1899 | The increasing number of traders
leads to more friction between traders and Ovaherero and draws attention to the more
serious problem of the "land issue", which conflicts with the notion of a
"settler colony". Rising debts lead to the "sale" of land, and traders
such as Gustav Voigts, Fritz Wecke and Ludwig Conradt are paid in this way. The German Administration imports 20 camels from the Sudan. Eighteen post offices have been established so far. Hubert Janson settles at Franzfontein and establishes the famous palm gardens there. |
January | Construction of a telegraphic line between the coast and Windhoek begins (completed July 1901). The first telegraph station is opened on 09.08.1901 in Karibib. Further stations follow in Okahandja on 22.09.1902 and 27.10.1902 in Windhoek. |
01.01. | Credit regulations are promulgated by the German Administration. It is established that no person can be sued for any credit. However, the traders force the administration to suspend this regulation (on 22.02.1899). |
27.01. | The first sports club, Schützenverein, is established in Keetmanshoop. |
13.04. | The first telegraphic link (sea cable) between Germany and the colony is inaugurated. |
28.04. | The post office at Khan River is closed. |
01.05. | A new post office serving Khan River, at Jakkalswater railway station, is opened. |
24.05. | Three hundred and forty-seven new soldiers arrive in the colony. |
30.05. | Bethany gets a new church, the stone church, replacing the old mission church of 1859. The old mission church is used as a mission school until 1970 . |
31.05. | Riarua (Amadamap) dies. |
01.06. | The first Agricultural Show is held in Windhoek. |
11.06. | A post office is opened at Ukamas. |
21.06. | A post office is opened at Ramansdrift. |
July | Missionaries Diehl and Viehe sharply attack Samuel Maharero for "selling" the Okakango locale, north of Okahandja, to settle his debts. |
02.07. | The Roman Catholic Klein Windhoek mission station is established, its missionary being Father Nachtwey. As from 1904 the station grows white and red wine of high quality. Also the famous brandy "Katholischer" is produced here. |
15.07. | A post office is opened at Bethany (postmark "Bethanien"). |
Aug./September | The Germans conduct a punitive expedition against the Ovambanderu (Kandji Tjetjo and his son Traugott Tjetjo) because they refuse to accept the registration of rifles. |
15.08. | The regulation of all mining rights reverts to the German Administration. |
22.08. | The mules of the Walvis Bay port railway are replaced by the locomotive "Hope" which is imported from England. |
02.09. | Construction of the first port mole (concrete and stone) in Swakopmund commences. |
29.09. | The South West Africa Company (SWAC) offers all mining rights for the copper deposits in the Otavi Mountains area to a new German company, the later Otavi Minen- und Eisenbahngesellschaft (OMEG). |
October | The Roman Catholic missionary Nachtwey establishes a new mission station at Swakopmund. |
01.10. | A post office is opened at Maltahöhe (near Grootfontein (south)). Maltahöhe is established by Bezirksamtmann Karl Henning Konrad von Burgsdorff and named after his wife Malta von Burgsdorff. |
11.10. | The Rhenish Missionary Society opposes further sales of Ovaherero land. |
17.10. | A post office is opened at
Grootfontein (north).
Grave of a German Soldier on the German Cemetery in
Grootfontein, Otjozondjupa Region |
18.10. | A post office is opened at Otavi. |
21.10. | A post office is opened at the Waterberg. |
November | A quarrel breaks out between Samuel Maharero and Michael Tyiseseta, son of Manasse Tyiseseta of Omaruru. Leutwein intervenes and explains that Samuel has no direct authority over Michaels people. It is now clear that the German authorities only support Samuel against his fellow Ovaherero leaders as long as it suits German interests. |
19.11. | Samuel Maharero sells, inter alia, Otjosazu. |
20.11. | A post office is opened at Okombahe. |
21.11. | Nathanel Christian (|Gariseb Khami !Nansemab) of the Bondelswarts (!Gami-#nun) community is born. |
18.12. | Leutwein establishes by Government Proclamation a first self-government for "white" settlers. |