1871 |
Missionary Wilhelm Eich, Friedrich
Eichs younger brother, arrives in the country. Rhenish missionary Carl Ludwig Hermann Hegner moves to Berseba. He works there, with a short sojourn at Keetmanshoop, until 1900. Eriksson, Tom Bechuana and Vita Tom visit King Mweshipandeka sha Shaningika of the Uukwanyama area in Ondjiva (present-day Angola). |
27.03. |
Rhenish Missionary Johann Georg Schröder works among the Nama of Klein Windhoek (until 28.08.1880). |
30.04. | The Finnish Missionary Society establishes a mission station at Rehoboth (Okahao/ Ongandjera). The missionaries are Martti Rautanen and Tobias Reijonen. The station exists until June 1873 when the Finnish Missionary Society abandons its work in Uukwambi and Ongandjera due to differences with the two kings. |
11.05. | Rhenish missionary Heidmann re-establishes a mission station at Rehoboth. |
Mid-1871 |
Finnish missionary Tolonen obtains permission from the Uukwanyama King, Mweshipandeka sha Shaningika, to build a house in the area. |
27.06. | Rhenish missionary Brincker consecrates a new church in Otjikango. |
29.07. | The Finnish Missionary Society
establishes a mission station in Olukonda (Ondonga). The first missionaries there are Karl
Emanuel Jurvelin (until 1873) and Malmström, followed by Gustav Mauritz Skoglund
(1879-1880) and Martti Rautanen who works there until he dies (19.10.1926). The Witbooi Nama David Witbooi is born in Gibeon. |
October | Tolonen returns to Ondonga because he is not well received in the Uukwanyama area. |
1872 | The Baster community writes its
constitution (paternal laws). Rhenish missionary Carl Heinrich Beiderbecke arrives in Otjimbingwe, where he learns the Otjiherero language from Hahn. Missionary Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Viehe builds the "Old Mission House" in Omaruru. It is in this house that Viehe translates the New Testament into the Otjiherero language and erects the first meteorological station in Namibia (1885). Between 1895 and 1898 the house serves as post office under missionary Eduard Dannert. Finnish missionary Kurvinen establishes a mission station at Oniipa in the Ondonga area, which is abandoned four years later. The station is revived in 1888. Finnish missionary Weikkolin establishes a mission station at Ondjumba in the Ondonga area, but after some time it has to be abandoned. Hosea Kutako is born at Okahurimehi, near present-day Kalkfeld. His father is Mutanga who later is buried at Ehangero between Okahandja and Sukses. Maharero asks the British High Commissioner and Cape Governor, Henry Barkly, for aid. The Cape Government starts to take an interest in the affairs of the territory. Barkly directs a letter to the Nama chiefs and cautions them to "keep peace". |
05.03. | Hahn leaves the Rhenish Missionary Society and moves to Cape Town. |
June | Joseph Grendon returns to Otjimbingwe. He later settles in Okahandja. |
09.10. | Rhenish missionary Irle establishes the mission station Otjosazu, east of Okahandja. |
The Finnish Missionary Church at Olukonda of 1871 The Cemetery of the Finnish Missionary Society at Olukonda |