1873 The Deutsche Missions-Handelsaktiengesellschaft company is dissolved, but the Rhenish Missionary Society retains its superiority in the territory.
Iipumbu ya Tshilongo (son of Tshilongo Uupindi), later the king of the Uukwambi area, is born at Onatshiku near Elim during the reign of King Nuyoma.
Rhenish missionary Carl Gotthilf Büttner lands in Walvis Bay and takes over from Hahn as Director of the Augustineum College in Otjimbingwe.
01.11. Rhenish missionary Friedrich Eich establishes and runs (until 1884) the mission station Otjiseva.
15.11. Rhenish missionary Carl Heinrich Beiderbecke establishes a mission station at Otjozondjupa (meaning "Waterberg"; in Otjiherero "Karumue katjomumbonde" or "Omuveroume Mountain"). He works there (until May 1880) with Franz Tamm (01.11.1873.-14.11.1876) and Christian Baumann (1874-04.11.1878).

Namibia_Otjozondjupa_Waterberg_Missionhouse_1.JPG (359227 bytes)Namibia_Otjozondjupa_Waterberg_Missionhouse_2.JPG (349148 bytes)Namibia_Otjozondjupa_Waterberg_Missionhouse_3.JPG (318554 bytes)

The Ruins of the Rhenish Missionary Station which was established by Missionary Carl Heinrich Beiderbecke on 15.11.1873 at the Waterberg: Otjozondjupa Region
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

1874 The Ichaboe and Penguin Islands Act is passed, incorporating the 12 Atlantic offshore islands into the South African Cape Colony.
The mission station Otjimbingwe is dissolved.
Finnish missionary Tobias Reijonen establishes a mission station at Omulonga, but it is relinquished in 1888.
When the Deutsche Missions-Handelsaktiengesellschaft company fails, Christian Baumann joins the society as a mission helper and works (until 1878) at Otjozondjupa (Waterberg).
Hahn receives a PhD for his reference work on Otjiherero-German grammar, which he compiled with the assistance of Urieta Gertse, née Kazahendike.
21.06. In the presence of Green, Maharero, together with Chief Therawa from Omaruru and Chief Kambazembi wa Kangombe (Kangombe is Kambazembi's father) from Otjozondjupa (Waterberg), requests Henry Barkly as British High Commissioner in the Cape Colony to prevent a group of Transvaal Boers (Hendrik van Zyl) from settling in Damaraland. This leads the Cape authorities to consider a Special Commissioner for Damaraland. William Coates Palgrave is duly appointed.
07.11. Ondonga King Shikongo sha Kalulu dies in Ovamboland. His successor is his nephew, the eighth Ondonga King Kambonde kaNankwaya (1874-1883). He establishes his capital at Onamumgondu.
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