1968 From this year the policies of ethnic fragmentation are implemented by the SA Government on an accelerated scale, by means of various enactments designed to give institutional support to the recommendations of the Odendaal Plan. The Development of Self-Government for Native Nations in South West Africa Act, No. 54 of 1968, is passed in the SA Parliament.
The Rehoboth Taxpayer’s Association becomes the Rehoboth Volksparty (People’s Party) under the leadership of Hans Diergaardt. Diergaardt feels there is a need to unite all SWA citizens and launches a nationwide appeal that is also addressed to SWAPO Chairman David Hoveka Meroro.
Dimo Hamaambo of SWAPO becomes Field Commander of NAPLA.
Josephat Gawanab becomes President of the DEC.
The Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Südwestafrika (United Evangelical Lutheran Church in South West Africa)(VELKSWA) is established as a united church of all "black" Lutheran churches in Namibia. The German Evangelical Lutheran Church (DELK) stigmatises the new church.
Windhoek has 67 000 inhabitants, 36 000 of whom are "white", 26 000 "black" and 4 600 "coloured".
The first "engineered, high-standard and all-weather" gravel roads between Omaruru and Wilhelmstal, and Kamanjab and Franzfontein ( Gröss Omaruru), are completed (designed and built by Klaus Dierks).
A Roman Catholic mission station is established in Rundu in the Kavango.
In Diamond Mining Area No. 1 near Oranjemund the first of four conglomerate crushing plants is commissioned, followed by a large bucket wheel excavator to facilitate overburden stripping in 1975.
Nord Mining and Exploration begins an exploration programme for tungsten at the Kranzberg Mine.
The Fwe community protests against the moving of the Subya group centre which is situated in the floodplain of the Zambezi River to Bukalo which is situated in the Fwe area. The Fwe repeatedly demand a delimitation of the border between the two areas.
The Augustineum is shifted from Okahandja to Windhoek.
25.01 This day sees the first UN Security Council intervention in SWA affairs, in the form of a condemnation of SA for instituting court cases against SWA citizens based on SA’s new anti-terrorism laws (UN SC Resolution 245).
26.01. Herman Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo is sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment by the Pretoria Supreme Court and is incarcerated on Robben Island near Cape Town. The speech he makes on behalf of his group after his conviction gains renown for its pronouncements denying SA the right to try SWA citizens or to rule their country (10.02.).

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Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo: SWAPO Leader: August 2003
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

Ephraim Kamati Andjengo Kapolo dies during the trial in Pretoria. The trialists are inter alia: Eliazer Tuhadeleni, John Otto Nankudhu (sentenced to life imprisonment), Simeon Shihungileni, Julius Israel Shilongo (Kashuku), Lazarus Zachariah (Shakala)(arrested on 16.04.1966 at Nkurenkuru and sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment), David Hamunime (Kengoya), Joseph Shimuefeleni, Helao Shityuwete (arrested on 26.03.1966 and sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment), Eino Kamati Ekandjo, Festus Nehale, Nghidipo Jesaja Haufiku (Kambwa), Immanuel Augustus Shifidi, Kaleb Hanganee Tjipahura, Rudolf Kadhikwa, Abel Shuudeni Haluteni, Betuel Nunjango, Michael Ifingilwa Moses, Matias Elia Nashidengo (Kanyeule), Malakia Shivute Ushona, Johannes Samuel Shiponeni, Petrus Kamati, Immanuel Gottlieb "Maxuilili" Nathaniel, John Ya Otto, Jason Daniel Mutumbulwa, Joseph Matheus, Jonas Nashivela, Nathanael Lot Homateni, Phillemon Kakwalindishi Shitilifa, Simeon Namunganga Hamulemo, Shinima Niilenge (Harakatyi), Petrus Sinima Niilenge, Ndjaula Tshaningua (Manghono), Sakeus Phillipus Iitika (Oshivela), Simeon Ipinge Iputa, Naftalie Amungulu (Kombadjele), and Rehabeam Olavi Nambinga. Joseph Shimuefeleni   and Festus Nehale die later of negligence and mistreatment on Robben Island. Over the next years altogether 62 Namibian prisoners spend many years of hardship on Robben Island.

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John Otto Nandhudu: PLAN Commander: August 2003
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

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Helao Shityuwete (Kandindima): PLAN Commander: August 2003
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

March In UN SC Resolution 246, the UN Security Council  demands the release of all Namibian political prisoners.
April SA refuses to grant the UN Council for SWA entry into the territory.
20.04. A disaster occurs at Windhoek’s JG Strijdom Airport when the South African Airways Boeing 707 "Pretoria" plunges to the ground. All passengers (123 passengers) and crew members die, save five.
12.06. The UN officially adopts the name "Namibia" in place of "South West Africa". The fight against the territory’s illegal occupation is viewed as a legitimate action. In UNGA Resolution 2372 (XXII) the UN General Assembly condemns SA’s refusal to allow the UN Council for SWA to enter the territory.
SA begins to establish various "homelands" and their respective administrative bodies. There are major resettlement actions in implementing essential parts of the Odendaal Plan.
The South West Africa Municipal Staff Association (SWAMSA) is established.
02.10. The SA President grants recognition to the seven tribal authorities in Ovamboland. A Legislative Council is instituted, consisting of seven members for each of the seven Ovamboland tribal authorities. An Ovamboland Executive Council, consisting of seven members, is elected from the Legislative Council.
17.10. The Ovambo Legislative Council sits for the first time, in Oshakati. Its Chairman is Oshona Shiimi of the Ongandjera tribal unit. Parties such as SWAPO, SWANU and NUDO sharply condemn such SA apartheid policies. Leonard Auala from ELOK declines a SA offer to accept a high position in the Ovamboland Executive Council.
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