1911 The 1911 census reveals that of the original Ovaherero population of 80 000, about 15 130 are still alive, and of the original Nama population of 20 000, about 9 781 are still alive (the census also establishes 18 613 Dama and 4 858 San; no census is done in Ovamboland). An estimate for 1912 reveals that 19 721 Ovaherero are again living in the colony. But, it has to be mentioned that the source for this "census" is uncertain and has to be verified by further research. It has also to be stated that absolute evidence of the number of perished Ovaherero and Nama does not exist, the numbers that are accepted will depend on what the various historians wish to prove by them.
The Afrika-Marmor-Kolonialgesellschaft commence marble production in Karibib.
The first tungsten ore from the Natas mine is described by prospector Hansen of the DKGSWA. The Natas Mine has previously been operated by Jonker Afrikaner for copper. No tungsten production occurs before the outbreak of World War One.
The colony’s first English-language newspaper, The Windhoek Advertiser, is launched.
In Keetmanshoop the newspaper Keetmanshooper Nachrichten (until March 1912) is established.
The first farm telephone line from Okahandja to Ombirisu is opened.
The Windhoek- Karibib state railway broadening project is completed ("Cape gauge" standard (1 067 mm)).
The Keetmanshoop-Windhoek-Karibib railway line is substantially complete (until March 1912: 697 km) to meet the "Cape gauge" standard.
King Nande from the Uukwanyama dies. He is followed by the fifteenth King Mandume ya Ndemufayo (1911-1917). King Mandume is not a direct descendant of the Uukwanyama kings.
Maudslay Baynes explores the so far unmapped and vague lower course of the Kunene River. The Baynes Mountains, situated west of the Epupa Falls, are later named after him.

Namibia_Kaoko_Epupa_Baynes.jpg (110526 bytes)

View from our Camp Site at the Epupa Falls on a Hilltop with the Baynes Mountains in the Background, September 2004
Copyright of Photo: Dr. Klaus Dierks

The government undertakes first studies to build dams in the territory. In the Fish River basin four dam sites are identified: Kooates (near Hardap) north of Mariental, Kokerboomnaute south of Gibeon, Hons south of Seeheim and in the Heinarichab River (Hei!arixab River) east of Berseba.
The main post office in Windhoek is extended and gets additional telegraphic and telephone services. It is in use until 1953. For the first time, post office boxes are used.


Victor Gunter Egbert von Frankenberg and Proschlitz becomes the new Caprivi Strip District Governor. The Caprivi Strip comes under civilian rule (i.e. control is transferred from the Schutztruppe to the Police of German South West Africa). Frankenberg proposes moving the Caprivi Strip capital from Schuckmannsburg to Katima Mulilo because the latter is located outside the flood zone of the Zambezi River and is thus a much healthier location. This proposal is rejected by the Windhoek Administration.
27.01. Johann Wilhelm Redecker dies in Otjimbingwe.
10.03. The post office at Gochaganas is reopened.
May Spanish Professor Joaquin Fernandez Prida announces his judgement in the Walvis Bay border dispute and accepts the British version (Wrey’s surveyed line).
16.06. The north-south railway line is completed up to the Gibeon station, which lies on the southern section coming from Keetmanshoop.
July There are still numerous Ovaherero who subsequent to the Ovaherero-German War of 1904 to 1906 exist in hiding in many inaccessible areas of the territory. One example can serve for many others: At the outbreak of the war, two Ovaherero men from Grootfontein, Kandiapu and Kanjemi, after having escaped the military actions of the Germans, establish a resistance group of approximately 200 people at the Omatako omuramba in the Otjituuo region. From their bases they raid the settler farmers in the area. In due course Kanjemi becomes known as "Captain of the Sandveld". After many attempts the Germans Kanjemi, Kandiapu and some of his followers are taken prisoner. Kanjemi is sentenced to death by hanging. Kandiapu after having been sentenced to five years imprisonment with hard labour dies in the Swakopmund prison on 13.11.1911.
August Von Frankenberg crosses the western Caprivi Strip, which Seiner calls the "Hukweveld", for the first time. He reaches Andara where he finds Tswana people oppressing the Mbukushu and Gciriku communities. Mbukushu Chief Diyeve asks for better German protection. Arno Hupel erects his station near Diyeve’s place on the Tanhwe Island in the Okavango River near Andara. Hupel also urges the German Government to persuade the Portuguese Government to move Fort Mucusso, which was illegally erected on German territory, into Angola.
December The north-south railway line from Windhoek to Keetmanshoop is completed up to the Rehoboth station on the northern section coming from Windhoek. The southern section is opened up to Mariental.

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Railway Bridge: Asab River: Hardap Region
Copyright of Photos: Dr. Klaus Dierks

02.12. The newspaper Swakopmunder Zeitung is launched. One year later it merges with the Deutsch-Südwest-Afrikanische Zeitung.
14.12. For radio services to Europe, an 85 m high radio tower is officially opened in Swakopmund.
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