1901 The colony’s imported goods are worth 10 075 494 Mark, and its exported goods are worth 1 241 761 Mark.
Finnish missionaries establish a printing press in Oniipa in order to produce religious tracts and gospels in the Oshivambo language (and later a regular church newspaper. The name of the newspaper is Omukwetu. Omukwetu is the second oldest newspaper in Namibia. During the South African colonial era the printing press in Oniipa is destroyed two times by bombs and once by fire.)
The Basters of Grootfontein (south) under Baster Chief Class Swart
revolt against the Germans. The Basters are defeated by Lieutenant Egmont von Lekow with his ally Hendrik Witbooi.
A telephone line is laid along the railway line from Swakopmund to Windhoek.
The railway station building in Swakopmund is built.
Assa Riarua reports that he is roughly evicted from a bakery in Windhoek. Samuel Maharero states that his life is being threatened by trader Von Michaelis.
A total of 127 824 litres of alcohol is sold, of which 5 971 is sold to indigenes.
The Gorob and Hope Mines are developed by JL Gathmann and JG Steiger.
JJ Cleverly becomes British Resident Magistrate in Walvis Bay (until 1885), followed by Mr Guthrie (until 1901), Charles George (until ca. 1903)
and JM Richards (until ca. 1909).
01.01. The post office and settlement of Hasis is renamed Kubas.

Rhenish Missionary Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Viehe, Preses of Hereroland and Leader of the Augustineum dies in Okahandja.

Namibia_Otjozondjupa_Okahandja_Viehe_1.JPG (226050 bytes)

Grave of the Rhenish Missionary Friedrich Wilhem Gottlieb Viehe, Preses of Hereroland and Leader of the Augustineum in Okahandja who died on 15.01.1901: Otjozondjupa Region: August 2003
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

02.02. Mission Inspector Schreiber asks for the establishment of "native reserves" in Hereroland. Leutwein, however, is not in favour of this.
April Zesfontein (!Nani-|ous) is founded by Victor Franke to protect the north-west of the colony. Franke builds the station building and is the first District Chief until May 1902. His successor is Lieutenant Schultze. The military fort is erected by Karl Schmidt in the years 1904 to1906.

Namibia_Damara_Sesfontein_3.jpg (124790 bytes)Namibia_Damara_Sesfontein_4.jpg (122044 bytes)Namibia_Damara_Sesfontein_5.jpg (138576 bytes)

The German Fort (built by Karl Schmidt 1904-1906 and rebuilt as Lodge in the 1990s) and the German Cemetery at Zesfontein (Afrikaans: Sesfontein)
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

01.05. The port mole in Swakopmund is completed with passengers disembarking and mail being landed.
05.05. Axel Eriksson dies in Urupupa near Grootfontein.
June War with Uukwambi King Negumbo seems imminent. Captain Helmuth Gustav Kliefoth has to retreat. For this reason Hartmann of the OMEG later decides to bypass the Uukwambi area in planning a railway line between Otavi and Port Alexander in Angola. Hartmann investigates a line between Otavi, the Ondonga areas of Kings Nehale and Kambonde kaMpingana, the Uukwanyama area of King Ueyulu ya Hedimbi, Humbe, Port Alexander to Mossamedes ( Namibe in present-day Angola).
Due to problems in obtaining the necessary concessions from Portugal for such a railway project, increasing "patriotic" pressure to keep the railway line in German SWA, and the need to find the most economic solution, it is decided to build such a railway line (Otavi railway line) from Otavi to the port of Swakopmund (1903) and not any more to Angola.
31.07. The first census in German SWA reveals that 2 181 "whites", approximately 80 000 Ovaherero (15 000 alone in the northern parts of the Windhoek district) and approximately 20 000 Nama live in the territory (no census is done in Ovamboland). This census is mainly based on missionary estimates and the counts undertaken by the particular district chiefs. Erich Victor Carl August Franke reports that he counts 130 people at Zesfontein (!Nani-|ous). But, it has to be mentioned that the source for this "census" is uncertain and has to be verified by further research. It has also to be stated that absolute evidence of the number of natives, especially in the northern areas, does not exist. The numbers that are accepted will depend on what the various historians wish to prove by them.
17.08. The post office at Groß Barmen is closed.
19.08. Ovaherero (Chief Kayata of Otjihaenena) complain about the sale of farm land to settlers (settlers Westphal at Okatumba, Stöpke at a farm between Orumbo (Ernst Wossidlo) and Omunjereke (Schmerenbeck) and Held at Otjivero as well as Eilers at Omitara, Friedrich Alexander von Falkenhausen at Okahua and Voigts at Otjituesa), by way of a letter addressed to Theodor Leutwein, with missionary Ferdinand Lang mediating. The letter triggers an investigation into the establishment of "native reserves".
October Wasserfall establishes the newspaper Deutsch-Südwestafrikanische Zeitung in Swakopmund, after he has moved his office from Windhoek to Swakopmund.
01.10. The first local telephone network is established in Swakopmund.
A post office is opened at Kapenoussëu.
03.10. Wilhelm Christian, Chief of the Bondelswarts (!Gami-#nun), dies. He leaves two sons, Jan Abraham Christian (!Nanseb Kaib #Naoxamab) and Johannes Christian (!Nanseb #Khami #Naoxamab (Tôasib)). Abraham Christian becomes the new Bondelswarts Chief.
22.10. Construction of a railway bridge spanning the Swakop River at Okahandja begins.
07.12. The state railway line is completed to Okahandja.
09.12. A heliograph link between Windhoek and Keetmanshoop is officially opened.
17.12. New stamps for German South West Africa are issued (without the watermark "yacht Hohenzollern").
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