Samuel Maharero (Katjikumbwa or Ourihuuna) is born to Maharero.
The Walfish Bay Mining Company starts mining copper at the Matchless Mine and at Tsaobis or Pot Mine in the Swakop River valley.
||Oaseb of the Kai||khaun attacks together with Hendrik Henricks of the ||Hawoben, the Ovaherero leader Ua Tjirue Tjamuaha, without any success.
28.03. Carl Hugo Hahn returns to Otjikango (Groß Barmen) which he finds deserted and partly destroyed.
March A missionary conference is held in Otjimbingwe (10.03.-13.03.), during which the Rhenish Missionary Society negotiates on future missionary work in Ovamboland.
19.08. Rhenish missionary Friedrich Simon Eggert re-establishes and runs a mission station at Gobabis (until 1859), and is followed by Friedrich Wilhelm Weber (1860-1865) and Engelbert Krapohl (1859-11.04.1865). Krapohl later establishes a profitable trading business in the Gobabis area.
1857 Hendrik Henricks of the ||Hawoben becomes an ally of the Orlam Afrikaners.
Hahn publishes the first Otjiherero dictionary.
Rhenish missionary Friedrich Wilhelm Weber works in Berseba (until 1860). He builds the church there.

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Berseba: founded by Rhenish Missionary Samuel Hahn: 17.10.1850: the Church is built by Missionary Friedrich Wilhelm Weber: 1857
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

Johannes Hendrik Bam is ordained as a missionary of the Rhenish Missionary Society, after much resistance from Germany owing to his classification as "coloured".

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Bethany: Rhenish Missionary Cemetry: Johannes Heinrich Bam: died on 26.09.1891
Copyright of Photo Dr. Klaus Dierks

Rhenish missionary Franz Heinrich Vollmer builds a church in Hoachanas in the years 1857 to 1863. A church tower is added in 1902 by missionary Philipp Diehl. This occurs on the advent of the important peace conference in Hoachanas in January 1858.

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The Renish Missionary Church of 1857: Hoachanas: built by Missionary Vollmer: Hardap Region
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

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Grave near the Renish Missionary Church in Hoachanas: Hardap Region
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

Charles John Andersson becomes manager of the Walfish Bay Mining Company.
Aaron De Pass together with John Spence establishes in Walvis Bay the company De Pass, Spence and Company which mainly becomes involved in the guano business.

08.06. Kreft and Krönlein complete a Nama dictionary.
31.07. Hahn, Rath and Frederick Joseph Green (also known as Frederick Thomas Green) travel into Ovamboland. Hahn’s purpose is to start missionary work in Ovamboland and to investigate the possibility of a port site at the Kunene mouth. But they do not achieve their objectives but have rather to flee the indigenes because they had seriously violated the Ondonga customs and taboos. On the European side, Rath’s employee Kambararapeke is killed. In the Ondonga area, the son of King Nangolo dAmutenya, Namupupa, is killed in the ensuing battle. The King himself dies of a heart attack shortly after or during the battle. He is succeeded by the sixth Ondonga King Shipanga shAmukwiita (1857-1859).
Green is a close associate of Charles John Andersson, whom he helps to organise the Ovaherero army against the Nama in the 1860s.
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