at Vilna in Poland (now: Lithuania). He was educated at the Windhoek High School. He received a B.Com. from the University of Cape Town. He is a businessman, Managing Director of Pupkewitz Holdings (Pty) Ltd. and director of various companies. He is the Hon. Life President of the Windhoek Hebrew Congregation.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS

Married to: Ethel Pupkewitz, née Meyerovitz, married 1952-
Father: Max Pupkewitz
RAW DATA: WWSA 1959; WWSA 1974; WWSA 1995-96

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Pupkewitz, Julius
* 07.10.1919 at Vilna, Poland (now: Lithuania)
First entry to Namibia: 1925
Julius Pupkewitz was born on 07.10.1919 at Vilna in Poland (now: Lithuania). He was educated at the Windhoek High School and the University of Cape Town. He is a businessman.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS

Father: Max Pupkewitz

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Pupkewitz, Morris
* 19.07.1914 at Vilna, Poland (now: Lithuania)
First entry to Namibia: 1925
Morris Pupkewitz was born on 19.07.1914 at Vilna, Poland (now: Lithuania). He is a businessman and director of various companies.
Gender: m
Field of activity: BUS

Married to: Rose Pupkewitz, née Sanders, married 1944-
Father: Max Pupkewitz

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