1970 | SA Prime Minister Vorster
announces that according to the Odendaal Plan, 426 "white" farms and 72 plots in
towns and villages have been bought at a total cost of R 26 374 785. Some 184 farms are
still being leased to "white" tenants, while the remainder are allocated to
people from Rehoboth and Namaland. Three new districts are created: Hereroland East,
Hereroland West and Bushmanland. The Association for the Preservation of the Tjamuaha-Maharero Royal House is formed by Jephta Maharero to dispute the legitimacy of Hosea Kutakos successor, Clemence Kapuuo. The Association later joins the National Convention (NC), then SWANUF, and much later the Namibia National Convention (NNC). The Namibia African Peoples Democratic Organisation (NAPDO) is formed among the Dama. The Democratic Co-operative Party (DEMCOP) is formed in Ovamboland by Johannes Nangutuuala to oppose SAs "homelands" policy. SA Minister of Bantu Administration and Development MC Botha claims that Dama Headman David ||Goreseb would support a Dama "homeland" in terms of the Odendaal Plan. Some Dama have elected their own spokesmen and a Damara Council of Headmen is subsequently established, led by Chief Justus ||Garoëb. Hendrik Witbooi joins SWAUNIO in the early 1970s. Jesaya Nyamu becomes SWAPO's political secretary in Dar-Es-Salaam/Tanzania. The territorys total exports: mining 59%, fishing 25%, agriculture 16%. By this year only one inshore diamond mine near Oranjemund is operating. The Matchless mine starts with production. The copper deposits at the Otjihase mine northeast of Windhoek are discovered. The first computer in Namibia is installed in the SWA Roads Department. The leader of the National Party of SWA, AH du Plessis, officially proposes incorporating the territory into the Republic of South Africa as a fifth province. The Von Bach Dam on the Swakop River near Okahandja is officially opened. A test observatory is erected on the Gamsberg, 120 km southwest of Windhoek, by the Max Planck Society, Heidelberg, Germany. |
30.01. | The UN Security Council declares SA an illegal occupation force in Namibia (UN SC Resolution 276). Later this year, the Council calls on states by UN SC Resolution 283 to take a large number of steps to demonstrate their denial of South Africas authority in SWA and to refrain from giving any form of assistance to South Africas administration in Namibia - inter alia to take measures to end trade or commercial dealings with or investments in Namibia. |
11.03. | Local authority "all-white" elections are held in Namibia. |
July | The newly created Ad-Hoc Sub-Committee UN Security Council asks all its members to break off diplomatic and economic relations with SA. It recognises the liberation struggle of the Namibian people against the SA authorities as justified. UN SC Resolution 284, asks the International Court of Justice to give a legal opinion in the Namibia dispute. |
18.07. | Hosea Kutako dies, having asked to
be buried alongside Jonker Afrikaner in Okahandja.
Grave of Hosea Kutako, who died on 18.07.1970: Okahandja: The
Grave is next to the Grave of Jonker Afrikaner: Otjozondjupa Region: August
2003 Herero Day in Okahandja: Memorising the Home Coming of Late
Samuel Maharero: 23./26.08.1923: Ovaherero Chief Kuaima Riruako at the Grave of Hosea
Kutako: Otjozondjupa Region: 24.08.2003 Herero Day in Okahandja: Memorising the Home Coming of Late
Samuel Maharero: 23./26.08.1923: Ovaherero Chief Alfons Kaihepaovazandu Maharero from
Okonja (near Otjinene) at the Grave of Hosea Kutako: Otjozondjupa Region: 24.08.2003 |
20.07. | Clemence Kapuuo becomes Chief of the Ovaherero. |
06.10. | Ondonga King Pau (Paulus) Elifas dies. His successor is the 16th Ondonga King Filemon (Shuumbwa) yElifas lyaShindondola (1970-1975). |
09.12. | The new blacktop road from Swakopmund to Walvis Bay is officially opened. The highway replaces the old salt gravel road. |