1964 The United Namib Independence Party is founded by the Herero Chiefs’ Council after it withdraws its support of SWANU.
Sam Nujoma achieves a major success when he manages to gain recognition as a receiver of OAU aid. This is said to be the result of his friendship with Tanzanian Foreign Minister and Chairman of the OAU Liberation Committee, Oscar Kambona.
The SWA Liberation Army (SWALA) has soldiers in training in Egypt (since 1962: seven soldiers: Tobias Hainjeko (first commander of SWALA), John Otto Nankudhu, Vilho Haitembu, Titus Muailepeni Shitilifa, Patrick Israel Iyambo (Lungada), Petrus Hambija and Lazarus Zachariah (Shakala)),in  Algeria (the group trained in Algeria is led by Dimo Hamaambo), in Tanzania (on 27.05.1963 a military camp is opened at Kongwa in Tanzania for those soldiers who have been trained abroad) and the People’s Republic of China (some soldiers receive training at the Nanking Military Academy in China). Eino Kamati Ekandjo is in the first group to be sent to Ghana for military training.
Hage Gottfried Geingob becomes one of SWAPO’s petitioners at the UN (until 1971, and together with Veine Mbaeva and others). Mosé Penaani Tjitendero goes into exile via Aminuis to Francistown in Botswana.
Jesaya Nyamu from Oshigambo goes into exile to Tanganyika and later to the USA.
Katuutire Kaura goes into exile to Tanganyika and later to the USA.
David Hoveka Meroro becomes SWAPO’s National Chairman.
The Bondelswarts Council is formed in Warmbad to protest against the forced resettlement of the Bondelswarts community. Its founding members are Anna Veldskoen, grand daughter of Abraham Morris, Eduard Jossop and Abraham Labalot.
Kuaima Riruako goes into exile to Botswana with 154 others.
A Roman Catholic mission station is established in Dornfeld near Gobabis.
The zinc and lead ore bodies of Rosh Pinah (Hebrew, meaning: corner stone) are discovered (MD McMillan, ME Kahan).
Blue sodalite is quarried at a site near Swartbooisdrift in the Kaokoveld.
January Under the leadership of Simbwaye, CANU begins its struggle for the independence of Namibia and the liberation of the Caprivi Strip under the protection of the United Nations.
27.01. The report of the Odendaal Commission ("Report of the Commission of Inquiry into South West Africa Affairs, 1962-1963") is released. This report recommends the formation of 10 "homelands" for SWA’s "black" population, i.e. they should live apart from the "coloureds" as well as the "whites", in accordance with SA’s revised apartheid policy. Thus the Commission advises integrating SWA much more closely into the political and economic system of SA. Additionally, SA should continue to administer the territory in the spirit of the original "Mandate Agreement" (Article 2), meaning that SA will maintain full legislative and executive power in the territory and will rule it as an "integral part of South Africa". The "homelands" fall under the jurisdiction of the SA Minister of Bantu Administration and Development. According to the "Odendaal Plan", as it be comes known, 526 000 people live in the territory. The "black" reserves, which cover 26% of the total land area of SWA, are to be expanded to cover nearly 40% of the total land area. The Odendaal report also makes specific recommendations for many infrastructural developments in the territory, to be realised by way of three five-year plans.
The UN Special Committee of the Twenty-Four sharply rejects the Odendaal Plan.
Clemence Kapuuo, advisor to the Ovaherero Chief Hosea Kutako, rejects the plan too. The plan is also rejected by the leaders of the two Lutheran churches: Leonard Auala from the ELOK and Vice Preses Paulus Gowaseb and Secretary-General Günther Reeh from the ELC.
Simon "Mzee" Kaukungua goes into exile. He becomes the first SWAPO Political Commissar of the SWA Liberation Army (SWALA) and trains soldiers in Tanzania until 1970.
29.04. The Odendaal Plan is accepted by the SA Government. Its actual implementation, however, does not begin before 1968 because a verdict from the ICJ is still pending
14.05. The new building for the "all-white" Legislative Assembly is opened in Windhoek by SA President CR Swart.
June Mburumba Kerina announces the formation of the Independence and National Convention Party.
Simbwaye and two other functionaries of CANU are arrested by the South African Police. CANU headquarters at Katima Mulilo are attacked by the South Africans. Subsequently most of the CANU leaders including Mishake Muyongo, Crispin Mulonda  and Siseho Simasiku escape to Zambia which stands on the threshold of independence. After the disappearance of Simbwaye Muyongo becomes President and Simasiku Vice President of CANU.
18.06. Timothy Hadino Hishongwa flees SWA and joins Maxton Joseph Mutongulume at SWAPO’s office in Francistown, Botswana.
24.07. Simbwaye is tried at Katima Mulilo. He is later relocated at Opuwo in the Kaokoveld. He subsequently disappears. It is never established when and where he dies.
August Kerina's Independence and National Convention Party is reconstituted as the United Nama Independence People’s Party (UNIPP), but UNIPP is opposed by SWANU, SWAPO and the Damara Tribal Executive Committee (DTEC). It disappears in early 1965.
Hifikepunye Pohamba opens a SWAPO office in Lusaka, Zambia, where he meets Mishake Muyongo of CANU, with whom he discusses a proposed merger of SWAPO and CANU.
25.09. Mburumba Kerina, Hosea Kutako and Clemence Kapuuo establish the moderate and traditionalist National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO). Kapuuo from the NUDO and Fritz Gariseb from the DEC oppose the South African apartheid policy but advocate a federal type of government based on the old tribal regions. SWAPO (Nujoma) and SWANU (Kozonguizi) favour a non-racial democracy based on universal franchise and on the ideology of Pan-Africanism. Both parties decline to join NUDO and join SWANLIF instead. SWANLIF, however, fails after 1964 because the party is not able to link SWAPO and SWANU.
October CANU merges with SWAPO to wage the armed struggle and the organisation is banned.
There are uprisings against Portuguese colonialism in Mozambique.
After an interruption of five years, the Windhoek Agricultural Show is held again.
The construction programme for the "black" Windhoek suburb of Katutura is completed. Of the 3 116 "matchbox" houses built, 1 221 are still unoccupied at this time.

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83 Years old Anna Veldskoen, Grand Daughter of Abraham Morris, living in Gabis, west of Warmbad
Klaus Dierks

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