1935 The diamond industry is revived. The production is restricted to the southern sector of the sperrgebiet (Diamond Area No. 1 to 26o South)(Diamond Area No. 2 is situated between 26o South and the areas north of Conception Bay (Lange Wand)). A small plant is established at Bogenfels between Lüderitz and the Oranje River mouth.
Influenced by the research of the German geologist, Hans Cloos, two young German geologists immigrate to Namibia, Henno Martin and Hermann Korn. Initially they commence their work with the geological survey of the Naukluft Mountains and the Messum-Crater. After the outbreak of Word War Two the two hide themselves in the central Namib Desert. After the war Martin is appointed into the SWA Administration. Later he becomes professor in Cape Town and Göttingen (Germany).
The first "black" government school (for Ovaherero) is created at Rietquelle (Aminuis). Further schools follow in 1940 at the Waterberg and in 1944 at Epukiro. No state schools are built in the north between 1920 and 1960. Mission school education is, generally, rudimentary. The highest standard that a young person can expect to achieve is Standard three, denoting about five years of basic schooling. Not until 1948 does the first "black" Namibian achieve matriculation. South Africa’s philosophy is given statutory form in the Bantu Education Act of 1953. Then Minister of Native Affairs, Henry Frensch Verwoerd, explains that "There is no place for ... [the African] in the European community above the level of certain forms of labour ... Education [will be up to] Standard two, including reading, writing and arithmetic through mother-tongue instruction, as well as the knowledge of English and Afrikaans, and the cardinal principles of the Christian religion."
The first road bridge is built over the Otjiwarongo River on the Otjiwarongo-Otavi trunk road.
Katima Mulilo becomes the new capital of the Caprivi Strip.
Internal problems in the Deutsche Bund lead to the resignation of its leader, Wilhelm Schwietering.
The six members of the Baster Advisory Council are elected.
Proclamation No. 29 of 1935 controls the mobility and employment of migrant labour in the territory.
The Ovatjimba Chief Kahewa-Nawa dies. A suitable successor cannot be found (Kahewa-Nawa’s brother Karuho and Weripaka are not very popular amongst their followers). This leads to a further weakening of the system of chiefs in the Kaokoveld.
The marketing of livestock in general and beef in particular has to be controlled by the Meat Board which is established during this year in order to promote the interests of the SWA meat industry.
01.04. The former leader of the Deutscher Bund, A Voigts, is re-elected, but conflict develops between him and the more radical and militant NSDAP. The latter party leaves the Deutscher Bund in order to establish the Deutsche Front under M Neuendorf.
25.04. The new railway bridge over the Swakop River, five km inland, at Swakopmund is opened for traffic.
03.07. Urieta Gertse, née Kazahendike dies at the age of 99 in Otjimbingwe.
October The Rhenish Missionary Conference openly supports the banned NSDAP (Landesprobst Wackwitz is the main speaker. In 1939 he is urged by the SA authorities to leave the territory. This is regretted by Heinrich Vedder because he has after all "carried out so much work for the Third Reich"). But not all the Rhenish missionaries support the Nazi cause. Missionaries Heinrich Rust, Friedrich Pönninghaus and others distance themselves from Nazism.
02.12. SA publishes a draft concerning the fifth-province status of SWA.
1936 Conflicts arise between the "Otjiserandu" and the Advisory Board of the "black" township in Windhoek. Hosea Kutako is asked by the SWA Administration to intervene, but has no success.
The 1936 census reveals that of the total population of 30 000 "whites", 3 300 Germans are not yet naturalised citizens.
Commercial exploitation of salt deposits near Swakopmund begins.
The SWAC takes over the Berg Aukas Mine.
A Roman Catholic mission station is established in Otjiwarongo.
Harold Eedes, native commissioner in the Kavango since 1932 (until 1946), moves the Kavango capital from Nkurenkuru to Rundu (called Runtu until the late 1940s).
Ongandjera King Sheya shaAmukwa dies. His successor is the 22nd Ongandjera King Tshaanika shIipinge (1936-1948).
10.02. The first telephone link between SWA and SA is opened.
March The Van Zyl Commission publishes a report advising SA to administer SWA as a fifth province of the Union of South Africa, provided it is done subject to the "Mandate Agreement". In the report it is further stated that " ... It is true that the Natives were in general backward and unable to take any important part in the administration, but what could one expect if, as was the case in the 1933/34 budget, out of a total ordinary expenditure of £ 613 000, only £ 14 000 or 2,25 %, was spent on Native affairs and out of £ 105 000 spent on education, only £ 11 000, 9,5%, was spent on native education, when the native population was 10 times as large as the Whites. ... "
09.07. The Administrator for SWA, David Gideon Conradie, visits the Kaokoveld.
18.07. The Chief of the Kai||khaun from Hoachanas, !Hoëb ||Oasmab (also named Fritz Lazarus ||Oaseb) dies. His successor is Noach Tsai-Tsaib.

Namibia_Hardap_Hoachanas_Cemetry_2.JPG (52662 bytes)

The Grave of Chief !Hoëb 5Oasmab (alias Fritz Lazarus 5Oaseb) of Hoachanas: Old Cemetry: Hardap Region: April 2003
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

Namibia_Hardap_Hoachanas_Cemetry_3.JPG (111155 bytes)

The Genealogy of the Kai5khaun (Red Nation) Chiefs of Hoachanas: Since Chief !Hoëb 5Oasmab: Old Cemetry: Hardap Region: April 2003
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

July Following the visit of Administrator Conradie to the Kaokoveld and also the weakening health of Kaokoland Chief Vita Tom ("Chief Oorlog"), a Tribal Council (Ombongarero yomuhoko) is created at Okorosave in the Kaokoveld. Before this the Kaokoveld resorted under the Native Commissioner of Ovamboland. The Council recognises the two main chiefs, Vita and Karuvapa. The Ovaherero are represented by Moses Ndjai, Wilhelm Tjireye, Edward Tjipepa, George Hartley, Martin Tjiheura, Langman Tjihahura, Ludwig Tjitambo, Palminus M’gandje and Johannes Muzuma. The delegates for the Ovahimba and Ovatjimba are the chiefs Tjiparapara, Muzire, Marukwavi, Katje, Youruruka Tjirambo, Mumbombaro Kurama, Kwenda Kutanga, Kazungama Witahura Yapapu Ohupa, Kaimuvaza Mbunguho and Twazapu Musaso. In Ohopoho (later Opuwo) an office is created for the Council. The name "Ohopoho" (Otjiherero: It is enough) was coined by Carl (Cocky) Hahn, Native Commissioner in Ovamboland. The locals called the place Otjihinamaparero, also Otjitoporwa (Otjiherero: The first borehole in the area).
December The SA Government does not reject the findings of the report, but expresses its intention to neither incorporate the territory nor to hand it over to any other power.
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