1930 The world depression makes itself felt in SWA. One measure taken to fight unemployment is the building of the Avis Dam east of Windhoek.
The League of Nations resolves that SA has no sovereignty rights in the territory.
The Legislative Assembly proposes the adoption of SA’s Immorality Act of 1927.
Proclamation No. 27 of 1930 containing provisions similar to those of the Ovamboland Affairs Proclamation, No. 27 of 1929, is promulgated for the tribal groupings in the Caprivi Strip.
An artificial island for the amassing of guano is erected north of Walvis Bay.
A Roman Catholic mission station is established in Shambyu in the Kavango.
The Anglo-Caprivi Boundary Commission is established to determine the northern border of the Caprivi Strip. SA and Portugal (Angola ) are members.
King Tshaanika Tsha Natshilongo from the Ongandjera dies. His successor is King Sheya shaAmukwa (1930-1936).
A first shop is opened at Kamanjab (Kaokoveld).
05.05. Peter Hilinganye Mweshihange is born.
26.05. The Anglo-Caprivi Boundary Commission establishes the end border beacon at the Katima rapids (17°28'29,29" south, 24°17'50,04" east) on the Zambezi River.

Namibia_Caprivi_KatimaMulilo-Sesheke_Border_1.JPG (100301 bytes)Namibia_Caprivi_KatimaMulilo-Sesheke_Border_2.JPG (130339 bytes)Namibia_Caprivi_KatimaMulilo-Sesheke_Border_3.JPG (105938 bytes)

Border Beacon at the Katima Rapids near the present-day Namibia/Zambia Border (17°28'29,29" south, 24°17'50,04" east) with "S.W.A." (South West Africa) on West Side and "N.A." (Northern Rhodesia) on East Side
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

27.06. The Anglo-Caprivi Boundary Commission establishes a border beacon at the Okavango River near the former residence of Chief Ndara on Thipanana Island (also called Dikuyu Island). The triune point between SWA, Angola and Northern Rhodesia (present-day Zambia) near the Kwando River could not be established, however, due to a dispute between the latter two countries regarding the border along the Kwando River.
06.11. The Windhoek- Gobabis railway line is opened by Administrator Werth.
1931 Britain decides not to use a gold standard any longer. This is one more reason for the decline of the diamond industry. Mining comes to a standstill and is revitalised only because of growing demands during World War II.
Similar to the "Otjiserandu" (Red Band Organisation or Truppenspieler) of the Ovaherero the "Green Band Organisation" is formed by the Dama. First secretary is Frederik !Gaeb.
The ores of the copper mine at Tsumeb also contain cadmium and production starts during 1931.
OMEG opens the Baltika Mine for the production of vanadium.
Mineral exports represent 40% (1925: 80%) and agricultural exports represent 48% (1925: 15%) of the total exports. This change in exports also represents a shift from migrant labour for mines to migrant labour for "white" farms.
15.01. Floods destroy the railway bridge between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay.
05.03. SWA gets her own definitive stamp issue with pictorials of the territory as motives (with water mark).
16.03. Walvis Bay gets municipal status. The first Mayor is S Blyth. His successors are until 1977 WG Neate, JC Harris, MC Botma and A Prinsloo.
12.07. The cornerstone of the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Windhoek is laid.
August Airmail services are introduced on several routes.
17.09. The Ovahimba Chief Muhona Katiti dies at Epembe. His successor is not his son Muhonisa, but his brother Karuvapa.
25.11. The South West African Labour and Farmers’ Party is founded – an expression of a more radical stance caused by the world depression.
1931-33 A severe drought occurs. In the south 70-80% of livestock are lost. This intensifies the effect of the depression, with mass unemployment and poverty the result. Relief work begins to combat some of these effects.
BH Moin manages to reach the Eastern Caprivi Strip by car for the first time. Only in the 1940s, with the advent of four by four propelled vehicles and with the construction of an emergency bridge over the Kwando River at Kongola it becomes possible to reach the Eastern Caprivi Strip from Windhoek.
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