1987 Moses Katjiuongua announces that his party, SWANU-MPC, will be renamed the Namibia African National Union (NANU) at independence or when SWA/Namibia is officially named Namibia.
Andrew Kloppers takes the CDU out of the DTA.
Mishake Muyongo becomes Vice President of the DTA. Kuaima Riruako is the President of the DTA.

Namibia_Otjozondjupa_Okahandja_HereroDay2003_42.JPG (203551 bytes)

Herero Day in Okahandja: Memorising the Home Coming of Late Samuel Maharero: 23./26.08.1923: Ovaherero Chief Kuaima Riruako: Otjozondjupa Region: 24.08.2003
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

Namibia_Otjozondjupa_Okahandja_HereroDay2003_43.JPG (256175 bytes)

Herero Day in Okahandja: Memorising the Home Coming of Late Samuel Maharero: 23./26.08.1923: Ovaherero Chief Kuaima Riruako marches from the Grave Yard of the Maharero Dynasty to the Graves of Hosea Kutako and Clemence Kapuuo: Otjozondjupa Region: 24.08.2003
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

Timothy Hadino Hishongwa becomes SWAPO’s Youth League Secretary in Luanda.
The Afrikaner Weerstands Beweging (AWB) launches a branch in Namibia under the leadership of Hendrik van As.
Namibia has 4 402 km of paved roads, 23 505 km of gravel roads, 13 019 km of earth roads, 228 km of salt-gravel roads and 418 km of " sandspoor" roads.
A total of 514 road bridges have thus far been built or otherwise planned.
The National Transport Corporation Act is passed by the National Assembly.
A strike takes place at Taurus Chemicals in Lüderitz, involving the Namibian Food and Allied Workers Union and clashes with the police.
The chief of the Fwe community in the Caprivi Strip, Richard (Temuso) Muhinda Mamili, is replaced by Boniface Bebi Mamili who wins the election ahead of George Simasiku.
The build up of modern petroleum exploration in Namibia begins when SOEKOR drills a further two holes in the Kudu Gas Field. The discovered many trillion cubic feet of very clean natural gas are of high economic interest and it seems that the southwestern off-shore region of Africa could be a petroleum province.
Diamond Area No. 2 which is situated between 26o South and the areas north of Conception Bay (Lange Wand) is added to the newly proclaimed Namib Naukluft Park. The eastern part of Diamond Area No. 1 between 26o South and the trunk road between Lüderitz and Aus also becomes part of this nature reserve. Thus, only the western part of Diamond Area No. 1 north of Lüderitz remains part of the Sperrgebiet.

February Action National Settlement (Aksie Nasionale Skikking) (ANS), later in alliance with the NPF, is founded by Eben van Zijl as a development lobby. ANS members are, inter alia, Johannes Diergaardt, Petra Hamman and Frans Louis van Zyl.
06.02. A bomb is exploded in front of the Barclays Bank in Oshakati. Apart from damages at the building, several persons are injured and one Levi Ipinge dies as a result of the explosion. One accused, Afunda Nghiyolwa, is charged in terms of the Sabotage Act, No. 76 of 1962, as amended by Act No. 62 of 1966 and sentenced to a high prison term.
31.03. In S/18767 the UN Secretary-General reports that the Cuban troop withdrawal from Angola is the only unresolved problem.
April The Namibia United Front (NUF) is formed by a merger of CANU and CAP.
July The Constitutional Council completes a draft Constitution and refers it to the TGNU Cabinet, but SA rejects it.
06.07. SWAPO launches a car bomb attack on the Kalahari Sands Hotel in Windhoek, causing considerable material damage. Two PLAN members, Paulus Andreas and Stephanus Nghifikwa, are charged in the SWA Division of the Supreme Court in terms of the Sabotage Act, No. 76 of 1962, as amended by Act No. 62 of 1966. Both are sentenced to high prison terms.
26.07. After a consumer boycott of "white-owned" businesses in Tsumeb, 4 000 employees of Tsumeb Corporation Limited (TCL) go on strike at the Tsumeb, Kombat and Otjihase mines. (The TCL shareholders are Newmont of the USA, BP Minerals of the UK and Goldfields of the RSA). On 31.07., workers who do not turn up for work are evicted from the company’s hostels. The Windhoek Supreme Court rules that TCL’s dismissals and evictions are legal (18.08.). The Mineworkers Union of Namibia is involved in organising this strike, in negotiations and in legal support actions, but the union is snubbed by TCL’s management and by the TGNU Cabinet.
August The Rössing Mineworkers Union, which is affiliated to the Mineworkers Union of Namibia and NUNW, signs a recognition agreement with Rössing Uranium.
The Namibia Wholesale and Retail Workers Union, the Namibia Builders Trade Union, and the Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Union are established.
July-September Talks are renewed between Angola and the USA (Chester Crocker) regarding Namibia, the Cuban troop withdrawal and diplomatic links.
11.09. Judge J Bethune orders the release of a number of SWAPO activists (Hendrik Witbooi, Danny Tjongarero, Niko Bessinger, Anton Lubowski, John Pandeni and Ben Ulenga) who are detained in terms of the Terrorism Act, No. 83 of 1967.
October South African security forces totally destroy the Roman Catholic church of Omuluukila in the Ombalantu area in Ovamboland. In response Bishop Bonifatius Hausiku orders that on the following Sunday, all the Roman Catholic churches of Windhoek remain closed. The Holy Mass should be celebrated outside the churches as in the ruins of Omuluukila. For the "white" Catholics, this eloquent sign is another "pro-SWAPO" provocation of the Church.
30.10. In SC Resolution 601 the UN Security Council affirms that all outstanding issues relevant to the implementation of SC Resolution 435 have been resolved. The Security Council authorises the Secretary-General to proceed with arrangements for a cease-fire between SA and SWAPO, following which administrative and practical steps can be taken for UNTAG’s deployment.
December SWAPO creates the Namibian Press Agency (NAMPA) to cover the liberation struggle from bureaux in four continents.
23.12. In UN SC Resolution 606 the UN Security Council strongly condemns the presence of South African troops which are, against all agreements, still in Angola.
31.12. The Deutsche Aktion: Deutsch-Südwester Komitee (DSK) is formed in alliance with Action Christian National (ACN) in Karibib. DSK Chairman is Hans Engelhardt.
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