South African Air Force bomber
planes launch a bomb throwing demonstration in order to warn Tsumeb mine workers to remain
The diamond rich marine deposits of Alexander Bay, south of the Oranje River, are
discovered by Hans Merensky.
Hans Merensky opens a copper mine at Klein Aub. |
31.01. |
The United National South West
Party (UNSWP)(Verenigde Nasionale Suidwes Party) is formed as a merger of the National
Party of SWA and the South West Party to oppose the domination of the Deutscher Bund in
the Legislative Assembly. The UNSWP remains the ruling party until 1950.
A complaint from the Subiya people in the Caprivi Strip leads to the arrangement that the
rights of the Lozi people in present-day Zambia to use land in the Caprivi Strip are
restricted to the inhabitants of Sesheke in Zambia, with some exemptions in special cases. |
January |
Dredging commences in the approach
channel and berthing basin at Walvis Bay port. |
01./02.04. |
The UNSWP holds its first party
congress in Windhoek. The decision is taken to establish a new newspaper, Die Suidwes
Afrikaner. |
26.04. |
German members walk out of the
Legislative Assembly in protest ("German-SA Union cleavage"). This aggravates
the inter-ethnic relations of "whites" in the territory. |
13.06. |
Jacques Pierre Niehaus of the UNSWP
reiterates his partys policy of incorporation into the Union of South Africa. |
05.07. |
The Roman Catholic Church
establishes a mission station in Anamulenge/Ombalantu in the Uukwaluudhi area in
Ovamboland. |
August |
The South African Governor-General
Cambridge Alexander Augustus, Earl of Athlone visits SWA. |
03.08. |
The new Walvis Bay port wharf is
officially opened. |
20.08. |
A German Consulate opens in
Windhoek. |
10.10. |
Immanuel Gottlieb
"Maxuilili" Nathaniel is born in Tsumeb. |
November |
A new slipway and ship repair
facilities at Walvis Bay port are completed. |
1928 |
Further laws are introduced which
curtail "black" Namibians rights to self-determination. According to Act
No. 38 of 1928, the SWA Administrator is made the "Paramount Chief of the
Natives". He is thereby given the right to appoint and revoke chieftains as well as
to bring about the forced removal of a group or part of it to another part of the country.
The growing number of urban "blacks" are forced to reside in
"locations" on the outskirts of towns. These locations are owned and controlled
by the various local authorities in terms of Proclamation No. 15 of 1928. The proclamation
furthermore regulates native reserves. A Native Affairs official, MJ Olivier, who is later
to become the Commissioner-General of SWA, maintains in 1961 that "there is no
doubt that the reserves are located in such a way as to serve the labour needs of each
The Native Reserve Commission, 1928 recommends the introduction of grazing fees in all
native reserves. The major aim of this tax is to devise measures to ensure a steady flow
of "black" labour from the reserves.
Dama establish the Progressive Association, which aims to attain greater freedom with
respect to racial legislation and to keep clear of all "whites", including the
The former Ombandja King Shihetekela moves from Oshikwiyu to Onambome village in Okalongo
in the Uukwanyama area.
Diamonds are also discovered by a geologist of the CDM, Werner Beetz, north of the Oranje
River. This discovery leads in 1936 to the founding of the mining town of Oranjemund. From
1935, mining is carried out largely in the southernmost part of upper and lower marine
terraces in the so-called Mining Area No. 1. Large-scale mining of diamonds between 1926
and 1931 produce 1,25 millions carats before the operation closes down as a result of the
depression in the 1930s.
"Taffie" Louw discovers radioactive mineralisation in the Territory (the
subsequent Rössing Mine). |
March |
Two members of the Dorslandtrekkers
in Angola, Andries Alberts and Michiel van der Merwe, sons of the men who, in 1880, had
gone ahead to Angola in order to seek refuge at Humpata, are sent to South Africa in order
to negotiate with General Hertzog the return of the trekkers to SWA. |
23.03. |
Hans Bruno Karl Hirsekorn,
German-speaking member of the Legislative Assembly, gives a crucial speech in Lüderitz on
the mandate system in SWA, in which he expresses support for the system and takes a strong
anti-Union stand ("German-SA Union cleavage"). |
August |
A total of 1 842 Afrikaner farmers
from Angola (Dorslandtrekkers) are settled in SWA ("Angola Trek"). This
contributes further to the deterioration of "white" inter-ethnic relations.
Among those who move via Swartbooisdrift into SWA is William James Bushnell Chapman, a son
of the explorer of the 19th century, James Chapman.   
Dorslandtrekker Monument and Grave at Swartbooisdrift, September
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks |
05.10. |
Ferdinand Stich establishes the
newspaper Walvis Bay Messenger. |
12.10. |
Daniel Holtzhausen, Director of
Works in Windhoek, purchases a Cadillac La Salle vehicle for his official duties. He
obtains the registration number "W-1" (now: N 1 W). In March 1939 this
prestigious registration number becomes the property of Terence (Terry) Ryan (until
approximately 1989). Then the number is obtained by Billy de Lange. The next owner is
Llewellyn Anthony. In 2001 the number plate passes to David Imbili, the son-in-law of the
present President Sam Nujoma. |
28.10. |
Isaak (Izak) Witbooi dies. His
successor as headman of the Witbooi Nama is David Witbooi. 
Graves of the Witbooi Dynasty at the Gibeon Cemetery: Tomb Stone for Isaak (Izak)
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks