Eliazer Tuhadeleni is arrested for instigating the mineworkers to strike against discrimination at the Kranzberg Mine near Omaruru.
Jakobus Christian ((Taoseb #Naoxamab), Chief of the Bondelswarts (!Gami-#nun), dies. His successor is Nathanel Christian (|Gariseb Khami !Nansemab)(until his death in 1953). Nathanel was succeeded by two candidates for the !Gami-
Pnun chieftaincy: Wilhelm Christian (Gôa-khoeb *Garisemab) and Jakobus Christian (!Hao-5êib Taosemab).

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The Cemetery in Warmbad: With the Grave of the Bondelswart Chief of Jakobus Christian of Warmbad
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

A Roman Catholic mission station is established in Waldfrieden near Omaruru.
CDM headquarters move from Lüderitz to Oranjemund.
The Kaokoveld Exploration Company starts systematic prospecting for diamonds between the mouths of the Kuiseb and Kunene Rivers.

May The Southern Labour Organisation (SLO) and the Northern Labour Organisation (NLO) are amalgamated into the South West Africa Native Labour Association (SWANLA). This organisation continues to hire and regulate migratory contract labourers.
14.05. The Legislative Assembly unanimously demands SWA’s incorporation into SA as a fifth province.
10.06. The newspaper Deutscher Beobachter again becomes the Allgemeine Zeitung.
1944 The National Party of SWA establishes a newspaper, Die Suidwester.
In the Kavango Gciriku King Shampapi dies. His successor is King Shashipapo in Nyangana (until 1985). His successor is Hompa Sebastian Kamwanga (from 15.03.185 until 1999). On 14.05.1999 Kassian Shiyambi becomes the new Gciriku King in Ndiyona.
January The control over the Augustineum shifts from the Rhenish Missionary Society to the SWA Administration.
28.03. The new SWA Administrator Petrus Imker Hoogenhout (since 1943) announces to the Legislative Assembly that the SA Prime Minister has informed him that the issue of incorporation cannot be decided because "the mandate is an international issue".
13.09. The Witwatersrand Native Labour Association (WNLA) concludes an agreement with SWANLA to recruit Namibian workers for South African mines. The contract labourers are recruited in several recruitment centres such as Ondangwa, Namutoni, Rundu, Mohembo and Shakawe (in present-day Botswana). The Ovambo contract labourers travel on their own from Ovamboland to Rundu and then via Mohembo and Shakawe to South Africa or with WNLA-organised transport via Grootfontein, Mohembo to Francistown in Botswana and from there by train to Transvaal.
1945 Hosea Kutako forms the Herero Chiefs’ Council, with the co-operation of Chief Frederick Maharero in exile in Botswana. Kutako is regarded as the "father of modern Namibian nationalism".
Traugott Maharero dies. He is succeeded by Eduard Maharero. Subsequently he moves from Okahandja to Okonja near Otjinene.

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Grave of Ovaherero Chief Traugott Maharero on the Rhenish Missionary Cemetery in Okahandja: Otjozondjupa Region: August 2003
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

Windhoek has approximately 10 000 inhabitants.

19.05. The incorporation issue is still the main issue of contention in elections for the Legislative Assembly. The National Party of SWA tries to find support among the members of the Deutsche Afrikanische Partei. The National Party loses all its seats, but the SWA Administrator appoints two of this party’s members to the Assembly. The UNSWP wins 16 seats.
May/August World War II ends.
A war-related prohibition on civil aviation in the territory is lifted.
Investments in the territory grow, marking the start of an increase in industrial output.
18.07. In the Caprivi Strip Chief Chikamatondo, who has ruled over the Subiya community since 1909, dies.
August A modern dairy capable of processing all kinds of dairy products, including cheese and butter, is opened in Otjiwarongo.
24.10. The organisation of the United Nations is created.
31.10. The South African newspaper Die Burger reports that the Rhenish Missionary Society plans to transfer all their assets and activities to the Nederduitse Gereformeerde Sendingskerk (NGS). This transfer is strongly supported by the leader of the Rhenish Church since 1937, Heinrich Vedder.

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Augustineum Class, Okahandja, 1941
Namibia State Archive

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