Wars in the History of Namibia

War of the Uukwanyama Kingdom against Neighbours, around 1810
War of the Kololo people against Barotseland, around 1820
Goman torob: the Cattle War, 1829/30
War of the Nama against the Ondonga area, 1859
Ovaherero-Nama War of the 1860s
War between the Ondonga and Ongandjera areas, 1862
War between the Uukwambi and Ongandjera areas, 1860s
Ovaherero-Nama War, 1880-1892
Nama-German War, 1893/94
Ovambanderu-German War, 1896
Bondelswart Uprising, 1903/04
Nama-German War, 1903/09
Ovaherero-German War of 1904/06
South Africa's proposed neutral Stance during World War II
Swapo's War for the Liberation of Namibia, 1966/1989
World War I, 1914-1918
World War II, 1939-1945
Secessionist Conflict in the Caprivi Region, 1998-1999 
Civil War in Angola, 1990s to 2002
Namibia's Participation in the War in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1998-2002

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