1910 Germany sends a diplomatic note to Great Britain stating that Germany "presume[s] that the Government of Great Britain will agree to the eastern boundary of the German Territory being formed by a line ... following the thalweg of the Zambezi". This note also links the south-western Caprivi Strip border between the Okavango River south of Andara and the Chobe River (the Germans insist on a border which is parallel to the latitude while the British insist on a border which runs parallel to the northern border with Angola and which is 20 English miles wide) with the Oranje River border, which they want to follow the thalweg of the river and not, as agreed in 1890, the northern high-water line of the Oranje River. Great Britain feels it is in a strong position concerning the Caprivi Strip border, but in the case of the Oranje River border it feels its position is doubtful. Thus Great Britain ignores the note and the situation regarding the Zambezi border is only rectified in 1933, while the position regarding the southern border of the western Caprivi Strip is not resolved, and the border not demarcated, until 1965. The dispute around the south-western Caprivi Strip border, were the British border position to be followed, would result in a loss to the German colony of 7 km at the Okavango River and 48 km at the Chobe River.
The Topnaar Nama (#Aonin) Chief, Piet ||Haibeb, dies (perhaps in 1909). Successor is Tuob Jonas |Khaoreb (until 1914).
The Ovambo workforce has increased to 6 000 (from 1 700 in 1907).
"Black" South African workers employ strike actions, public meetings and other forms of protest to combat injustice and maltreatment.
Some 1 400 "whites" (1 200 Germans) live in Lüderitz, while the Swakopmund population comprises some 1 500 "whites", and several thousand "blacks" and "coloureds". The latter do not live in separate " locations" but are scattered around the town.
Near Cape Cross a single diamond is discovered.
Around this year salt production on a small scale commences in the Panther Beacon Pan, nine kilometres north of Swakopmund.
The Central Mining and Investment Corporation commissions the Kohero Tin Mine.
The lighthouse tower at Swakopmund is extended by a further 10 m to 21 m.
A new navigational light tower is erected at Diaz Point in Lüderitz.
First radioactive materials are discovered near Rössing.
The Colonial Railway Draft Bill of 1910 makes provision for the reconstruction of the Windhoek-Karibib state railway line to the broader "Cape gauge" standard, and for the construction of a new north-south Cape-gauge line from Keetmanshoop to Windhoek. Construction of the north-south Windhoek-Keetmanshoop line begins from both ends. The Rehoboth station is planned at 98 km, i.e. 11 km from the town of Rehoboth, at the request of the Basterrat (Council of Basters). Construction is undertaken by the Deutsche Kolonial Eisenbahn Bau und Betriebs Gesellschaft.
During the main phase of "white" settlement the Colonial Government begins with the establishment of "native reserves" and game parks. The later South African " homeland policy" is merely a continuation of the German colonial policies in the territory.
Of the total area of German South West Africa, 13% is now farm land in "white" hands.
In Swakopmund Rudolf Kindt establishes the newspaper Südwest - Unabhängige Zeitung für die Interessen des gesamten Schutzgebietes.
In the Kavango the Uukwangali King Himarua dies. His successor is the Hompa Kandjimi Hawanga who rules until 1924. He has family connections to the Uukwambi royal house in Ovamboland. It is during his reign that the missionaries and the colonial administrations start to make a significant impact on the Kwangali area. The Uukwangali kingdom straddles the border between Angola and Namibia. This means that when Hawanga and his people are threatened by the Portuguese authorities, he moves south and when menaced by the German/South African administrations he goes north. Shortly before the death of Hompa Himarua, the Germans establish a police station at Nkurenkuru. Hompa Kandjimi and his two brothers, Sirongo and Siteketa, are fighting against the neighbouring Kavango kingdom of Mbunza. After some disputes between the two brothers, Siteketa flees to the Hompa Nyangana of Gciriku. In spite of this Siteketa is killed by Kandjimi.
A fresh attempt to open the "treasure house" of the Kaokoveld is made by the 1910-1912 expedition of J. Kuntz, a geologist. For the first time he reaches the main village Ombepera (west of Otjiyandjasemo) of Ovatjimba Chief Kasupi from the east.
Hans Richard Kaufmann becomes the new Caprivi Strip District Governor. Kaufmann proposes shifting the Caprivi Strip capital from Schuckmannsburg to Sambala at the Kwando River ( Mashi River), due to the unfavourable conditions resulting from regular flooding of the Zambezi River and a malaria epidemic. This proposal is rejected by the Windhoek Administration.
07.02. The post office at Richthofen is closed.
20.02. Bruno Helmut Erich von Schuckmann takes leave and is dismissed.
27.02. The post office at Abbabis is closed.
05.03. The Bondelswarts Chief Johannes Christian dies in South Africa.
12.03. Hatzamas Post Office is re-opened and is now called Hatsamas Post Office.
30.03. OMEG sells the Otavi railway lines from Swakopmund to Tsumeb, Otavi to Grootfontein and Onguati to Karibib, as well as the water supply system in Usakos, to the German Administration. All other private railway lines are also taken over by the state, but are still leased to private companies. On 01.04. the OMEG railway is leased back to OMEG.
31.03. Joachim von Heydebreck succeeds Ludwig von Estorff as Schutztruppe Commander.
April The Windhoek-Karibib railway broadening project is in full swing.
16.04./03.05. The Territorial Council (Landesrat) convenes for the first time.
30.04. All ground works of the Windhoek-Karibib railway broadening project are completed.
21.05. Father Joseph Gotthardt establishes a Roman Catholic mission station at Nyangana.
31.05. Walvis Bay becomes part of the Cape Colony within the Union of South Africa.
02.06. The last train travels on the lower section of the state railway line. The Jakkalswater and Khan stations are closed. Some trains still travel at irregular intervals in the years to come (until 1914).
01.07. The post office at Haris is closed.
10.07. A post office is opened at Conception Bay (Empfängnisbucht).
30.08. Governor von Schuckmann leaves the colony. His successor is Theodor Seitz.

Arrival_Swakopmund_Seitz_1910_front.jpg (90920 bytes)

Arrival of the new Governor, Theodor Seitz, in Swakopmund, 1910
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

Sept./October Cape workers ("Cape Nguni") employed in Wilhelmstal on the Karibib-Windhoek railway broadening project attempt to contact railway officials and are attacked by soldiers. At least 14 die.
22.09. Von Lindequist announces that the railways will now be named the Deutsch-Südwestafrikanische Eisenbahn (DSWAE).
01.10. A post office is opened at Fahlgras (Windhoek).
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