The seventeenth King Negumbo lya
Kandenge (1875-1907) of the Uukwambi area in Ovamboland succeeds King Nuyoma. Negumbo is a
moderate king and manages to unify the Uukwambi community once again after the decline of
its royal power due to the many wars of the past. |
September |
Theophilus Hahn, missionary Samuel
Hahns son, invites Van Zyl to settle in Rehoboth. Maharero hears
of this and Hahn is expelled from the territory. |
31.12. |
Kido Witbooi dies in Gibeon. His
successor is Moses David Witbooi. 
Graves of the Witbooi Dynasty at the Gibeon Cemetery: Grave of Kido (Cupido)
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks
The Cape Parliament declares the
areas of Nama and Ovaherero as protectorates.
Finnish missionary Kurvinen translates portions of the Bible into the Oshivambo language.
Karl August Weikkolin again moves to the Uukwambi area.
Gert Alberts, leader of the first Dorslandtrek (Thirstland trek)(Khoekhoegowab:
|Khoraoftewel |Hu) treks from the Transvaal and reaches Rietfontein on the present-day
Namibian border. His adviser is Johannes van der Merwe. Two more treks arrive in the
territory during this year. The second trek under the leadership of Jan Greyling reaches
the Okavango River in 1877.
The third trek receives a letter from Moses Witbooi written in Gibeon (09.01.1876): "To
the Trekboers: Dear Boers, I have heard that your intentions are warlike and that you wish
to take this country by war. If this is true, then I say nothing, but if not true, then I
say to you go back, for I do not wish to have you in this country ...". |
16.03. |
William Coates Palgrave is
officially appointed as Special Commissioner for Hereroland and Namaland. |
10.04. |
Palgrave leaves Cape Town for
Walvis Bay (his first official journey to the territory). |
25.04. |
Palgrave lands at Walvis Bay. |
04.05. |
Frederick Joseph Green dies at
Heigamchab near Walvis Bay. |
Rhenish missionary Eduard Dannert
establishes the mission station Omburo, east of Omaruru. Negotiations take place between
Palgrave and Petrus Swartbooi from Ameib, brother of Abraham Swartbooi, son and successor
of Willem Swartbooi (!Huiseb #Haobemab)(since approx. 1864) at Otjimbingwe. |
June |
Palgrave visits Chief Kambazembi. |
July |
The Ovaherero chiefs and Palgrave
hold the Conference of Okahandja, with missionary Brincker as translator. |
07.-10.07. |
Palgrave negotiates with the
Swartbooi leader Abraham Swartbooi at Ameib. |
04.-09.09. |
The Ovaherero chiefs and Palgrave
hold the Main Conference of Okahandja. Kambazembi does not attend. The letter to Cape
Governor Barkly is signed by Maharero, Christian Wilhelm Zeraua from Omaruru, the
Ovambanderu Chief, Salomo Aponda from Otjikango and Wilhelm Maharero, oldest son of
Maharero. As witnesses the letter is also signed by missionaries Peter Heinrich Brincker,
Carl Ludwig Hermann Hegner and Botolf Bernhard Björklund, and traders Heinrich
Kleinschmidt, Robert Lewis and JJ Christie. |
23.09. |
Negotiations between Palgrave and
Jan Jonker Afrikaner yield no results. |
05.10. |
Negotiations between Palgrave,
Hermanus van Wyk from Rehoboth and Abraham Swartbooi from Ameib take place at Rehoboth.
Later Palgrave also visits the Dama community of Okombahe and reports that the Dama are
economically independent due to their intensive agricultural activities there. |
27.11. |
Negotiations between Palgrave and
Jakobus Isaak are held at Berseba following Palgraves visit to Claas Swart in
Grootfontein (in the south). |
28.11. |
Christian Wilhelm Zeraua dies in
Omaruru. He is succeeded by Chief Tjaherani from Omburo (29.11.1876-24.11.1884). |
22.12. |
Negotiations between Palgrave and
Wilhelm Christian, Chief of the Bondelswarts (!Gami-#nun), take place at Warmbad. |