NOTE TO THE READER The colonial name "South West Africa (SWA)" and the official name of the independent state, "Namibia", are used in this work according to the context and authors preference. "Namibia" was adopted by the liberation movement SWAPO in the early 1960s and by the United Nations in 1968, but it only became the countrys official and internationally recognised name on 21 March 1990 independence day. After 1968 the name "SWA/Namibia" was introduced inside the country and used according to preference, but this name is not used in this work except in quoting directly from a reference source or in referring to the official title of a government post. The "Chronology on Namibian History" is as book available: Chronology of Namibian History Klaus Dierks
Namibia Scientific Sociey Second Edition 2002 and in German: "Chronologie der Namibischen Geschichte": Chronologie der Namibischen Geschichte Klaus Dierks I S B N 99916-40-41-X HC (Namibia) Zweite überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2003: 688
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