1986 The Mmabatho People’s Party (MPP) is formed under the leadership of Michael Simana after a further split in the Seoposengwe Party. The MPP becomes the opposition in the Tswana Second-Tier Authority.
Simon "Mzee" Kaukungua is transferred to Angola as Head of the SWAPO Centre.
Peter Mweshihange becomes SWAPO’s Acting Secretary for Defence following the death of Peter Nanyemba in April 1983. His deputy is Richard Kapelwa-Kabajani.
Namibia has 4 040 km of trunk roads, 8 936 km of main roads, 28 596 km of district roads and 22 058 km of farm roads.
The TGNU appoints a Constitutional Council to draw up a Constitution to replace AG8 (National Assembly Act No. 8 of 1985).
The first four cases of HIV/Aids are officially recorded in Namibia.
During the period 1980 to 1988 PLAN intensifies its war against civilian targets in Namibia. Some PLAN soldiers are caught and put on trial under the Terrorism Act, No. 83 of 1967. Consequently Johnny Heita, Solomon Paulus, Andreas Tangeni, Gabriel Matheus, Martin Akweenda, Johannes Nangolo, Petrus Nangombe and Sagarias Nangombe appear before the SWA Division of the Supreme Court. However, several of the police witnesses have to admit third degree methods, including vicious assaults on the detainees. It is clearly established that these methods are not only used in this case, but are fairly common practice to extract information from prisoners. One of the notorious persons who does the beating is the South African Captain Ballack from Koevoet. He is, however, never prosecuted for his deeds. In spite of the forced confessions, the accused are sentenced to high prison terms (up to 18 years).

The Constitutional Council begins to work on a Constitution (under SA Judge Hiemstra). Members of the NUNW form a Workers' Steering Committee to promote the ideas of trade unionism and to help form trade unions. Between April and December, five trade unions are registered (from 1976 to 1986 only the SWA Construction Workers Union and Fishermen’s Union in Lüderitz are registered). The new unions are as follows: Drivers, Transport and Allied Workers Union (NNTU affiliate); Automobile and Metal Workers Union (NTU affiliate); Rössing Mineworkers Union (NUNW affiliate); Namibian Food and Allied Workers Union (NAFAU)(NUNW affiliate), Mineworkers Union of Namibia (MUN)(NUNW affiliate).
April The |Ai-||Gams Conference Group is formed under the aegis of the CCN (President of the CCN: Abisai Shejavali). Its participants include, inter alia, SWAPO, SWANU-P, the Namibia Independence Party (NIP), the Namibian National Students Organisation (NANSO), Namibian Women’s Voice, the CDA (Peter Kalangula's CDA fails, however, so sign the joint declaration at the end of the conference), the NCDP, the NUDO-PP, the Damara Council and the Mbanderu Council. The group is set up to ensure the immediate implementation of SC Resolution 435, ans it projects itself as the Namibian United Democratic Front (UDF).
May The United Party of Namibia is formed by Barney Barnes. It joins the DTA alliance.
31.05./01.06 The Roman-Catholic procession "Corpus Christi" under the leadership of the Roman-Catholic priests Heinrich Steegmann and Bernhard Wolf as well as the Anglican Bishop Kauluma and Zephania Kameeta from the ELC takes place in Windhoek. The South African security forces try to break up the peaceful demonstration and to provoke a massacre. The self-control of the participants averts a catastrophe.
07.-11.07. The UN Council for Namibia organises the Conference for the Immediate Independence of Namibia in Vienna/Austria. UN Secretary-General Javier Péres de Cuéllar takes part in the conference.
27.07. Some members of the South African Defence Forces (CJ Harmse, FJ Herps, DF Esselen and J Fernando) are charged by the Namibian Attorney General for murdering a SWAPO member, Frans Uapoto in Onengali, Ovamboland. But the court proceedings are on direct intervention from the South African Prime Minister, PW Botha, stopped and the accused are walking out, free men. In view of this remedy, nullifying a prosecution by means of a certificate issued by the South African State President and so usurping the functions of a court of justice, is prima facie male fide from the outset and normally used to cover up a crime reflecting on the government and the military as later this year is attempted in the case of Immanuel Shifidi.
November Prominent "whites" (founding members are inter alia Christo Lombaard, Nahum Gorelick, Brian Harlech-Jones, Peter Koep, Ulli Eins, Pierre Roux, Klaus Dierks, Manfred Schier, Allen Liebenberg, Theo Frank, Charles Courtney-Clarke) under the leadership of Bryan O’Linn form the group called Namibia Peace Plan 435 (NPP-435), whose objectives are to propagate public interest in SC Resolution 435, to assist in its implementation and to encourage "true reconciliation" among Namibians. The group becomes defunct in 1990, Peter Koep being its last leader.

Namibia_Khomas_Windhoek_O-Linn_2.JPG (232466 bytes)

Bryan O'Linn: Leader of the NPP-435 Group: August 2003
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

15.11. Daniël Luipert is appointed as Chief of the Swartboois (||Khau-|gõan) in Gainatzeb near Franzfontein.
30.11. The Progressive People’s Party (PPP) is formed after the RBA splits. The RBA is renamed the Rehoboth Democratic Turnhalle Alliance Party (RDTAP) and is led by Ben Africa.
A SWAPO meeting in Katutura leads to clashes with the police. Immanuel Shifidi, a former Robben Island prisoner, is stabbed and subsequently dies. The alleged killers from the South African 101 Battalion (Johannes Hendrik Vorster, Willem Hendrik Welgemoed, Antoinie Johannes Botes, Nicolaas Jacobus Prinsloo, Eusebias Christiaan Kashimbi and Steven Festus) are brought to trial, but again on direct intervention from the South African Prime Minister, PW Botha, are released. It must be noted that this crime was allegedly planned at the South African Defence Headquarter and that senior "white" officers were involved.
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