Finnish missionaries Tolonen, Gustav Mauritz Skoglund and Tobias Reijonen continue to translate portions of the Bible into the Oshivambo language.
Missionary Böhm moves with the Swartboois to Zesfontein but is stopped by Palgrave because Zesfontein is "Herero territory".
The Chief of the Kai||khaun from Hoachanas, #Goraxab ||Oasmab (Barnabas)dies. His successor is |Gôbeb #Goraxab (Petrus).
10.04. Palgrave leaves the territory and returns to Cape Town (arrival: 24.04.).
02.08. Palgrave sends a letter to Maharero informing him that the Cape Government is considering establishing Hereroland as a protectorate.
27.09. Palgrave travels from Cape Town to Walvis Bay (his second official journey to the territory).
Palgrave lands in Walvis Bay and travels as Civil Commissioner to Okahandja. He implements a prohibition of alcohol imports into the territory.
22.11. A new church is erected under Rhenish missionary Weber in Warmbad.

P Duparquet of the Roman Catholic Church (Kongo Section) is ordered to investigate the areas between the Kunene and Oranje Rivers with a view to establishing mission stations.
Christian Baumann moves to Rooibank where he is ordained in 1883.
Ongandjera King Tsheya tshUutshona dies. He is followed by the nineteenth King Iiyambo yIileka (1878-1887). He establishes his capital at Engonda.
February The first and the second Dorslandtrek under the leadership of Jakobus Botha meet at Leeupan, west of present-day Grootfontein.
12.03. British Captain Richard C Dyer from the vessel "Industry" annexes Walvis Bay for the British Crown, authorised by the Governor of the Cape Colony, Henry Bartle Edward Frere. The borders of the enclave are clearly delimited.
27.04. The Rhenish Missionary Society re-establishes the mission station at Grootfontein (in the south). Its missionary is Heinrich Pabst.
03.05. Hermann Heinrich Kreft dies at Grootfontein (in the south).

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Bethany: Rhenish Missionary Cemetry: Hermann Heinrich Kreft: died on 03.05.1878
Copyright of Photo Dr. Klaus Dierks

June Palgrave initiates the Conference of Hoachanas, but it is only attended by Jan Jonker Afrikaner from Windhoek, Chief |Gôbeb #Goraxab (Petrus) from Hoachanas and Karl "Ses" Hendrik.
01.06. D Erskine becomes British Resident Magistrate in Walvis Bay (until November 1880).
18.06. Jakobus Isaak of Berseba and Moses Witbooi of Gibeon contact Hermanus van Wyk of Rehoboth to establish a united front due to their distrust of Palgrave.
19.06. Isaak and Witbooi communicate this motion of no confidence in Palgrave to Maharero.
08.08. Palgrave requests Jakobus Isaak to restore "peace and order in the north-east of Namaland".
September Duparquet arrives in Walvis Bay.
14.12. A British Letters Patent ratifies the annexation of Walvis Bay, which is thereby incorporated into the Cape Colony.

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The Church of the Rhenish Missionary Society at Warmbad, inaugurated by Missionary Weber in 1877
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

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