22.02. |
Paul Visser shoots the Witbooi
Chief, Moses David Witbooi (together with the Hoofraad member Adam Klaasen), who
is succeeded by his son Hendrik Witbooi. Hendrik Witbooi is directly confronted by
Vissers allies, Manasse !Noreseb, Hendrik Windstaan of the Groot Doden, Jan Jonker
Afrikaner and sections of the ||Hawoben. Manasse !Noreseb makes peace with the rival chief
of the Kai||khaun, !Hoëb ||Oasmab (also named Fritz Lazarus ||Oaseb). 
Graves of the Witbooi Dynasty at the Gibeon Cemetery: Graves of Moses David
Witbooi and Adam Klaasen
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
25.03. |
The first official mining
commission is established by Göring in Otjimbingwe after the first mining ordinance is
promulgated. The DKGSWA receives mining rights for almost the entire territory. Göring
reports on gold deposit discoveries near Walvis Bay. Later it is found that these deposits
gave been fraudulently "salted" (Göring's gold swindle). |
02.05. |
The first Schutztruppe soldiers
arrive in the colony on the British vessel " Venus", under the command of Ulrich
von Quitzow. Included in the group are the soldiers Wilhlem Grundmann, Karl Höpfner, M
Brehmen and Böhsel, as well as the merchant Arnold Schad. They are stationed at
Otjimbingwe. |
June |
Otjimbingwe is attacked by Hendrik
Witbooi (again in July and September 1888). |
01.07. |
German South West Africa becomes a
member of the Universal Postal Union. |
16.07. |
The first post office is
established in Otjimbingwe, with Hugo von Goldammer its first Postmaster. The first
postmark is "Otyimbingue". German postal stamps without any special marks
(forerunners) are used. It fells under the Reichspostamt (German Post Office) but
the current service fells under the Oberpostdirektion Hamburg.
The DKGSWA transports the mail between Otjimbingwe and Walvis Bay, from where it is
shipped to Cape Town. This later connection is at first by the sailing ship Louis Alfred
which calls every two months.
Due to the unrest between the Ovaherero and the Nama, the post office has to shift from
Otjimbingwe to Walvis Bay (from November 1888 to 07.07.1889 and again from September 1889
to 13.03.1890). |
August |
Hendrik Witbooi conducts several
campaigns against Manasse !Noreseb from Hoachanas (until April 1889). |
04.08. |
A Roads Ordinance is issued to
protect the grazing along the Northern Bay Road between Otjikango and the Swakop River
mouth. |
12.08. |
Hendrik Witbooi kills Paul Visser,
who had killed Hendriks father, Moses Witbooi. |
01.10. |
The sale of farms between
"white" farmers and indigenes needs government approval. |
October |
Witbooi meets Göring at Rehoboth
for the first time. Witbooi declines to conclude any protection treaty with the Germans. |
30.10. |
Göring meets Maharero at Okahandja
in the presence of the British trader Robert Lewis. Dissatisfied with the Germans
inability to protect the Ovaherero against Witbooi, Maharero nullifies the Protection
Treaty of 1885 and makes Lewis his official agent. Göring is forced to seek refuge in
British Walvis Bay. Responsibility for this debacle rests with the German Government,
which seems to believe that the territory can be efficiently administered by three
officials and 20 soldiers. |
November |
Hendrik Witbooi joins forces with
the Chief of the Bondelswarts (!Gami-#nun), Wilhelm Christian, against sections of the
||Hawoben. Other Namaland chiefs, such as Chief Tseib of the Kharo-!oan in Keetmanshoop,
Jakobus Isaak of Berseba (successor of Jakobus Isaak is Diederik Goliath (1894-ca. 1900))
and Joseph Frederiks II of Bethany, are also involved. The ensuing maze of negotiations,
commando mobilisations and threats all focus on the position and overall leadership of
Hendrik Witbooi (until April 1889).
Rhenish missionary Friedrich Judt reports that Hendrik Witbooi mainly lives in the area of
Hoachanas during this time. He manages to unravel the complex knots of Namaland politics
during this time, while simultaneously bearing in mind the hostile Ovaherero and the
German colonial advances. |
December |
WL Kingon makes an offer to buy
German South West Africa for two million Mark.
Hendrik Witbooi buys weapons from the British trader Robert Duncan in exchange for 4.000
captured head of cattle. |