1883 |
British Cape colonists Evenson and
Willmer sell their mining rights, which they had obtained in Rooibank from Topnaar Chief
Piet Haibib, to German mining entrepreneurs Peter Scheidweiler and Friedrich Albert
Hasenclever. Friedrich Wilhelm Kolbe completes an English-Otjiherero dictionary. Christian Baumann moves to Otjimbingwe. Rhenish missionary Wilhelm Eich joins his older brother Friedrich Eich to become a missionary in Otjosazu (1889-1891) and Otjozondjupa (1891-1904). After 13 years missionary work the Finnish Missionary Society manages to baptise the first people of the Ondonga area. |
Beginning 1883 | Maharero decides to establish the southern border of Hereroland himself.He leaves Okahandja, Otjikango and Otjiseva and moves together with Riarua first to Windhoek and later to Aris. There he is attacked by the Groot Doden. The Groot Doden are defeated and dispersed (descendants of the remaining members live today in the area of Schlip). Maharero establishes the southern border of Hereroland from Gurumanas to Gobabis and Rietfontein. |
January | The Ovaherero Chief from Omburo near Omaruru Tjaherani exports Dama labourers to the Cape Colony. |
01.05. | Heinrich Vogelsang,
Lüderitzs employee, buys Angra Pequeña and surroundings from Nama Captain Joseph
Frederiks II (!Korebeb-||Naixab) (1880-1893) of Bethany. This "sale" is
characterised by some fraudulent manoeuvres which exploit the sellers ignorance (in
terms of the English mile versus the German geographical mile). The sale of land treaty
includes all mining rights. The "sale" takes place in the Joseph Frederiks House
in Bethany. But Captain Sinclair still has mining rights in the same area. Vogelsang had
initially not known about the mining rights belonging to the De Pass, Spence and Company
but tries to get them. De Pass, Spence and Company challenge Vogelsang and Lüderitz and
are granted rights by Frederiks II at Pomona, Hottentot Bay and Sandwich Harbour as well
as permission to continue working the guano. Smarting for years under what the De Pass,
Spence and Company consider an unfair deal, they do not realise until much later what a
wealth of diamonds they had been granted. The Englishman Radford is still the only "white" in Angra Pequeña (now called Fort Vogelsang) who lives permanently there. Bethany: Chief Frederik's House: Karas Region |
12.05. | The German flag is hoisted by Vogelsang at Fort Vogelsang (Angra Pequeña). |
25.08. | A coastal strip from the Oranje River to 26° south latitude is purchased by Vogelsang for Lüderitzs firm (at a cost of £500 plus 60 Wesley-Richard rifles). |
11.10. | Lüderitz visits Angra Pequeña for the first time. |
28.11. | Lüderitz reaches Bethany. |
05.12. | King Kambonde kaNankwaya from the
Ondonga area in Ovamboland dies. His successor is the ninth King Iitana yaNekwiyu
(1883-1884). His capital is at Onampundu, near Onayena.
On a Search Trail for new Pre-colonial Ruins in the Great Karas
Mountains: From Narudas via Witkrans, Garies to Sandmund: Karas Region: April 2003 Pre-colonial Ruins in the Great Karas Mountains: Garies Possible
Watch Tower over a Waterhole in a Riverbed: In the Background: Garies Hill with numerous
Ruins: Karas Region: April 2003 Pre-colonial Ruins in the Great Karas Mountains: Garies Possible
Watch Tower over a Waterhole in a Riverbed: Karas Region: April 2003 Pre-colonial Ruins in the Great Karas Mountains: Sandmund: In
the Background: Narudas Poort: Karas Region: April 2003 Pre-colonial Ruins in the Great Karas Mountains: Sandmund: View
to the South: Karas Region: April 2003 Recently discovered Precolonial Nama Ruins: Top of the Great
Karas Mountains: View to the South: Garies Hill: Possible Secret Fortress built by Jakob
Marengo: Found: April 2003 Precolonial Nama Ruins: Top of the Great Karas Mountains: Garies
Hill: View to the Southeast: To the Narudas Poort: Garies: April 2003 Precolonial Nama Ruins: Top of the Great Karas Mountains: Garies
Hill: View to the West: With Lord Hill (Schroffenstein: Highest Peak in the Great Karas
Mountains) in the Background: Garies: April 2003 |