The vessel "Bode", under the command of Captain CT Wobma, sails to the Kuiseb River mouth from Cape Town and is involved in a skirmish with the local Nama community. This is the first recorded occurrence of armed resistance by Namibians against European infiltration.
20.01. Bode leaves Cape Town.
17.02. Bode reaches the Namibian coast.
22.02. Bode reaches Angra Pequeña.
05.03. Bode reaches Sandwich Harbour where the skirmish between the Dutch and the Nama takes place.
1690 After the fall of Ondonga King Nembulungo lyNgwedha, his successor is the second Ondonga King Shindongo shaNamutenya gwa Nguti.
1695 The Nama Chief, #Hâb,of the Kai||haun (also called Red Nation), the main group of all Nama groups in Namibia, is probably the first Chief of this community. He is involved in several conflicts with San and Dama groups. #Hâb unifies the Namibian Nama groups (Bondelswarts (!Gami-#nun); Topnaar (#Aonin); Fransman Nama (!Khara-khoen); Veldschoendrager (||Hawoben); Groot Doden (Ô||gain); Swartboois (||Khau-|gõan) and the Kharo-!oan from present-day Keetmanshoop), whereby the Kai||khaun play a leading role. Later the ||Khau-|gõan and the Kharo-!oan are the first groups to separate from the Kai||khaun.
The community government (Nama: !haos di #hanub) consists of the chief (Nama: gao-aob) and some councillors (Nama: |abe-ma-aogu). The family chiefs (Nama: gai-khoin) and the councillors elect among the candidates the most suitable. All candidates must, however, belong to the family of the chief (Nama: gaosib khoin).

Namibia_Hardap_Hoachanas_Cemetry_0.JPG (89663 bytes)Namibia_Hardap_Hoachanas_Cemetry_1.JPG (102300 bytes)

The Genealogy of the Kai||khaun (Red Nation) Chiefs of Hoachanas: Since Chief #Hâb: 1695: Old Cemetry: Hardap Region: April 2003
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

1700 Ondonga King Shindongo shaNamutenya gwa Nguti is defeated by Nangombe yaMvula who becomes the third Ondonga King. He lives in Oshamba village.
1710 The Nama Chief #Hâb dies. His successor is ||Khomab #Hâmab.
1723 The Dutch West India Company (founded 1621 for trading in the Atlantic Ocean and along the West African Coast) sends the ship "Waerwijck" to Walvis Bay (named by the Dutch between 1720 and 1730) to catch whales and barter along the African west coast. Other ships to be sent to Walvis Bay are "Acredam" and "Sonnesteijn".
1725 ||Khomab #Hâmab dies, and is suceeded by   ||Khaub gaib ||Khomab. During his reign a split occurs between the Kai||khaun and the ||Khau-|gõan after which the ||Khau-|gõan leave Hoachanas (!Hoaxa!nâs) and settle at |Anhes (Otjiherero: Otjomevamomutumba: Place of water between dunes)(Carl Hugo Hahn proposes on 13.05.1843 to name |Anhes "Rehoboth").
1731 The Dutch West India Company terminates its whaling expeditions to Walvis Bay.
1733 The Frenchman, Count Jean de Maurepas, compiles the first map of Angra Pequeña.
1738 European settlers Pieter de Bruyn and Willem van Wyk from the South African Dutch East India Company (founded 1602 to trade in the Indian and Pacific oceans) reach the Oranje River from the south.
1740 The Chief of the Kai||khaun, ||Khaub gaib ||Khomab, dies. His successor is #Ô-||nâib ||Khaumab.
Circa 1750 Setting out from the Kaokoveld, Ovaherero leader Mutjise, son of Mbunga, son of Tjituka, son of Kengeza of the oruzo orwohorongo (community or clan, also religious group from the father’s side, while eanda is a socio-economic group to which the mother belongs), moves to Okahandja (probably around 1785). Mutjise’s son, Tjirwe, builds a settlement at Otjikune, east of Okahandja.
Possibly the Ovaherero came from the north-east because in Otjiherero "Okunene" could mean "the right-hand side" or "that which lies to the right", while "Okavango" could mean "the small hip" or "that which lies to the left". It is quite possible that other theories on the origin of the two river names exist.

Oral tradition has it that the community of the Yeyi (Mayeyi) migrates from Diyeyi (land of the Mayeyi), in the area of Linyanti and Sangwali, in three groups (under the leadership of three community chiefs: Shikati (Chief) Hankuze, Shikati Qunku and his brother Qunkunyane and Shikati Matsharatshara to the Okavango Delta in present-day Botswana. Later they return to the present-day Namibia (Caprivi Strip), to Linyanti and Sangwali.
The first queen of one of the Kavango communities, Mate I, which is called Hompa, leaves the area of the Mashi River and settles at the Okavango River at Makuzu, west of Nkurenkuru in present-day Angola. She rules around 1700 or even before. Her sister, Kapango, settles in the Mbunza area (the origin of the Uukwangali Kingdom lies in the split between the Kwangali and the Mbunza areas). Oral tradition reports that these groups were part of a general westwards migration from the East African Great Lakes region. The Kavango languages of these groups are Rukwangali, Rumanyo (Gciriku and Shambyu communities), Thimbukushu and Mbunza and are all related.
During the reign of Uukwangali Queen Nankali (around 1775) friction develops with the neighbouring communities and the Kwangali move from Makuzu to Sihangu (near Mukukuta). Queen Simbara, sister of Mutenda, becomes the next ruler in 1785 (until 1800). From Mukukuta the Kwangali group settles at Karai, still in Angola, opposite Nkurenkuru in present-day Namibia. Queen Simbara is followed by Queen Mate II (ca. 1800-1818).
The Ondonga King Nangombe yaMvula dies. He is followed by the fourth Ondonga King Nembungu lyAmutundu who rules until ca. 1820 (1810 according to different oral evidence).
The Uukwambi kings Nakantu kaNakwedhi (eighth Uukwambi King: ca. 1750-1780) and Nuukata waTshiinga (ninth Uukwambi King: ca. 1780-1800 who is followed by the tenth Uukwambi King, Iilonga yaNyango) as well as the seventh Uukwanyama King Hamangulu yaNahambo (ca. 1807-1811) are King Nembungu’s contemporaries (the 5. and 6. Uukwanyama-Kings are: Shimbilinga shaNailambi und Haihambo yaMukwanuli). Earlier Uukwambi Kings cannot be dated (they are in a descending order: Nakwedhi (Mukwiilongo); Nuyoma wAmutako; Neyema; Niigogo ya Natsheya; Mbulungundju; Nakano und Mukwambi.
1755 The Nama Chief #Ô||nâib ||Khaumab dies. His successor is |Hanab #Ô ||nâimab.
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