1893 |
The first nurses, Marianne Böhler
and Augustine Domscheidt, arrive from Germany. Meteorologist Karl Dove erects a meteorological station in Windhoek. Samuel Mahareros struggle for the chieftainship is still not resolved because Ovambanderu leader Nikodemus Kavikunua claims this right. Also, Mahareros former advisor, Riarua , is hostile to Samuel Maharero. Moremis II successor, Tswana King Sekgoma Lethsolathebe (1891- 1906), attacks the Gciriku and Shambyu in the Kavango (Massacre of Lishora). Gciriku King Nyangana is taken prisoner. Lozi King Lewanika protests against these acts of war. |
12.01. |
The rich copper deposits are discovered in the "Green Hill" in Tsumeb. The Tsumeb deposits contain besides copper, many other minerals such as lead, zinc, tin, silver, cobalt, arsenic, antimony, cadmium, germanium, gallium, iron, mercury, molybdenum, nickel and vanadium. |
16.03. | More Schutztruppe reinforcements land on the vessel "Carl Woermann" in Walvis Bay, bringing the number of soldiers to 250. |
12.04. |
Von Francois attacks Hornkranz,
killing 70 women and children, but fails to defeat Hendrik Witbooi and his troops (First
Hornkranz battle). Witbooi follows the Germans and drives off most of the German military
horses in the vicinity of Windhoek (including the horses of the trader August
Schmerenbeck). Contract workers in Otavi protest against harsh working conditions. Graves of the Witbooi Dynasty at the Gibeon Cemetery:
Remembrance Stone of the Hornkranz Battle in April 1893 |
11.05. | Von Francois attacks again Hornkranz, this time together with some Basters from Rehoboth under the leadership of Hans Diergaardt (Second Hornkranz battle). The Germans are again unsuccessful in defeating Witbooi. Other Baster join later Witbooi. |
19.05. | The Hanseatische Land-, Minen- und Handelsgesellschaft für SWA is established by Ludwig von Lilienthal. The company is founded in order to exploit the mining rights in the Rehoboth area. The company later changes its name into Hanseatische Minengesellschaft. |
20.05. | Hendrik Witbooi attacks the Germans in the skirmish of Naos. |
26.06. | Hendrik Witbooi attacks Windhoek. |
05.07. | Hornkranz which has been occupied by the Germans since April, is abandoned. |
10.07. | Hendrik Witbooi attacks the Germans in the skirmish of Gurumanas. |
30.07. |
Georg Hartmann reports that Hendrik Witbooi is rightfully defending his independence against the Germans; that he had never harmed any "white" or stolen anything from them and that the Witbooi Nama maintain high discipline at all times. |
August | Hendrik Witbooi attacks 17 wagons at Diepdal (transport by Gerd Wiese) and Horibes (transport by August Schmerenbeck) in the Swakop valley, effectively bringing transportation between the coast and Windhoek to a standstill. |
12.08. | The DKGSWA sells all rights in the
Kaokoveld to L Hirsch and Company. Various expeditions into the remote Kaokoveld are
undertaken by Georg Hartmann as from 1894 (and again in 1900). Hartmann is accompanied by Ludwig von Estorff, Lieutenant Helm and Richard Volkmann. |
20.08. | More Schutztruppe reinforcements land at Swakopmund for the first time on the vessel "Marie Woermann" (under the command of Captain Joachim von Heydebreck). |
24.09. | Von Francois attacks Hornkranz for the third time (Third Hornkranz battle). He is again not able to defeat Hendrik Witbooi. |
October | Von Francois occupies the waterholes of Gurumanas and Tsebris in the Baster area. |
06.11. | The Kubub agricultural station near Aus is attacked and destroyed by Hendrik Witbooi. The manager of the station, Ernst Hermann, moves to his farm Nomtsas. |
07.12. | Von Francois attacks Hornkranz for the fourth time (Fourth Hornkranz battle). This time the Witbooi Nama suffer a defeat. |
December | The trading company Mertens & Sichel in Walvis Bay establishes a branch in Swakopmund. |
End 1893 | In Germany pressure builds up to remove Landeshauptmann Curt von Francois because of his apparent inability to deal with Hendrik Witbooi. During 1894 he joins Theodor Leutwein during the campaigns in the south. Before he leaves the colony for good in August 1894, he establishes a military station at Warmbad in order to control the Bondelswarts Chief Wilhelm Christian. |