Friedrich Gotthard Karl Ernst Fabri, head of the Rhenish Missionary Society, authors a book entitled Germany Needs Colonies, which initiates a process of agitation in Germany for colonies to be obtained.
Heinrich Friedrich Gottlieb Rust succeeds missionary Olpp in Gibeon.
The first detailed map of south-western Africa is compiled by Theophilus Hahn.
Missionaries Brincker and Carl Gotthilf Büttner complete their translation of the New Testament into the Otjiherero language.
Duparquet travels to the Uukwanyama area of Ovamboland.
Dorsland trekkers reach the Etosha Pan (Rietfontein) and settle temporarily in the Kaokoveld (Zesfontein, Otjitundua and Kaoko Otavi which they call Rusplaas). One of their descendants is Slagveld van der Merwe, originating from Zululand in South Africa. He was named after the Dorsland trekker Gert van der Merwe, nicknamed Slagveld. He lived in Ehomba in the Kaokoveld.
In the Kavango Gciriku King Muhera dies. His successor is King Nyangana (1879-1924).
06.01. Jan Jonker Afrikaner sends a petition (with the assistance of missionary Schröder) to the British Government seeking to protect the areas of the Orlam Afrikaners.
22.01. After failing to "pacify" the Ovaherero and most of the Namaland communities, Palgrave travels to the Cape accompanied by Maharero’s sons Wilhelm and Samuel.
Duparquet becomes Vice-Prefect of the new Roman Catholic mission area known as Cimbebasia. This commitment causes great concern and a threat to the Rhenish Missionary Society. Right from the beginning of the involvement of the Roman Catholic Church in Namibia, the Rhenish Missionary Society continues attempts to win over the subsequent German authorities to their side in trying to minimise Roman catholic influence in the colony.
The Roman Catholic mission station at Omaruru is established.
24.09. Palgrave travels from Cape Town to Walvis Bay (his third official journey to the territory)(Trek-Boer Relief Expedition). The purpose of this journey is to assist a group of Dorsland Trekkers who plan to erect an independent republic at the west coast. Palgrave receives orders to ensure British control over this group. But Palgrave’s interference and his offer of a permanent settlement in the Kaokoveld is rejected by the trekkers on the ground that they don’t want to live under British control. This leads to the movement of the Dorsland Trekkers to Angola (with assistance of William Worthington Jordan). Jakobus Botha is the leader of the first deputation into Angola through Swartbooisdrift. The trekkers arrive on 04.01.1881 at Humpata in Angola. Further treks into Angola take place during 1893 and 1905. During the Angola period of the Dorsland-Trekkers (until 1928) most of the elephants in the Kaokoveld are massacred by the trekkers. One of the notorious hunters is Jan Harm Robberts. Robberts’ Boers move through the Ombuku and Omuhonga Rivers to Okonguati and Otjiyandjasemo, where many elephants exist.
09.11. Palgrave arrives again in Cape Town.

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Ox-Wagon Roads Network for 1879

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Ruins of Houses of the Dorslandtrekkers of 1879 at the Waterhole of Rietfontein (Etosha Pan)
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

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Monuments of the Dorslandtrekkers of 1879 at the Waterhole of Rietfontein (Etosha Pan)
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

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Ruins of the Dorslandtrekker Church of Kaoko Otavi of the Year 1879, Photo taken September 2004
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

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Dorslandtrekker Monument and Grave at Swartbooisdrift in the Kaokoveld, September 2004
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

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Images of the Otjiyandjasemo Hot Springs west of Okonguati, September 2004
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

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