1969 The powers of the exclusive "white" political sub-system, the Legislative Assembly of SWA, are reduced when the South West Africa Constitution Act, No. 42 of 1925, is replaced by a new consolidating South West Africa Constitution Act, No. 39 of 1968. This development is followed by the South West Africa Affairs Act, No. 25 of 1969. In addition to those administrative departments administered by SA since 1920, SA now assumes responsibility for the following departments: labour, "black" education, interior affairs, prisons, commerce, industries, justice, "coloured" affairs, agriculture, mines, cultural affairs, public works, posts and telegraphs, transport, social welfare and pensions, and water affairs.
The continuous urbanised "Bantustanisation" can be shown by the example Rundu in the Kavango. From this year onwards the urban part of Tutungeni is classified as "white" and is called by the locals "Blanke Dorp". The "black" population is forcefully evicted and is resettled in a new township, Nkarapamwe. The resettlement programme is completed in 1975.
The Herstigte Nasionale Party (HNP), which constitutes the reactionary wing in "white" politics, opens its first branch in the territory with Sarel Becker as its Regional Secretary.
The Voice of the People Party is founded by Jeremiah Jagger in Katutura, Windhoek. Jagger is later succeeded by Kephes Conradie. The party is the successor to the SWADU led by Conradie and Johannes Skrywer.
The copper and zinc ore bodies of Rosh Pinah are mined by the South African company ISCOR.
Offshore diamond mining is carried out in Chameis Bay from 1962 to 1969, in Bakers Bay in 1971 and in Hottentots Bay north of Lüderitz in 1969 and 1970.
Eduard Maharero dies. He is succeeded by Alfons Maharero in Okonja near Otjinene.

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Okonja (near Otjinene): Ovambanderu Community of the Maharero Group at the Meeting with the Cabinet Committee: Archives of Anticolonial  Resistance and the Liberation Struggle (AACRLS): 28.07.2003
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

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Chief Alfons Maharero of the Ovambanderu Community of the Maharero Group at the Meeting with the Cabinet Committee: Archives of Anticolonial  Resistance and the Liberation Struggle (AACRLS): Okonja: 28.07.2003
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

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Herero Day (Red Flag Day) in Okahandja: Memorising the Home Coming of Late Samuel Maharero: 23./26.08.1923: With Ovaherero Chief Alfons Kaihepaovazandu Maharero from Okonja (near Otjinene) in the first Row (left): Otjozondjupa Region: 24.08.2003
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

Namibia_Otjozondjupa_Okahandja_HereroDay2003_45.JPG (289574 bytes)

Herero Day in Okahandja: Memorising the Home Coming of Late Samuel Maharero: 23./26.08.1923: Ovaherero Chief Alfons Kaihepaovazandu Maharero from Okonja (near Otjinene) at the Grave of Hosea Kutako: Otjozondjupa Region: 24.08.2003
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

20.03. The UN Security Council ratifies UNGA Resolution 2145 by SC Resolution 264 and requests SA to leave the territory before October 1969. It requests the ICJ to rule on the legal consequences of SA’s continued presence in the territory. SA rejects UNGA Resolution 2145 because in SA’s opinion the UN Council for Namibia has no legal standing.
01.04. The political and legal integration of the territory into the Republic of South Africa increases, with many administrative sub-sections becoming the direct responsibility of the SA Government. The territory becomes a de facto fifth province of SA.
During the period 1960-1969 the territory’s gross domestic product increases by 153%.
The Augustineum is taken over by the Department of Bantu Administration and Development.
27.05. SA Prime Minister Vorster states that in accordance with the Odendaal Plan, the SA Government has thus far purchased 401 "white" farms to be incorporated into the "homelands".
12.08. The UN Security Council passes UN SC Resolution 269 condemning SA’s continued presence in the territory, which constitutes "an aggressive encroachment on the authority of the United Nations", and it requests SA to leave before 04.10.1969.
December The Department of Water Affairs investigates the feasibility of a hydro power station at the Popa Falls in the Okavango River near Divundu, the Divundu Hydro Project, later the Popa Falls Hydro Project (2002). The plan suggests to build a substantial catchment dam for a 20 MW hydro power station.
01.12. Agha Abdul Hamid, UN Assistant Secretary-General, is appointed Acting Commissioner for Namibia in place of UN Legal Counsel CA Stavropoulos.
The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) establishes Radio Ovambo, Radio Herero and Radio Nama/Dama in Windhoek (only Radio Owambo has a backup station in Oshakati) on FM transmitters as well as on shortwave. Only Radio Ovambo broadcasts for four hours in the morning and five in the afternoons. Radio Herero and Radio Nama/Dama have to share transmitters every day. It is only in 1975 that Radio Nama/Dama goes fully fledged on its own channel. All three stations are established as an extension of the SABC: Radio Bantu. The philosophy behind Radio Bantu is not so much to provide information or education to "blacks", but rather to control and pacify them. As reflected in a SABC Report, the purpose to introduce Radio Bantu is "to counteract the warped and dangerous political, social and economic doctrines being propagated among Natives ... ". The establishment of the three "black" radio stations is introduced at a time when external broadcasts by Radio SWAPO is increasing (Since the 1960s SWAPO transmits from Ghana, Egypt, Algeria and later Angola). In 1974 the SABC starts Lozi radio services from Johannesburg (the Lozi services are shifted to Windhoek in 1986). In 1975 the SABC launches a fourth radio station in Namibia, the Kavango Services. For the Namibian "whites" South West Africa news are bilingual broadcasts in English and Afrikaans and transmitted on short wave frequencies. These news bulletins are meant for the "white" communities, particularly the farmers.
26.12.-02.01.1970 SWAPO’s Consultative Congress in Tanga/Tanzania creates new structures for the liberation movement. Sam Nujoma is confirmed as SWAPO President. Brendan Simbwaye becomes Vice-President, with Mishake Muyongo acting for this unaccounted-for prisoner of the South Africans. Louis Nelengani, former Vice-President, is expelled from SWAPO (because he had a fight with the former Administrative Secretary Jacob Kuhangua in Dar-Es-Salaam 1968 which left Kuhangua paralysed). Libertine Amathila, who left the territory in 1962, becomes Deputy Secretary of Health and Welfare; Ben Amathila, who left in 1966, becomes Deputy Secretary of Education and Culture; Moses Makue ||Garoëb replaces Kuhangua as SWAPO Administrative Secretary; Phillip Iyambo Indongo becomes Secretary for Health and Welfare; Simon "Mzee" Kaukungua becomes Secretary of the SWAPO Elder’s Council; Peter Mweshihange becomes Acting Secretary for Foreign Affairs; Hifikepunye Pohamba becomes Deputy Administrative Secretary; and Ernest Ngarikutuke Tjiriange becomes Secretary for Legal Affairs.
NAPLA becomes the People’s Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN).
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