1898 Between 1898 and 1902 the Ovaherero register 1 900 rifles.
Two diamonds are found near Gibeon and Berseba respectively.
The Ovamboland kings of the Uukwanyama, Uukwambi and Ondonga areas conclude a peace treaty among themselves in order to be united against the German and Portuguese expansion efforts.
Theodor Rehbock makes proposals for the design and construction of dams and water supply works in the colony: Osis south of Maltahöhe, Hatsamas southeast of Windhoek, Aris south of Windhoek, Avispoort and Pokkiesdraai near Windhoek and the Naute Dam in the Löwen River southwest of Keetmanshoop.
20.02. A post office is opened at Outjo.
March A typhus epidemic sweeps through SWA.
17.03. The Swartboois under David Swartbooi are defeated by Ludwig von Estorff in the battle of Grootberg (Khoekhoegowab: Kai|uis) and surrender to the Germans. The Topnaars escape to Zesfontein without being pursued. David Swartbooi and some followers are imprisoned in Windhoek and Outjo.
01.04. The state railway line from Swakopmund is opened to the station Jakkalswater.
10.04. Native reserves, to remain under the ownership of indigenes, are demarcated.
22.04. Leutwein becomes Imperial Governor of German South West Africa.
May First properties are surveyed in Outjo. One of the first inhabitants is the trader Tom Lambert.
16.06. A post office is opened at Rössing.
July Rhenish missionary Hermann Tönjes works in the Uukwanyama area in Ovamboland. He establishes the third Rhenish mission station in the area, in Namakunde (present-day Angola) (opened in May 1900).
The areas of Rietmond and Kalkfontein become a native reserve for the Witbooi Nama
(120 000 ha).
26.07. Manasse Tyiseseta of Omaruru dies. He is succeeded by his son, Michael Tyisesta (27.07.1898-04.02.1904)

Namibia_Erongo_Omaruru_Cemetry_1.JPG (89055 bytes)Namibia_Erongo_Omaruru_Cemetry_2.JPG (83489 bytes)

Historical Graves on the Rhenish Missionary Cemetery in Omaruru, Erongo Region
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

Namibia_Otjozondjupa_GrootfonteinCemetery_3.JPG (102337 bytes)

Grave of a German Soldier on the German Cemetery in Grootfontein, Otjozondjupa Region
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

01.08. A post office is opened at Gobabis.
10.08. A post office is opened at the Khan River railway station (renamed in May 1900: Welwitsch)(east of the Khan railway station which is situated in the Khan River).
October The Germans carry out a punitive expedition against Bondelswarts Chief Wilhelm Christian and Paul Frederiks of the Bethany Orlams because they refuse to accept the registration of rifles. As a result the Germans seize Kabus and Keetmanshoop and a farm near Bethany. The Kharo-!oan of Keetmanshoop are forcefully separated from the Bondelswarts community.
12.10. The colony’s first newspaper, Windhoeker Anzeiger, is founded by Georg Wasserfall. The newspaper exists until 12.09.1901.
15.11. New stamps of the German Reich are issued with the corrected overprint "Deutsch- Südwestafrika".
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