First Occurrences in the History of Namibia:


Administrator (SA Military Governor) for SWA, 1915
Agricultural Show, Windhoek, 1899
Architecture Competition for Government Projects, 1992
Arrival of soldiers of the German Schutztruppe in SWA, 1888
Authoritative decision by a court of law on the status of South Africa in relation to SWA, 1924
Automatical telephon service in Windhoek, 1929
Bank, Swakopmund, 1900
Baptism of Ovaherero, 1858
Baptism of Ovambo, 1883
Biblical history in the Nama language, 1853
Black government school in SWA, 1935
Black newspaper in Namibia: South West News: March-September 1960
Blacktop road: Windhoek-Brakwater, 1957
Brewery  (Bavaria Bräu), Swakopmund, 1900
Building of a missionary house in Warmbad, 1806
Cabinet re-shuffle, February 1991
Cape Town Summit Conference, 1977
Census in German SWA, July 1901
Civil servants in German SWA, 1885
Climb of the Königsstein in the Brandberg (highest mountain in Namibia, 2606 m), 1917
Climb of the Spitzkoppe Mountain, 1946
Computer in the SWA Roads Department, 1970
Computer of the SWA Administration, 1973
Conference of independent African states, Accra, 1958
Contact with Europeans, 15. Century
Creamery at Omaruru, 1925
Cultural Revolution in Namibia, around A.D.
Detailed  map of the Caprivi Strip, 1905
Detailed map: southern Namibia (Richter-Map), 1845
Detailed map : southwestern Africa (Th Hahn), 1879
Diamonds (Gibeon und Berseba), 1898
Diamonds at Kolmannskuppe, 1908
Discovery of rock paintings, 1870
Dorslandtrek into Namibia, 1876
Drilling for oil near Berseba, 1929
Fair for semi-precious stones, Karibib, January 2000
Farm telephone line: Okahandja-Ombirisu, 1912
Finnish Missionaries, 1869
Finnish missions station im Ovamboland, 1870
Flying effort by an aeroplane in Swakopmund, 1914
Forestry by planting of trees,Otjimbingwe, 1895
Geologists in GSWA, April 1884
German colonial administration in Otjimbingwe, 1885
German Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Windhoek, 1896
Historically reported beginning of the armed resistance struggle against Europeans, 1677
Iron Age products in Africa (Egypt)(1000 B.C.)
Iron Age products in Afrika south of the Equator, around A.D.
Judge in Namibia, 1891
Karakul sheep, 1907
Landmines, 1971
Legal code: Nama of Bethany, Berseba and Rehoboth, 1842
Legislation of German SWA (Water Bill of 1914)
Locomotive (Prince Edward), 1895
Map of Angra Pequeña, 1733
Map of the southern interior of Namibia, 1761
Military confrontation between NAPLA and SA (26.08.1966)
Military fortress of German SWA, Wilhelmsfeste (Tsaobis), 1889
Mining legislation, 1888
Migration of Nama into present-day Namibia, around 1200
Migration of Ovambo into present-day Namibia, around 1400
Migration of Ovaherero into present-day Namibia, around 1500
Missionaries north of the Oranje River, 1805
Municipal bus service in Windhoek, 1954
Nama Captain, 1695
Namib Air's transcontinental flight between Windhoek and Frankfurt/Germany, April 1990
Namibian to be tried under the Sabotage Act, No. 76 of 1962 (Gerson Veii)
Native reserves in German SWA, 1898
Newspaper, Der Windhoeker Anzeiger, 1898
Nurses, 1893
Off-shore concession for diamonds, 1958
Oil prospecting near Berseba, 1900
Opening of a hotel in Lüderitz, 1905
Opening of a local telephone network in Okahandja, 1903
Opening of a local telephone network in Windhoek, 1902
Opening of an official mining department, 1888
Opening of a post office in Otjimbingwe, 1888
Opening of the first kilometre of the state railway: Swakopmund-Windhoek, 1897
Ordaining of "black" pastors in Namibia (Ovamboland), 1925
Ostrich breeding, 1897
Overseas  telegraph link, 1899
Parliamentarian Question in the National Assembly, April 1990
Pathways in the Brandberg (1200 n.Chr.)
Peace conference between South Africa and Angola (Kap Verde), 1982
Petitions to the League of  Nations , 1919 (Samuel Beukes)
Petrol driven truck, 1904
Photographies in Namibia, 185
Pilots, 1914
Political Party: South West African National Congress (SWANC), 1922
Port captain in Swakopmund, 1892
Port jetty in Lüderitz, 1897
Port mole, Swakopmund, 1899
Postal cancellation mark (Otyimbingue), 1888
Postage stamps in Namibia (stamps of the German Imperial Post Office), 1888
Post office boxes, Windhoek, 1911
Postmaster in Otjimbingwe, 1888
Postmaster in Windhoek, 1895
Printer in Oniipa/Owamboland, 1901
Printer  in Rooibank (later Scheppmannsdorf), 1855
Printing of an Otjiherero dictionary, 1857
Printing of an Otjiherero hymn book, 1851
Printing of a schoolbook in the Nama language, 1845
Printing of a schoolbook in the Otjiherero language, 1846
Private Airmail, 1914
Proclamation for self-government for "white" settlers, 1899
Protection treaty between the German Empire and Namibia, 1884
Publication on Ovamboland, around 1595 (Andrew Battels)
Railway in Namibia, 1895
Railway train from Swakopmund arrives in Windhoek, 1902
Recorded HIV/Aids cases in Namibia, 1986
Regulary postal service, 1891
Regulary shipping service, 1891
Road (Jonker Afrikaner), 1838
Road bridge, 1935
Roads Ordinance, 1888
Semi-precious stones  (topas), 1880s
Sportclub (Schützenverein in Keetmanshoop), 1899
State Funeral of the Republic of Namibia, 27.09.1997
State Visit to Namibia by Botswana President Ketumile Masire, July 1990
Strike in the history of Namibia, 1893
Studies to construct dams in Namibia, 1911
Teacher training college in Oniipa, 1913
Telegraph line, 1899
Telephone line, Swakopmund-Windhoek, 1901
Telephone service, Swakopmund, 1901
Telephone service (automatic), Windhoek, 1929
Telephonic direct dialling between Namibia and South Africa, November 1972
Tourmaline deposit (Usakos area), 1914
Trade Union (Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union), 1922
UNO Security Council Resolution  (SC Resolution 245, 1968)
Wave of refugees of  Ovaherero into Botswana, 1896
Weather station, 1885
Weather station in Windhoek, 1893
Windpower Station in Sub-Saharan Africa, Lüderitz, 1999 

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