1912 |
German State Secretary Wilhelm H
Solf states that most "whites" in German South West Africa, especially the
farmers, regard the "natives" as "animals" and hold them in contempt,
while the "natives", in turn, hate the "whites". Other relations are
seemingly non-existent.
Under the leadership of their evangelists and in line with the teachings of Lutheran
Christianity, the Ovaherero begin to re-establish themselves as a nation. There is,
however, a difference: The converted Ovaherero prior to 1903 had accepted the moral
missionary concept of the Rhenish Missionary Society. The Ovaherero converts of the period
1904 to 1914 maintain their paradigm of kinship structures existing prior to the war.
There are 1 250 farms spanning a total area of 110 931 km² out of the
territorys total area of 823 168 km².
Disputes between inhabitants of the Caprivi Stripcommence on some islands in the Chobe
River. The disputed islands are the Mabele Island (allocated to present-day Botswana),
Kabula Island (also Kavura Island), Salumbo Island (also Lumbo Island) (the latter two
islands were allocated to the Caprivi Strip) and Muntungobuswa Island, situated south-west
of Lake Lyambezi.
The Otjimboyo Tin Mine starts production and is at this time the most mechanised operation
of its kind.
On the diamond fields in the south-west of the territory, a mechanised plant is
commissioned and the Koloniale Bergbaugesellschaft extends the diamond railway line by a
further 40 km to the south. Locomotives are introduced and replace the formerly used
mules. In the southern part of the sperrgebiet at Elizabeth Bay, ore is mined and
transported for treatment to a plant at Kolmannskuppe. The Vereinigte Diamanten-Minen
AG operates 18 000 ha between Elisabeth Bay and Pomona. Water is originally supplied
by vats but later by a pipeline built by the Koloniale Bergbaugesellschaft.
The Pomona Diamantengesellschaft starts operation in the same year. Its lease
area includes the Idatal. The Kolmanskop Diamond Mines Ltd operates the deposits around
Kolmannskuppe where the first diamonds were found. The Bahnfelder-Abbaugesellschaft
mbH Lüderitzbucht, the Lüderitzbuchter Bergbaugesellschaft mbH and the Diamantengesellschaft
Grillental mbH are all small companies with minor productions. The Diamantenfelder
Verwertungsgesellschaft builds together with the Koloniale
Bergbaugesellschaft some store buildings at the landing site at the Conception Bay.
The Favorit Field is also developed in the area. All these stations are connected by a 23
km long railway line and a telephone line.
The Afrika-Marmor-Kolonialgesellschaft takes over the Koloniale
Vanadium ore is recognised at the OMEG copper mine at Tsumeb-West. |
January |
Fort Mucusso is moved by the
Portuguese authorities from the Mbukushu area into Angola. |
15.01. |
A post office is opened at
Olukonda in Ovamboland. |
The monument "Rider of South
West" is unveiled, to coincide with the birthday of the German Emperor Wilhelm II.
The statue depicts a German soldier of the time and is made in honour of those Germans who
fell in the Great Resistance War (1 628 soldiers, four women, one child). Indeed the
Windhoek we have today in terms of representation, more than ten years after independence,
is still the Windhoek of the "Rider of South West." To the present-day, no
monument depicts the ten thousands of Namibians who fell in the struggle against German
The colonial Monument "Reiterdenkmal" in Windhoek
despicts not only the German Era of Namibia's History but glorifies also the "German
Victims" of the Resistance Wars of the Indigenes with the resulting Genocid to some
Namibian Communities like Ovaherero and Nama: with Katrin Dierks-Lecomte and Annette
Dierks, 1981
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
"Mastering Colonial History the Namibian Way": Contemporay Wall Painting showing
the "Reiterdenkmal" twelve Years after the Namibian Independence on
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks
04.02. |
A radio station is established in
Swakopmund. |
31.03. |
The north-south railway line from
Windhoek to Keetmanshoop is opened. |
March |
The newspaper Keetmanshooper
Nachrichten is followed by the Keetmanshooper Zeitung (1912-1914). |
13.04. |
The post office at Jakkalswater is
closed. |
02.06. |
A post office is opened at
Neu-Heusis. |
03.06. |
A radio station is established in
Lüderitz. |
15.06. |
The Südwestafrikanische
Bodenkreditgesellschaft is founded in Berlin. |
June/July |
State Secretary Solf visits the
colony and expresses the opinion that everything has to be done by Germany to incorporate
Walvis Bay into the territory. |
05.07 |
A post office is opened at Ekuja. |
01.08. |
A post office is opened at Chairos. |
04.08. |
In Lüderitz the German
Evangelical-Lutheran "Rocky Church" is consecrated by Reverend Alexander
Metzner. The church windows are presented by the German Emperor, Wilhelm II and his wife,
Emperess Auguste Viktoria. The corner stone was laid by Albert Bause on 19.11.1911. 
The "Felsenkirche" (Rock Church) at Lüderitz with a
View to the North (built 1912)
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

View from the "Felsenkirche" to the North (with Goerke
House at the Forefront)
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
Stained-Glass Windows in the "Felsenkirche" at
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks |
08.08. |
The Ondonga King Kambonde kaNgula
dies. He is followed by the twelfth King Martin Nambala yaKadhikwa (1912-1942). |
26.08. |
There is a relaxation of the ban on
"native" cattle ownership. |
03.12. |
The Agricultural Credit Bank for
German South West Africa (Bodenkreditbank für Deutsch-Südwestafrika) is
established. |